100+ Mil/Hour Exo-Biology Guide | Billionaires Boulevard | Elite Dangerous Odyssey

100+ Mil/Hour Exo-Biology Guide | Billionaires Boulevard | Elite Dangerous Odyssey

Down to Earth Astronomy

1 год назад

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@sneezymrmilo - 03.04.2024 12:32

Just did this today, still works like a charm for someone like me who hasn't played the game in over 4 years and forgets everything about it lol. I love this waaaay more than running rubigo over and over.

@Zery7h - 08.03.2024 14:55

in 2024 still playing and you're guides'r helping alot :) Thanks

@Agt0rang3 - 04.03.2024 23:24

Amazing guides...was having trouble getting back into the game and your tutorials are allowing me to enjoy it again!

@mysmileisfake - 02.03.2024 01:45

Hello, thanks for the guide. I want to ask is the route one time only? Or is it some mission we can farm it multiple times?

@fiberjunkies - 25.02.2024 09:19

can you go through the list more than once?

@varloh3285 - 19.01.2024 18:19

Great Work thanks ❤️o7

@CharlieQuebec3Delta1 - 29.12.2023 11:52

Is this still viable? Or is the billionaire blouvard out of date due to numerous cmdrs already done the same route???

@dancinspace - 15.12.2023 21:07

I just jumped back into Elite Dangerous after a hiatus, and this was exactly what I needed to know to get started with Exo-Biology. Thank you!

@GrandTickler - 13.10.2023 06:38

do u need to hire a second person in order to recall your ship while exploring a planet? also does it take long for it it be recalled?

@herecomestheboi1285 - 05.10.2023 00:41

THIS! THIS IS what I was looking for!!! Fuck! nobody would explain what the hell the colors or splotches meant!! Th eonly thing is I play on PC with a controller; how do I switch between the filters when I'm looking at it via FSS?

@cavecity6645 - 29.09.2023 16:10

WIll you get more money from a vista genomics the further away it is?

@xincubusx8067 - 11.09.2023 09:53

y dont u make a complete guide so i dont skip ur video

@y_ffordd - 06.08.2023 12:27

Thanks, great intro to space biology, could you educate us in a few choice German words in the next video, thanks

@aidenlitwinski271 - 24.07.2023 23:05

😂 iv just spent an few hours thinking i know what i was doin cant find any life i scan planets for geology or sutin land there bloody volcanoes

@ToasterForHire - 18.07.2023 00:41

Saw this and had to try it out as a wing. I put 3 accounts on a Krait MK2 and found it to be a very effective way to make credits.

Each account has to juice each plant, but it yielded 3x the credits. (I really do wish they would make exobio scans count for everyone in the wing, that way a team of exobio could scan a planet/system and credit everyone in the wing.)

The MK2 has a small enough footprint that I could land it in the mountains, but it was very tricky.

Be prepared for random crashes and disconnects though. OMG the bugs.

@Kisimotto - 18.07.2023 00:41

site doesn't work... any alternative?

@flaggsromperoom1 - 27.06.2023 16:18

This tool is amazing. If you built this website, man, hats off to you. I would FSS systems and go to each planet, but this totally stream lined the process. I'd even do geological but apparently they are a waste of time. Great video.

@lellamas2778 - 26.06.2023 07:01

Warning: Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-21 = Thargoid controlled area. D:

@uKnowWhoChannel - 23.06.2023 22:50

I still dont understand how the website works. Do u scan all the plants on that planet. sell and go to the next one, even if its named the same?

@Cheezdealer - 07.06.2023 08:57

I’m at 2.5 billion credits currently, losing my will to keep grinding Robigo, trading, or mining, and nobody to do wing missions with. This will earn me my fleet carrier. Thank you!!

@cmdrTremyss - 21.05.2023 18:46

Wait, there is a signal filter in this game?

@pedrobandino5391 - 08.04.2023 15:13

Bit late watching, but a great of effort has gone into this, making it a superb guide. many thanks

@ZorroComputers - 28.02.2023 14:18

I feel betraied. I worked my ass off to buy FC some time ago. Now you can get a FC in a week. That's BS.

@tonyllinx - 16.02.2023 08:51

Gpoing to attempt the whole list. If I fail misserably... i'll just blame you :D

@nickgurr5328 - 29.01.2023 13:15

imma try to learn this shit while faded tonight. its alr 4am

@wheelerzg76 - 28.01.2023 02:12

Let's go, my friend! I need SPACE CHEDDAR to fully engineer my Cutter. Great video, thank you!

@Sp4ceJunki3 - 26.01.2023 18:25

So currently, there are 67 planets listed on the site... Anyone know how many there were at time of recording? Trying to gauge just how much profit one would make from this presently.

