Office 2010 Class #35: Excel Sort and Filter (Data Analysis)

Office 2010 Class #35: Excel Sort and Filter (Data Analysis)


13 лет назад

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@lisasisk3713 - 15.07.2020 05:36

I know this is an old video, but you are SUCH are great teacher. I love your enthusiasm and you have a very good voice, that is pleasant to listen. YOU ARE THE BEST I'VE SEEN. Excel is like trigonometry to me. But now I found your channel; and maybe thanks to you, I might get over the learning curve. THANK YOU!!!

@Essays4College - 14.03.2018 14:00

Was this done in a table?

@AnandMishrahapy2helpu - 31.12.2017 08:39

Your R really Super Star.The way u explain and Present are Truly amazing & Awesome ......Thank You, Sir,

@martina5537 - 02.05.2017 00:30

I don't really like Excel and numbers that much but I love your enthusiasm for it. It really makes learning it more enjoyable, so thank you. This is a great tutorial.

@miguelito9va - 01.02.2017 22:04

Really well explained! It seems easy, but explaining well these concepts requires lots of knowledge. Thanks a lot :)

@brendang126 - 25.01.2017 02:23

You are a legend for these

@qasquence4817 - 11.01.2017 14:08

Hello! i really need help about this. I have data that contains numbers like this "1111-01-04-11". But i only want to sort datas(numbers) that shows only 5th or 6th numbers. For my example it would be "01". Is it possible?

@abhilashashivhare07 - 14.12.2016 11:58

more usefull.. thanks

@andreacakeringle8543 - 18.06.2016 05:06

How do u undo a expanded sort? When I want to sort something else, the selection is expanded and I only want to sort one column...

@yegorbandarenka4489 - 16.06.2016 07:46

Great Tutorial! Thank you so much ! I am way more confident now...

@valevale9720 - 23.01.2016 14:35

Thank you.

@michaelaharrou775 - 25.04.2015 14:42

I have a small problem on my sheet ... when sorting it does sort the header as well 

to  make it more clear when I try to sort the Region it sorts the Region header as well 

can you please help to prevent the A - z to include the headers to be sorted 

many thanks

@huhanbo8348 - 10.01.2015 00:24

Where can we see the next video #36?

@huhanbo8348 - 10.01.2015 00:23

Very good!

@anantabijayabehera8043 - 19.10.2014 23:20

thank u 

@krismaly6300 - 14.10.2014 22:15

Appreciate for educating the community.
Thanks a lot

@EbiAtawodi - 06.10.2014 20:03

For anyone who would like to know the copying of a book (holding CTRL and click) works as CMD + OPTION and click on Mac :)

@ZEMWZ - 24.04.2014 18:10

Hands down, the best instructor. I am an instructor myself, and I appreciate your delivering techniques.
Greetings from Cairo, Egypt. 

@BECKSTER91711 - 31.03.2014 22:49

When I do this to sort by date, it keeps everything the same (does not sort other columns) except the date column changes which means that the dates changed are not the correct dates to the other column.. help?

@nedabor - 25.01.2014 22:17

Hello and Thank you so much for your videos, they are really helpful and inspiring to search for new ways of making our work easier!
I have just one question about a problem I'm experiencing lately - how can I copy a filterted table into another filtered table without losing the data between the lines of the 2 filtered table? What am I doing wrong , so that I lose my data between the lines? Or, another question - whenever I want to color several cells into a filtered table, the hidden cells get colored as well? Why is that?
Thank you for your answer!

@elkchaou - 24.01.2014 13:44

I don't find the workbook on your site. Please guive me the link.

@excelisfun - 13.10.2013 07:03

Glad you like the videos!

@gracebiggs9659 - 13.10.2013 03:07

Love you ExcellsFun! You're the best teacher ever!

@excelisfun - 20.10.2012 02:09

Yes, instead of using the search, use Text Filter, Contains, then do two with an OR criteria.

@victorlayne6158 - 19.10.2012 23:58

At the end of the video you filtered LLP. Is there any way to filter LLP and INC? I jus want to know if you can filter more than one item at a time.

@excelisfun - 06.10.2012 01:14

It makes a difference later when you are recording Macros. Ctrl + * highlights the "current range", Ctrl + A highlights everything.

@cwf88 - 06.10.2012 00:33

what's the difference between using Ctrl+A and Ctrl + *. It seems they are doing the same job Thanks

@stillfly096 - 15.08.2012 08:43

Thanks dude, you saved me.... we will have a quiz about this..... :) thank you so much......

@tahiya1 - 06.08.2012 22:31

I can't do somethings because my workbook is shared. how do I unshare the workbook

@MrTsessik - 03.06.2012 02:55

Dude, this is amazing!!! Thank you do much!!

@RiimeZ - 23.02.2012 02:56

In IT class :D

@excelisfun - 17.11.2011 07:03

@jewnaaa , Ctrl + * (* on Number Pad) highlights whole table.

@jewnaaa - 17.11.2011 01:41

Really amazing, Unfor could't understand command at 06:23, plz write down in reply, thanks

@excelisfun - 10.07.2011 04:11

What version of Excel do you have? If you don't have Excel 2010. they will do show up.

@pahhhoul - 10.07.2011 00:04

After I paste Luke's sales data into the new sheet, the smart tag button (at 10:20) doesn't show up and I am not able to keep the source column widths. Am I doing something incorrect?

@excelisfun - 06.07.2011 03:43

Ctrl + Shift + *

@excelisfun - 20.05.2011 03:09

Yes, sometimes I do. The keyboard for "Select Visible Cells Only" is Alt + ; Then you can copy.

@EnerkaPower - 20.05.2011 01:45

Sometime when I used the filter in my tables and tried to copy and paste only the filtered data and paste them into another sheet, it would not work. My computer pasted the whole table ignoring the filter. To overcome this problem I had to select the table and then use "Go to", "Special", "Visible cells only", "copy" and then "paste". Did you ever have this problem? Thank you for your help. I love your channel.

@excelisfun - 24.04.2011 22:05

I am glad that they help!!!

@NikonSanz - 24.04.2011 18:55

brilliant video, I am very poor on excel, and yet work with computers on a daily basis, so this is helping me to learn.

@excelisfun - 23.04.2011 18:20

I am glad that you liked it!

@excelisfun - 07.02.2011 07:00

You are welcome!

@dualranger - 07.02.2011 03:12

Thank you :)

@excelisfun - 06.02.2011 00:54

You are welcome! Thanks for clicking the "Like" button on all the videos!

@ges05 - 06.02.2011 00:18

Thank you for so much great lessons, tricks and tips! You're great!!
