Neverwinter - Golden Companion Bundle

Neverwinter - Golden Companion Bundle


3 года назад

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@rosslewins3419 - 24.05.2021 14:03

People are going to be happy seeing the price if them now 😂😂😂9.8k zen was an absolute steal

@ibrahimtalal1303 - 17.05.2021 11:54

What's your gamertag on xbox? And ty

@Killastan - 16.05.2021 10:33

I got this for free with 100% coupon lol

@ronben-ezer8373 - 15.05.2021 11:53

u could say the same about almost any other thing in the game tho? do I NEED 100% bolster to run endgame content? do I NEED R15s everywhere to run endgame content? do I NEED the bis comps to run endgame content? no, I don't really need any of these things if i'm exp and know my class, but they all help a little, and you need them if you really want to min max and be as effective as you can be. Same goes for these new comps

@requiem0081 - 15.05.2021 09:43

I just got this pack for free, I had a coupon from awhile back for a free companion and it let me redeem it with it.

@redtreeapps - 15.05.2021 06:43

If you use the golden companions as summoned (augment); you also get a 6250 bonus to the stat the augment enhances; in other words, for the golden cat, for example, you get +7.5% combat advantage from the CAB, you have a chance for +7.5% combat advantage on hit (if you slot it), and if summoned, you get 6,250 combat advantage stats (rather than normal augment stats spread across three stats). This means the cat can give +21.25% combat advantage. The golden bulette pup can give up to +21.25% outgoing heal bonus; the goat can give +21.25% forte; the deepcrow hatchling will give up to +21.25% awareness.

@JoshuaRWorkman - 15.05.2021 03:35

It's a no from me. Too expensive.

@zdiabloz6668 - 15.05.2021 01:53

Du redest nur Müll du Lappen.

@mariotrombetta4105 - 14.05.2021 21:08

Hello guys!! I would like to know the stats that this companions give when summoned. Ty

@christopherfrost1216 - 14.05.2021 20:17

Too much mula! Yikes! Not gambling either.

@chrisbaylis6022 - 14.05.2021 20:11

3 months for AD to Zen on PC? Nope. Just got my Zen posted on 15th of December. 5 Months :(

@klaytonvilares515 - 14.05.2021 20:01

I’m a endgamer and i have zen to take one pack and for sure i won’t get because as you said, i don’t need yet.
I think it’s better to save zen for the jubilee voucher

@Luka1117 - 14.05.2021 17:59

They tryna get my goat they aint gon get it

@christophertogbah484 - 14.05.2021 16:31

Grrr, "How in the FK, you gonna put RNG, in a Box of something that I need; And I just cant Choose IT? FOOH!!!!!!

@christophertogbah484 - 14.05.2021 16:24

they've long since KILLED the Alpha compy. I can only remember, when I bought mine for 36 Million Ad, A Very Long Time ago, to have him nerfed! :(

@Sirmonte - 14.05.2021 15:07

Great video as always. I would of bought this but for an RNG chance, no thanks Cryptic.

@lees_box - 14.05.2021 14:41

Everytime I see how expensive and exclusive Batiris are now it takes me back to when they were dropping like candy from Folly and you couldn't give them away. We were putting them on the AH for something like 100AD. Oh how times have changed and don't I wish I had just put them all in a vault somewhere. On the topic of the current state of the ZAX on PC, even though I swore I was never giving Cryptic one more cent of my money ever again, yesterday I relented because there was something in the AH for 1.2 mill I really wanted and instead of just waiting to refine the 100K each day I already have sitting there (currently a few million in raw AD) until I had it, I went and purchased 20 bucks of zen. I was just in one of those 'F-it' moods and didn't want to wait. I looked at the ZAX and would have got 1.5 mill for my 2k zen, but buying two coal wards and putting them up on the AH got me over a 100k more in total even after the AH cut so that's what I did. I guess many people on PC who are buying zen right now are buying coal wards and selling them instead of using the ZAX because atm it doesn't make financial sense to use it.

@Nekrolai240591 - 14.05.2021 14:09

So i cane now upgrade my favorite companion to mythic level?

@kevindunstall5396 - 14.05.2021 09:10

Next nerf is your Fire Archon, you know it.

@PantherCrane - 14.05.2021 08:47

You did have a Cleric and a CW at one time..

@kostashalkias2451 - 14.05.2021 07:39

Fwi all companions in zen store are account wide

@dragonlord4801 - 14.05.2021 06:09

Despite it being random I still want it for my alts but I'm scared they'll just nerf the comps again 😭😭

@AozenDreyar - 14.05.2021 06:02

wont buy anything XD its not needed its cheaper to actually buy tokens and upgrade on all alts heck it costs me less to upgrade 5 companions on 4 toons ( which is usually what most people who play more than 1 toon have) so i just see no point XD

@handerly7992 - 14.05.2021 03:08

3months on pc? ur mistaken
and btw both the golden and golden companions r tradeable

@kesamek8537 - 14.05.2021 02:46

lol $98 that's insane XD

@Obikin89 - 14.05.2021 02:41

It's great for new toons. That's the only selling point. Remember that there will be a new class next mod. Account wide Alpha Compy/Green Slime/Batiri... Forte sucks right now, but who knows what it will become in the future ? Veterans definitely don't need these, but these are good companions to have overall. The runestones are too much though and make the pack very expensive. At 5k Zen without the runestones, with a choice pack, people would have bought them all.

@PatrickDKing - 14.05.2021 02:34

So totally not worth it. If we use the account wide mount packs that come out as a model this pack is very overpriced. At a minimum it should have been any companion (any companion in the whole game) as a pick 3 at legendary account wide. But really at this point the companion packs and the mount packs should be pick any 3 at mythic quality all account wide.

As far as the actual auction house, to be in line with zen store costs, a single account wide item at mythic or legendary should not surpass 2.5 to 3 million AD at the most. So clearly anything above 3 million AD on the auction is a complete ripoff. No costs/value is assigned to the other items as they are irrelevant.

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 14.05.2021 02:26

My Cleric Healer Loadout with my old, old Tiamat set is 46.5k and 90% Outgoing Healing.

I am nowhere near End-Game BIS and I have not even bothered with about 35% of the mods, so I don't even have all the boons.

I would not walk across the room to spit on this pack.


@TutahnAmon - 14.05.2021 02:12

Is this true that main dev Asterdahl who designed Citadel and managed professions is gone as well ?

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 14.05.2021 02:04

PAH! Any Premium Zen Item that give a Random Drop s a Great, Big SWIZZ!


@gusarcher5446 - 14.05.2021 02:02

Agreed. I have a nice stash of zen I've been accumulating and waiting to spend, but this pack is not enticing in any way for my current build. Will it be a good investment for later resell? Probably. But zen is just too valuable to speculate with.

@timmatthews5762 - 14.05.2021 01:21

Random account wide s$^& companion gg cryptic

@suffynw8094 - 14.05.2021 01:20

Staldorf already gives a constant 7.5% CA

@curtis2609 - 14.05.2021 01:16

Lol 30% percent off

@dazlee3257 - 14.05.2021 01:11

I was in until the random part 👍

@ArranNW - 14.05.2021 01:08

Paying $140 worth of currency for a gamble just seems scummy IMO

@victor00420 - 14.05.2021 00:52

How can I get this lol???
