European Dropshipping Suppliers: vidaXL or BigBuy?

European Dropshipping Suppliers: vidaXL or BigBuy?

Jessica Risch

8 месяцев назад

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@oliviatak1 - 12.07.2024 05:58

great video

@IvanGeorgiev--- - 18.07.2024 22:45

Good video, wonder how fast Big buy gonna deliver to Bulgaria (EU)

@citizen6610 - 24.07.2024 20:16

Seems to be a good plugin! Would be nice with an in-depth video focusing on all the settings for both BigBuy and vidaXL. Also, why can't we chose specific products per category?

@gameofclipsyt - 20.08.2024 18:13

Hello, jessica. Thank you very much for this video! It helped a lot. Just one question, using wordpress do we have to pay those 80€ month?

@javalli - 03.09.2024 19:00

Hi Jessica can you help me to start my dropshipping store in Portugal?

@Arian-p8u - 04.09.2024 06:52

You said that you can dropship brands like Apple or Phillips via Bigbuy, that's not true. It's possible, but it's not allowed by law. Many Bigbuy brands prohibit dropshipping even though Bigbuy allows it. You should do a lot of research into the brands that you dropshipped with bigbuy before you just slap them into the shop. On the internet you can read about many fines of several hundred or thousand euros

@Rodricus-3644 - 06.09.2024 19:13

Interesting, thank you for the information.

@badboy4life414 - 09.09.2024 17:22

BIGBUY has mixed reviews

@wandainnetherlands738 - 18.09.2024 10:07

Hi, I want to start but the problem is they cannot return products meanwhile in Europe we can return without any reasons. Can you advise on this Jessica

@AndreMoreira-eg4pl - 03.10.2024 00:47

Vidaxl create the store for us?

@jonsaid3264 - 07.10.2024 13:29

Hi Jessica, thank you for awesome video

I do Dropshipping in Sweden and I wonder how we can avoid this problem with VidaXl because as you know they ship with their logo to customers?
I want sell furniture but its problem when my swedish customers find Vidaxl logo they can easy to to their site and check the lower price?

Thx/ Jon

@dejanmarkov9484 - 24.10.2024 12:58

Hello and thank you for this nice video, there is one thing that I would like to understand better, such as that at BigBuy there is an extra payment for shipping to our customers, while at VidaXl shipping is included.

@Daivaraspaul - 31.10.2024 11:24

For example if you want to sell apple or phillips what do need to sell other brands ? Don’t need license or something like that?

@saf-dj9dm - 02.11.2024 22:20

Hi, Jessica did you use them as a supplier? If yes so what was their delivery time and how was the product quality.
If you can provide me link to your online stores I would be Thank Full to You

@simong-star6232 - 18.12.2024 22:06

Is Vidaxl using the name of my brand on the box and the delivery note or there own? Grtz!!

@chrisder1814 - 21.12.2024 23:03


@DwightVeeloo - 15.01.2025 17:45

Thanks great video, i only got one question i hope you can help me with becauce i want to start to ! If someone orders from my website how long wil it takes for the orders money is in my bank or paypal account ? Because when you place an order you must directly pay but when you have a lot of orders it’s a lot of money, and when you don’t directly have the money from the orders, than you must get youre private money to pay it. For small orders its not a problem but for thousands of euro’s its gonna be a problem for me

@camo5x - 19.02.2025 23:52

Your tips are spot on! Tracking updates and late deliveries used to eat up my time until I switched to Service Points, and now it’s all automated. Who else struggles with this?
