How To Add Button In Google Sheets

How To Add Button In Google Sheets

EZ Tutorials

3 года назад

37,262 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Kgf Tech
Kgf Tech - 30.09.2023 08:58

I am Neeraj kashyap form India you are great 👍👍👍 teacher

Connor Jensen
Connor Jensen - 23.07.2023 02:42

how do you get it into a cell?

Maksym Ivasenko
Maksym Ivasenko - 19.04.2023 10:56

Did you make your blue button work from cell or just resize it to look like it is in cell? If the first option please tell how you manage that🙏

Veronika Plierer
Veronika Plierer - 30.07.2022 21:09

I have no makros and i have no three dots in my button aftefr "save and close"

Miriam Carey Brown
Miriam Carey Brown - 11.05.2022 23:54

Very helpful. Thanks!

Steven Davids
Steven Davids - 15.05.2021 10:45

Just what I was looking for. Quick, easy and simple.
