WHAT I ACTUALLY DO AS A DIGITAL MARKETER | Day In The Life Of A Digital Marketer + How I Got Started

WHAT I ACTUALLY DO AS A DIGITAL MARKETER | Day In The Life Of A Digital Marketer + How I Got Started

Kate Ramsay

3 года назад

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@MiaCarter7 - 16.05.2023 20:52

I’m trying to figure out how to get my resume to appeal to these companies 😢

@nascentnaomie - 18.05.2023 02:59

Im interested in digital marketing ✨

@Ley-cc7bb - 20.05.2023 16:17

I have a question: Do you have to go to the company sometimes or can you work at home all the time? Btw I love your videos and it really motivated me to move into marketing! Thank you!

@valeriaortega210 - 24.05.2023 00:56

This is the most helpful video I've seen on actual insight to work in marketing

@lazymillionaireofficial - 25.05.2023 21:16

Love this day in the life vlog and hearing about your background!

@bethebossandmore - 08.06.2023 02:32

I know that's right.

@briejaded - 20.06.2023 17:46

I loved this video!!! So fun to watch. I'm also a digital marketer, and most of my day is spent taking meetings and sitting in front of the computer. Thanks for sharing 🤍

@taylorkuhlmann1089 - 24.06.2023 09:59

Did you go to school for this? What are your thoughts on college classes vs online courses? Do you think digital marketing in college helped you more or was relevant with media or old news?

@ajitghartimagar4244 - 26.06.2023 11:06

how to learn digital marketting where to learn for free ?

@Luckygirl1162 - 27.06.2023 09:37

Where I will get a free course, cuz in LinkedIn I have to buy courses which is so expensive

@MeChamoJojo - 29.06.2023 12:13

in resume, no work, love it that's my job

@gloryherbert5386 - 04.07.2023 03:44

Hi, @kate, What you do is really really impressive and rewarding even as you are having fun in your own space. I really want to go into digital marketing,can you help me with some useful tutorial links or certs that i need to acquint myself in his field. I would appreciate your help. Thank you.

@junedigitals - 04.08.2023 16:48

Thanks for sharing.. I love this video🥰🥰

@gracekelly9323 - 06.08.2023 19:08

Would you say going to school helped getting a job in digital marketing? Apparently you don’t need schooling for digital marketing but I plan on attending university.

@justjackie4373 - 11.08.2023 08:26

Did you get your associates or bachelors degree for marketing

@romanticmaterial - 11.08.2023 20:04

As someone who decided to pivot in their career and strengthen my innate skill set on top of diving into courses etc. do you have any advice? It’s quite difficult as a lot of companies will claim they desire entrepreneurial spirits and although I have plenty of transferable skills on top of doing most of these things in my day to day but because I don’t have a formal degree it doesn’t translate. Thank you for this video, it insightful and I enjoyed seeing a glimpse into your day :)

@imaryvill - 15.08.2023 19:19

Hi Kate, I really love the short Q&A at the end. I haven't seen many creators do this but it is a very personable moment to build a connection thank you!

@basmaelsayed7192 - 07.09.2023 09:12

I watch this video and I'm digital marketing specialist/content creator/media buyer and finally a mom for a 5 months baby ,working from home ,thank you for being inspirational video ❤

@Echolyris212 - 18.09.2023 06:45

It frustrates me that I see all these people with these cool digital marketing jobs and I cannot seem to have the same luck😫😫😫

@marlboroza - 25.09.2023 02:28

i have the credentials and im finding it hard to find clients,are yoi willing to take a newbie who are skilled enough? i want to earn as early as possible

@saadhussain4681 - 28.09.2023 20:16

Thanks for the video please also address is how a digital marketer works in office, I mean what's their actual Job Description @ company?

@ziyalenorris3561 - 20.10.2023 06:04

Your #1 retention hack: floating between two accents. I feel like this Day in the life is pretty accurate as a fellow digital marketer. Keep up the content.

