Welcome to the NHK - Worthless Human Beings

Welcome to the NHK - Worthless Human Beings

Hiding in Public

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Cuda FX
Cuda FX - 11.10.2023 23:12

on the topic of value, look towards made in abyss' 2nd season.it's more abstract, but one of the best anime we will ever get to see.
NHK has to me one of the low key most influential psychological anime ever made. and it definitely had a great influence on me! because it deals with the inevitable fate of living, and coming to terms with major depression, in a kind, empathic and ironic kind of way. it's true, that there is no final solution other than death. but you can come to terms with those demons, make peace with them. make some friends along the way, live your life .. somhow .. slowly heal. and just keep on going
i can vividly remember many years of living with major depression, where my most dire wish, when ever i went t bod, was just not to wake up again. waking life was pain, but now i'm glad i didnt have the will to just off myself. my life isnt going splendidly at all, but it's worth the effort of not giving up.

>if YOU are struggling right now, please listen:
>many have suffered the same or far worse than you, or have been just as devastated by lesser torment
>offer them a hug, instead of a pity contest
>assure them, they are not alone, just like you aren't!

YoeL3 - 02.09.2023 20:42


Kristólfr inn Bálhaddaði
Kristólfr inn Bálhaddaði - 06.08.2023 21:55

I've just finished this anime, and the sting of intimate, personal pain is still felt in my chest. I'm not a terrible case, all things considered: I have a full-time job, I'm about to self-publish a huge novel... and I live with my parents due to the economic state of my country - and I wish I didn't. Perhaps being on my own completely would force me to seek what you'd call "hope". Truth is, if you find yourself rooting for Satou and Misaki, there's a deep, personal craving behind it: you probably want to be rescued or to rescue someone who's worse off than you. All my life I've been seeking that very thing, but I just couldn't get it. I gave up on my social life a couple of years ago, after a terrible e-relationship, and I feel like I'm getting worse. 31 years of age, without my own place, without anybody to rely on or to support with all my heart. I wish someone would knock, knock, knock on my door and be the saviour we all dream of, but I know that's not going to happen. Still I can't knock on somebody's door myself, guess I'm stuck. Nothing feels real to me anymore, so I should have the will to do whatever it takes, right? But there's no will.
I'm not so arrogant as to tell you: "reach out, do it, don't end up like me". I have no right to say that. Know, however, if you're reading this and are in any way similar to me, that you're not alone in these shambles. I want you to not feel unique in your struggle, to not think that the world is against you in particular. Whatever it's worth, know that you and I are victims of circumstances, a result of what happened before. Circumstances do change... I hope they will for you.

The Oddball Philosopher
The Oddball Philosopher - 12.07.2023 08:00

I already feel like I can relate to the protagonist's struggles.

Being born with Autism, even though I am high functioning, I was often ostracized, pigeonholed from the rest of my age group by peers and adults alike merely due to my diagnosis. I was expected to work harder and behave more strictly than the others simply because of my label, while the rest of them got off scot-free.

Many of my social skills camps and special education classes were disorderly and dysfunctional, as many of the teachers there were unqualified, unskilled, and neglectful, as they expected us Autists (and other Neurodivergents) to figure things out on our own though we were still kids, rather than taking responsibility themselves for our development. I was conditioned to be self-conscious of my mental disorder, and overly caring about what others think of me in the name of self-improvement. I was taught that if I was disliked or mistreated, that I was doing something socially unacceptable. In a manner of speaking, I was set up to fail in my youth.

In 10th grade, I was bullied for my Autism relentlessly. They called me a retard day in and day out. They used my Autism as a scapegoat to blame me for their problems, as an excuse for them to to target me, saying that it was my Autism that started it, and gaslighted me that my Autism was making me hallucinate their abuse. Whenever I went to the adults for help, the bullies would usually say, "He doesn't know what he's talking about, he's a retard."

Whenever I did something kind, they'd punish me for it. Whenever I did something self-destructive, they'd commend me for it. Whenever I did something acceptable, they'd try to persuade me that it was socially unacceptable and so forth. Up was down, black was white, good was bad, day was night. I was questioning my sanity, my moral compass, my judgement, my mentality, and my memory.

