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Funny Bunny
Funny Bunny - 15.09.2023 16:53

I’m so glad my cafe closed in the afternoon doing a Night Shift alone would terrify me even in my safe neighbourhood

MeeperGamerTime - 11.09.2023 23:59

I hope I don’t get stalked…
It’s been my fear…
I rlly need help in case I do or advice.

Darkest wolf
Darkest wolf - 10.09.2023 10:30

I know I’m not the target audience because I’m a guy, but I’ve dealt with my own stalker, which was my ex, he did shit similar like this and stalked me on social media.

𓀡𝚆𝚒𝚔𝚝♡𝚛𝚒𝚊𓅿 - 08.09.2023 13:00

I am from Poland. Once I had a 30-something man sit down next to me in a bus, his movements were so fast I sensed there is sth weird about him. He started talking to me, said weird stuff about how he sometimes stops in the middle of a pedestrian crossing and stands there for some time to check if the drivers are going to run him over. Started asking me if I study/live nearby. I told him I live in a dorm, he asked if I am heading there rn. He got out of the bus with me and walked with me. He told me "The dorm is full of girls, it's like heaven, can you imagine me getting there? I would be like a fox in the hen house. Do you think the security in the dorm would see if I got in there?". I told him they would definitely notice because there are security cameras and no one can walk into the dorm without showing their pass/ documents first. I told him that "unfortunately I have to go, the dorm is here, bye" and he pretended to go in other direction then me but when I turned around I could see him waiting.
I told my rommates about it and supposedly this dude stalks and harasses women from this dorm. They told me one Ukrainian girl living next to us even cried because he was waiting for her to come back from the university for a week or so.

Rolyn Georges
Rolyn Georges - 31.07.2023 14:34

Tbh I don’t know what it is about this game that makes me love it so much. It’s the same with The Mortuary Assistant.

Unknown - 24.07.2023 06:04

There is actually multiple endings

Takiya Azrin
Takiya Azrin - 18.07.2023 08:31

Stupid ending

Sammothy Raimi
Sammothy Raimi - 09.07.2023 06:19

hoodie dude was actually outside watching in when the old dude in the begginning tells her that some dude is watching her

Lady Geronimo
Lady Geronimo - 26.06.2023 15:33

В видео не сказано, что она нашла телефон этого маньяка в начале игры - вероятно после того, как она отдала мужчине телефон, который он искал, он и стал преследовать её.

Zac Woods
Zac Woods - 16.06.2023 06:20

The reason there is no positive ending for this game is because in real life, 9/10 times the ending for a Woman being stalked by a Man for days and weeks with no help IS tragic. I think they intentionally made all the endings bad to display that no matter what a Woman does, if MEN around her do not listen or protect her, the stalker will win in the end.

Sayan Saha
Sayan Saha - 30.05.2023 22:25

I wish there was an option to check on the killer's corpse when the player hits him with a cinder block. Maybe then to bash that stalker's head to a pulp for confirmation. I know she was terrified of taking a life...I guess, if I was in her place I would definitely go down snd finish the job. Nothing on her. When playing the game I was genuinely creeped out.

chico asul
chico asul - 08.05.2023 00:26

Man you don't speak that low🤣

BEyou DEE - 20.04.2023 09:17

Love you daddy❤

-Ichiro☯ - 16.04.2023 04:55

I like how is this so much relate in irl how guys looking at the girls being stalk and creepy sometimes how we get uncomfortable for them I felt bad at the end of the protagonist was attack her being harassment for being stalk and sending some creepy notes for her :(

venus_belle_ - 02.04.2023 18:52

A part that kinda intrigued me in the game was when the MC was on the bus, and after another guy comes on the bus, he looks towards her or directly at her. What I think was happening was that the stalker was probably behind the girl on the bus or looking at her from the bus stop, hence why the guy on the bus was looking at her. I feel like it adds to the paranoia of whether another guy was stalking her or the guy looking at her was the stalker, which is very frightening.

Teeten - 27.03.2023 05:33

Senpai was tripping bruh

Jimena Jay
Jimena Jay - 20.01.2023 06:31

Anybody feel like the stalker was senpai cause he also wears the same white mask

ANYAAA - 19.01.2023 15:46

I think it's most likely that the cellphone guy killed the hoodie guy (the one who was living in the shop). And I have a feeling that the two stalkers are supposed to be polar opposite : one is sweet and not harmful but the other one is violent and deadly.

Like this whole game is just a metaphor for the jungle. Two predators are hunting the same prey and the aggressive predator kills the weaker predator and devours his prey.

FwXsuna - 19.01.2023 06:18

In the game when you die the game makes a weird noise and I hope to God that the stalker didn't r@pe the main character

KURAMA Mastah - 18.01.2023 03:28

Day-shifters: oh boi spooky
Me as a night shifter: owie i'm F-word'd

KURAMA Mastah - 18.01.2023 03:27

Oke oke, so putting aside how crude but real the game is by not having a surreal good end. So i'm guessing the reason of Senpai's auscence is because he knew she would get there later just realizing what happened days after.