@Rebecca.Ngowam - 20.10.2023 14:51

Hi I am a graduate looking for tips on finding internships and what I should do to interest future employers. I also have a freelancing Company and would love to know how you get a start at making your company linkedin engaging

@sofiya_2918 - 26.10.2023 22:49

what's acctualy stressful about this job ? deadlines ? which is something i hate lol

@badteen - 29.10.2023 02:26

How did you get this job ?

Btw realllly informative and cool vid bro
Love it 👽

@hv2623 - 29.10.2023 19:54

Very informative. Thank you.

@SneakyBaddiez - 31.10.2023 21:24

nice keep it up

@SoothingMindMusics - 04.11.2023 19:21

Okey u are amazing. I would like to know how u plan or what kind of planner u use to manage all the tasks. Currently I manage my own small biz, so basically I sometimes stuck to make productive planner to make sure I deliver all tasks I should on right time. Thanking u in advance.

@lilnabii - 18.11.2023 23:19

Geez youre doing alooot of work i hope youre being paid well!

@kevinmichael2538 - 19.11.2023 05:01

Working with digital marketing gives you autonomy over your time and you can do the things you like

@slayyy_naya9302 - 20.11.2023 21:23

wacthing these videos to perpare for the future!!

@mariahkristinerealtor - 02.02.2024 07:24

As a real estate agent who focuses a ton on marketing, love watching this & learning from you 🥰

@alright14 - 13.02.2024 07:54

Ngl, you're probably one of the most articulative individuals I've ever encountered! I loved how you told me about everything that you do without using any jargons which is beyond my comprehension lol.

I've a degree in Bachelor of Arts, but I've been planning to move into Marketing. Could you tell me how I can do it or at least just show me the ropes.

@Healingyourself_mentalhealth - 28.02.2024 19:07

Wowww ! 🤍

@kristenalmonte1110 - 19.03.2024 02:44

Are many claiming high income claims on social media scamming? It is everywhere now.

@hibabkkl9515 - 22.03.2024 01:52

Love it 💖😍😍
Thank you ❤❤❤

@VisalKoeng - 09.04.2024 09:55


@NovusIntellectCove - 15.04.2024 19:44

what program do you use to do the land in pages and emails on, ive been using mailchimp just wanna know if you think its good for long term

@EliteDigitalPressUSA - 23.04.2024 08:14

"Watching this video made me realize I've been trying to market my business with the finesse of a toddler trying to stack blocks. Time to level up!"

@alemanjimmy101 - 02.05.2024 10:55

omg i so wanna do this for a job. Is this considered market research? I like how you can look comfortable while working..

@aanshikhattri - 20.05.2024 15:25

I am actually confused between Graphic Design and digital marketing. I don't know which one to go for. I love both of them. Please help me

@gracesonfernandes6008 - 25.05.2024 20:52

Why are all girls in the comment section are digital marketers

@sam6754-u2e - 21.06.2024 19:00

Thank you for providing such an in-depth description of what the role entails, very helpful!!

@SanjanaRathi4 - 29.07.2024 21:43

Can someone please guide me. I have Business Administration + Law degree. I graduated in 2021 and I have 3 year experience in the field of law.
But I am very much drawn to the digital marketing field but I lack experience.
What skill sets, courses should I acquire and add to my CV.

@jackieR8983 - 06.08.2024 20:27

Do you train people?? You offered the train or offer mentorship programs? I'm looking for guidance.

@ugh.roseanne - 11.09.2024 19:13

I recently graduated as a qualified media practitioner with a major on Digital marketing. I have a passion for it. Currently unemployed.

Love your content all the way from South Africa

@sunset.coconut - 09.02.2025 00:02

Hey I had a question, in order to get into digital marketing would I have to major in marketing which would lead me to dealing with lots of math? I was also considering pr because it didn’t have much math involved and it sounded like a more easier time than marketing because of the business aspect.

@KateRamsayy - 23.11.2021 20:08

Comment below if you work in marketing or if you are looking to move into marketing! 🤍