Even when they sexually assaulted me in the showers, the adults took no measure to bring them to justice. In fact, the adults did NOTHING, no matter how much I begged and cried to them for help. Rather than taking responsibility and addressing the situation head on, they'd only ask me what I could do to improve the situation without their help. In my case, it was nothing; I could only avoid them. But since I was at a boarding school in the middle of the woods, I had nowhere else to go.

These kids were unhinged, if anything the adults were afraid of them. One of them threatened to kill me and another nearly broke my door down to steal my guitar. They even took advantage of the adults own mental illness, like when the art teacher was back from maternity leave, they use her mood swings to get her to side with them and blame me for their own problems.

But the worst thing they did, but blackmail my only friend there to betray me, just like Kaworu.

I was very suicidal that year, and wished I was never born.

To this day, I still suffer PTSD from being psychologically abused by my peers and staff alike. Even as an adult, I was still mistreated by fellow adults. I can't help but feel paranoid that some people are out to get me, as I've been stalked, doxed, and threatened to be hunted down and killed by people online who wished me grievous harm since Lockdown.

I want to watch this anime, but I am afraid of being triggered and spiraling into a relapse. Can anyone help?

Nafee Ahnaf
Nafee Ahnaf - 10.07.2023 22:29

Masterpiece of a show

仁くん - 10.07.2023 06:14

I'm not really into anime but that was one of the best things I've ever watched. Sato happens to be my last name as well (very common here in Japan) and I also spent some time as a neet as well after university so it was kinda relatable. The big difference is that I enjoyed being a neet and did backpacking for some time until I finished my savings and hat to go back to work.
The show really deals with serious social issues in a way that makes it easy for everyone to relate and understand, and its dark comedy is pure gold.

Gizzbea - 09.07.2023 20:50

At first I thought Misaki was a manic pixie girl but she turned out to be really relatable

Paul - 01.07.2023 08:29

Your worst enemy is yourself trust me.

Back in the days i was like that dude. I kept lying to my parents that i go to school so that they sent me money. But in reality im just in the apartment 24/7 watching animes and playing games all day. When i hit a certain age. I think of everything i've done. I started crying and wanna end my life. Cause i'm thinking they earned all that money through hardwork and i'm just using it like that. Money that should've went to tuition fee and allowance just went to my personal needs and we are not a rich family so that money is important. I told them everything that i kept doing and thanks to god they gave me a loving parents so they forgive me. I stopped going to school sadly but i looked for a job everywhere. Landed some jobs until i reached where i'm at now. My life is straight and i also help my parents with their payments.

Don't give up to someone out there reading this. Fight your demons and stay strong

Ap1 - 28.05.2023 09:07


Free Bougainville
Free Bougainville - 20.05.2023 02:48

Why do Americans say "on accident"? It's "by accident"! "I cut my finger BY ACCIDENT". Speak inglish dammit

rian290 - 01.03.2023 08:05


Joe Urban
Joe Urban - 17.02.2023 22:42

Misaki ain't coming

Rage Against My Hairline
Rage Against My Hairline - 10.02.2023 12:00

Good video, man. I found your introspective pragmatism with sparsely scattered words of optimism both soothing and soothingly inspirational, and I thank you for that feeling, no matter how fleeting it may end up turning out to be.

This is the first video of yours I've seen, and I'm subscribing, but I want to say now that I hope things are better for you now, brother.

Take care of yourself :)

videon Mode
videon Mode - 29.01.2023 05:28

*by accident

Steel Capped Patriot
Steel Capped Patriot - 28.11.2022 04:19

I love this anime because I can relate to Sato a lot. I've gone through my own hikikomori phase, where I never went outside, didn't do anything and just shut myself away in my room.

Luckily that was pretty short lived (about 7 ~ 8 months) and what lead me there was social anxiety and depression. I don't feel depressed anymore, but the social anxiety will always be a burden to me. The light at the end of the tunnel though, is that even if you do end up shutting yourself in your room for a long period of time like that, if you try hard life will always welcome you back.

Kenta Jin
Kenta Jin - 27.11.2022 18:04

This is my favourite Anime ever, and no anime can outcome this anime even Naruto and One Piece!

Krautrick - 13.11.2022 04:22

What do you think of Mumkey Jones review?