@RobCowie - 24.01.2023 18:20

Any plan to expand this list into something similar to the Road To Riches on edtools? Though this is great, that would be fantastic! o7!

@Michael-Eklund - 08.01.2023 23:16

Is this even legal? Don't we get the FD Police after us, nerfing the crap out of us?

@CrazyGnom0800 - 06.01.2023 22:53

I'm relativ new to Odyssey. Is it possible to do this in a multicrew session? So i fly and land and my buddy can also get out and scan these plants?

@TheSubwayHobo - 05.01.2023 07:21

New subscriber here! Im sorry I've watched like 30 videos of yours all while not being subscribed..whoops haha but you've got my vote now finally haha great video this is going to help me start from scratch on pc, so much appreciated!

@montyburns4212 - 04.01.2023 22:25

Unfortunately i play on xbox and am stuck on the old legacy mode, with that in mind, i love the game still. We all know what a grind this game is yet looking at this vid makes me think how much more complicated and more of agrind the game is for you guys on pc/oddyssey/horizons.... i.e i want to upgraid to the new versions on pc but this may have put me off 🤔... thoughts anyone?

@Pootch17 - 04.01.2023 13:03

What shitty gameplay lol

@labb6572 - 04.01.2023 11:50

Thanks D2EA, been using this guide for 3 days now and just cashed in 510 million credits of data o7

@benwilson2099 - 04.01.2023 01:40

i cant find the osseus discus on the first planet on abcd 2 a

@BlatantUk - 03.01.2023 19:34

Your guides are awesome, and you did it right and didn't nag for subs until the end of the vid so take my sub dammit!

Hope you get to 100k!

@buxton5165 - 03.01.2023 18:21

When you're flying over the planet looking for plants it can be useful to turn on night vision. The plants then tend to show up as bright green blobs (even if the planet is lit by the sun) and it can be easier to find them.

@faust291 - 02.01.2023 07:48

This was very helpful, thank you!

@aburden7 - 02.01.2023 04:06

Great guide. Do we know how much we have to scan to get to Elite now?

@Red-Wyrm - 01.01.2023 21:17

They should improve whole gameloop with those scanning, not just make it more profitable. Like collecting samples for some rare(er) unique egineering.

@omercelebi2012 - 01.01.2023 19:33

You can be billionarie but this tasks are not easy.

@TheYamiks - 31.12.2022 16:45

I see you've improved the guides quite a bit, nice quick pace! Well done.
However.. I seem to notice a lack of actual testing methodology and actual provided stats for cretit-per-hour number and just pulling this "100mil/h" out of nowhere.

@smaniz - 31.12.2022 13:24

Spansh site also has a great route planner (Expressway to Exomastery). Shows all 19 million Cr plants on any route you generate. With great parameters to set, maximum distance to planet (LS) for example etc.

@mazack00 - 31.12.2022 12:18

Oh. Elite. ... Ew.

@CMDR_Elizium51RA - 31.12.2022 05:02

Thank you (as always) for the video Astro. I've never done any biological scanning in ED and after this video I went out and tried it with your guide on Commanders Toolbox. I did it for just one afternoon, the first three planets you listed and returned home making 100,000,000! Excited to try more and start saving up for a fleet carrier. Thank you!!

@aaronhowe3523 - 31.12.2022 00:01

Great tutorial as always. The only thing I'd add is I don't really think you need the list. I just tend to jump about 1200ly out from the bubble in any direction and usually most systems that far out have been scanned so the system map shows which planets have atmospheres. You can then check to see if the planet is mapped and if not I then usually go over, scan it and then land if there is Exo on it. This way you know nobody has already scanned those before.
I find that the first report bonuses are so good that it's well worth doing Exo on new planets rather than doing old ones. The bonuses I get range from 4 million for bacteria to 50 million for some of the others. I had a session today and made 585 million in about 4 hours so well worth it. I'll be able to afford a fleet carrier eventually :D

@synystera - 30.12.2022 20:25

Using SRV for Exo-Bio is a waste of time. It's much better to fly in a small ship like SW, Eagle, Hauler or Adder - they can land pretty much anywhere and you'll be able to see the organics from way further away than you ever would in an SRV.

@lc2131 - 30.12.2022 15:18

Great guide - I'd like to note for anyone out there recently returning to the game that this is actually a great accompaniment to D2A's previous videos for the plasma charger AX build which requires a permit lock. I used the Xeno biology and Exploration data gathered in this guide to unlock the permit locked system required for the AX build video.

@dacamper - 30.12.2022 12:34

I did the first 5 planets on the list over maybe 4-5 hours and got 285 million credits in a station in Acurus. It might not be as lucrative as Robigo, but I’m finding it a lot more fun! Nice guide.

@Unseen-ec2rp - 30.12.2022 11:30

on the first planet I found a glow in the dark plant and bacteria patches that you did not have listed.