By the wea, if this experience had a like secret ending i imagine it'd be sure thanks to the "it's to hot dude" or the classic Senpai on spot thanks to Akira idk

SolarMoonQuartz - 12.01.2023 00:17

Cory called the game “Women Simulator” and I absolutely agree. A great game portraying the horrors that majority of us women face irl.

Adonis - 10.01.2023 07:43

As a guy who has been harassed by a woman for years and years and years, i understand where this game is coming from for people (both woman and men) can both be the victim and harasser, tho i am not saying anything about gender roles and what some people say "oh but what about the numbers of who gets more blah blah blah" like numbers don't matter and nor does gender, what matters is the person who is getting harassed needs help, so with that said i can't somewhat relate to this game and its story but just seen at a male pov

mariscool - 10.12.2022 11:19

The man with the hoodie was actually standing behind the shop looking at this woman. So the man was telling the truth. You could also see the way this man was staring at her behind she shop while she was serving the man.

Grace M. Gerbolinga
Grace M. Gerbolinga - 03.11.2022 05:45

You missed a ending in this ending you take the screw driver from the bed and go to the washroom and unscrew the vent and find your car key and drive out and crash and find out he is already in your car

J F - 02.11.2022 06:55

I think what makes this game so scary, is just how realistic it is. There’s no monsters, no supernatural crap, no demons, no zombies. You’re just a normal person trying to do your job, but you’re being watched by a random creepy ass dude. Basically, what makes this game so scary isn’t whether or not it did happen, its that it could happen.

Adam S
Adam S - 25.10.2022 12:44

Plot twist: the creepy guy is actually her long lost father, he never harmed her, he's protecting her from paranormal activities

bearman465 - 16.10.2022 21:18


PrettyFreaknOrdinary - 05.10.2022 04:10

She finished her work? She's more committed to a job than I'll ever be

Sûzúkî_★ - 03.10.2022 16:43

Imagine the closing shift gets some meme animations XD

Isabel Benson
Isabel Benson - 02.10.2022 07:20

I have a theory about that one part with the timer and multiple shadowy figures ordering the lattes. So like, work is stressful yk? Especially if you're a baristas, serving multiple different people, all of them would definitely have a bad side to them like probably stole something or assaulted something or some shit. And I'm sure the mc is obviously aware of that. That nightmare she had is definitely the overwhelming stress she has with the job she has and the awareness of the customers being intimidating. Idk 🤷‍♀️

hep - 21.08.2022 02:08

Some people are saying "I was never stalked" Well you never know if you're being stalked Male and female can both be stalked and stalking is a very serious matter although SOME people brush it off, it is not ideal to brush stalking off and IF you think or you know you're being stalked report it to the police station but I am not giving proffesional advice but IF I think or knew I was being stalked I would quit my job use the little money I have to leave my where I was living travel to another state or country but this is not proffesional advice. STAY SAFE! God bless you :)

Nash Akowski
Nash Akowski - 17.08.2022 01:49

you didn’t mention how the latte order from her “dream” actually existed the next moening

Nash Akowski
Nash Akowski - 17.08.2022 01:44

you forgot to highlight when the man is camping outside the shop looking at her, the hooded guy i think

UdodaTube - 14.08.2022 03:54

All these characters looks creepy.

bobcat173 - 08.08.2022 23:15

There’s a reason these games can’t really take place in the states. “And the stalkers bullet riddled body was found face down in the alley. Now sports with Randy.”

Roxas - 05.08.2022 03:20

I saw this game during a Kwite stream

ThePariahDark - 03.08.2022 11:30

Games are incredible, to make me feel sad for a woman I never met, never saw the face off and never heard the voice off. No one should have to go through the terrible experience of being stalked.

Min-suk Shin
Min-suk Shin - 02.08.2022 13:54

And in that one ending when he hit her in the head with something then weird sounds start happening I found out that she was actually being SA..

Spinning Around
Spinning Around - 29.07.2022 02:56

This game makes me feel very happy that even though I am a minor working late night shifts (up to 9:30 pm at latest) I ALWAYS have two other coworkers and we all agree that we leave relatively around the same time. Luckily, I never had any creepy customers and experiences so far, but it's still a fear I keep in the back of my mind.

♡CartoonClimax♡ - 22.07.2022 04:27

This is my favorite Story Explained video. It's so frightening because it can actually happen, but at the same time, that's what I like about the game and video explanation. It's not monsters and magic. It's something that can happen in real life.

MillieBlackRose - 16.07.2022 00:10

At my job no one is allowed to close by themselves. This should be for all jobs.

Quandale Dingle
Quandale Dingle - 15.07.2022 22:59

You have an annoying way of speaking. Prolonging some of the last parts of words

13igworm - 08.07.2022 09:02

There's two stalkers in this story. The guy with the hoodie was living in the shop taking pictures and the guy who's phone you found who ends up killing the MC. They both left notes for the girl.

13igworm - 08.07.2022 09:00

Why does no one ever suggest carrying a gun to women? LMAO. How can these people go out into the world when literally everything can kill them? Stupid.

DaydreamerArtist13 - 04.07.2022 17:15

Can you do Chilla’s Art: night way home please?