DragonFlame - 11.11.2022 03:02

Do you have value because you are a baseball and someone likes baseball, or do you have value because you are a baseball and YOU like baseball.

~NekoIDreamZz~ - 31.10.2022 12:16

i can relate to this video waaay to much. i can hear your words, but i don't want to struggle anymore. I have no goals or dreams. I just want this constant cycle of pain and suffering to end.

chess - 06.10.2022 03:41

I just discovered your channel and your videos really speak to me. They must speak to a lot of other people too but, I just want to say that you've helped me put some of my thoughts into words. I really like your content, keep going ! 🖤

Christian Skjod
Christian Skjod - 27.09.2022 00:53

I thought it was really interesting when you explained how its the hope that we crave, and it made me realize that the initial reason I loved NHK was because it gave me hope, but when I rewatched some key episodes I realized that wasn't the real reason I should have loved it, or the reason I love it now. NHK told me that even though I don't feel ok, and even if I struggle, no matter how hard things get, life wont pause for me. Life isnt going to stop just because I feel like it should, so I have to continue, because there really is no other choice.

Pussy_ Tracker_69
Pussy_ Tracker_69 - 24.08.2022 16:55

Whats that song towards the end?

Just A Tool
Just A Tool - 29.07.2022 06:22

I'm surprised you didn't talk about Megumi's brother's small character arc. Probably one of my personal favorites.

Graham Smith
Graham Smith - 20.07.2022 00:35

I watched this show for the first time in a similar situation as you; that is, in a dorm room with a friend who I chose to live with...but still needed time away from. I was staying an extra few days on my own after he had already gone home for winter. I was pretty damn broke, relying on the instant ramen we had left. I was gaining weight like crazy from the stress of school. I was always a good student...but the stress was different knowing that making it into a career in my field was an insurmountable challenge. I was realizing my long term relationship was starting to fail...though it wouldn't really end for another two wasted years. I started watching NHK with my room mate...he didn't really get it. Too much of a literal thinker. I remember the night I binged it being so cold outside. I got tired of suiting up and walking outside every few hours just to smoke my the stupid menthols he had gotten me addicted to, and I was convinced there was maybe only one or two others in the entire dorm, it was so quiet. So I started chain smoking them inside the dorm like an idiot. An hour or two later security knocked on my door...and theres no way to lie yourself out of smoking inside when smoke is practically rolling out under the door into the hallway. Had to deal with all kinds of bullshit from RA's and counselors after that...felt like a real god damn conspiracy for sure.

Alumei - 01.06.2022 07:32

Thank you for this video.

Crunchy Bones
Crunchy Bones - 01.05.2022 07:37

yeah i’ve lived in apartments my entire life (still do) and didn’t have my own room until highschool. Needless to say the only reason i got a room was because i snapped one day from the lack of privacy and my parents were just like “oh oops alr”. Still, i’ve never been able to scream or be loud when i’m mad and i’m glad i didn’t grow up with that as a stress outlet. i turned to just watching sad (but uplifting) shows and crying, but i couldn’t do it often (due to the lack of my own room) and i jarred up my anger for 3 years which caused the snap.


How to cure depression and improve your life in general:
1. Get better sleep.
2. Do some exercise
3. Get some sunlight on your skin.
4. Eat healthier.
5. Spend more time in nature.
6. Socialize (in person)

What holds you back:
Watching porn
Playing video games
Watching TV
Using social media
Using your phone or computer for entertainment so much.

Super Sport
Super Sport - 28.03.2022 15:01

There are certain undeniable facts about these characters that make it almost impossible to feel bad for them. It's the "Pretty White Kids With Problems" trope set in Japan. There is literally no reason for these characters to not be able to make their lives better/easier. They're not making up enemies, they're making up problems.

BUTTERFLY - 19.03.2022 22:22

k so like only 26% people in this world have somewhat of an inner monologue the rest would literally cease to exist if they stopped socializing as they do. Schizophrenia is their next door neighbour, we got fax. That is why they don't even understand that how can some people love solitude, it's just so beyond them. It is truly bizzare

يوسف - 08.03.2022 15:34

music at the end?

Kiniro - 04.03.2022 15:52

That last part of the video was very great bro. It actually gave me some hope
Thank you.

TounVic - 13.01.2022 00:31

i know i'm late but this is fantastic work, kudos and i hope you're doing good :)

Solitary Crow
Solitary Crow - 04.12.2021 02:24

It's hard being a young adult and a coming of age person, especially in a 21st century 1st world country.
Hang in there, all!!
Never give up on life!

L L - 27.11.2021 22:27


Shadowrider10 - 21.08.2021 08:04

have seen this show multiple times over the years
still enjoying it, it's like a comfort anime
but as i grow up i also understood more and more things about it
this video made me want to read the manga and light novel
thanks for the great video

ash - 21.07.2021 15:47

༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

Gilbert Pillbrow
Gilbert Pillbrow - 18.07.2021 01:44

You share a room with another person? Why?

advaitt deshmukh
advaitt deshmukh - 22.06.2021 09:38

Bro your video is getting shadow banned please check it. Great video btw I feel empty in good way. Lots of love to you.

gfcgamer org
gfcgamer org - 21.06.2021 21:53

Anime is such a lonely thing for an adult 42 like me. I found harder and harder to go alone, but is even harder to feel unable to help family with finances. The fantastic achievements many can see just like me, in the tip of their fingers, but almost like unable to achieve success alone most of the time. Unable to achieve huge success, but yet being such a hero, we end up loving that one that deserve us more than anyone. Love your own self. Marry yourself. But I could not break out the social shell. And barely finishing my works, I cannot seel. The sensation that is too late, comes too soon. But how wonderfull is to be alive and see another great charactere in human history that can dream with the inpossible and even touch a bit of this mistery.
Sometimes is better just cry, and let it go. But remenber that we are not alone. We may bring change when the time is ready. Great channel, hiding in public.

Haise - 14.06.2021 07:28

I loved watching welcome to the nhk but I can't rewatch it because I'm going to feel depressed again. It's in my top 5 anime for me because I relate to Sato and the anime so much. I feel as though if my parents didn't care about me or didn't want to push me to do things then I would have been a hikikomori. The most interesting and also my fav character was Misaki. Throughout the series, she goes out of the way to try to break Sato of his bad habits. I was wondering why she went so far for a stranger and even more a hikikomori. Then when you find out why you are shocked, I mean I was shocked. I didn't expect Misaki to think so low of herself and to think that Sato was a more worthless human than she was. If there is someone more worthless than her then she can live happily knowing that but if there isn't then what the point in living. I've never seen someone think like this It was interesting. Moving on from her Sato best friend I felt bad for him I actually thought he was going to be successful but he didn't get the chance to. It's like real-life things don't go always the way you plan them to go. He didn't like that his life was planned out for him the moment he was born he never got the chance to chase his dream. In the end he was happy because he finally has someone he can love, his wife. I forgot what happened to Megumi, I think she's done with the pyramid scheme but still in debt. The good news is her brother changed for the better but I hope he didn't up and leave her that would be messed up. Him having a job and her having one I feel like they could start off good. I don't want to get into Hitomi a lot of her actions have to do with Sato and I don't fully understand why she did some things. Welcome To The NHK is a masterpiece 10/10.

Jcred - 08.06.2021 20:02

Thx man i really needed to hear this today, great video

Forts - 15.05.2021 07:59

Thanks bud, I needed this video.

Mika Ali
Mika Ali - 14.05.2021 22:45

Why are the intros on all of his videos so. Long and pointless?

aimai!! - 12.05.2021 14:59

You had no rights to make me cry at the end man haha, thank you

Bruh - 12.05.2021 11:35

About your intro and how you feel free in your own secluded place, i think its weird how for me its the exact other way around. Even when thinking about wanting to be alone when im actually alone i feel anxious and bored like life is meaningless and then i get really tired.. maybe im an extrovert or something

Roco Taco
Roco Taco - 10.05.2021 19:52

Man this legit driving to strive further to improving myself like I improved but I want to get better!

Eric Sandoval
Eric Sandoval - 10.05.2021 14:12

First two minutes, I'm nodding agreement. By the end, I'm subscribed ^^

Bubbaducky - 08.05.2021 01:15

Atheist? Cringe.

Bailey Gamble
Bailey Gamble - 08.05.2021 00:48

Beautiful poetic opening explaining the difficulties of day to day life and how to overcome it's trials and tribulations

