Bali Drinking New Law - Can you go to jail because you give a drink to your friend in Bali ?

Bali Drinking New Law - Can you go to jail because you give a drink to your friend in Bali ?

Whats Up Bali

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@jeromecardinale4791 - 19.12.2022 14:56

Too many drunks hurting local people so take their keys make them get in taxi or good jeck store their bike safely they can pick it up later. Good law. Look up " Mothers against drunk drivers. MADD.

@jeromecardinale4791 - 19.12.2022 14:58

If drunk hit your child you understand real quick.

@markwboswell - 19.12.2022 15:45

Best sponsor in Bali

@baliwalknshops1517 - 19.12.2022 15:51

So many new rules Lol

@Madworld8975 - 19.12.2022 17:59

Yeah that is a scary law

@cristal4142 - 19.12.2022 21:47

Always appreciate you explaining everything, thank you

@mohamedmakhashen5111 - 19.12.2022 23:26

For the countries which are not in the list of visa on arrival , when they can get the visa from the embassy like before covid????

@gummi5959 - 20.12.2022 13:44

Thanks for your video. Do I need vísa now to go to Indónesia? Ore is it same it was before 30 days vísa on arrival? Do I need incurance? Is it all same rules it was before covid19 pandamic?

@watpho3451 - 22.12.2022 18:50

hope you are good , is the VISA on arrival still in effect for U.S. citizens traveling to Bali ?

@lap4847 - 23.12.2022 07:35

Your 100% right on what you say in this vlog. It not going to work your jail are going to be full in no time lol.
Same rules here in Australia but you only receive fine.
Keep the great work up

@cristianlamb5156 - 27.12.2022 07:35

Sorry, but clearly feels like COVID side effect is brain damage to politicians in Indonesia

@madsemborg6052 - 17.02.2023 11:36

Hello, Great video. I was wondering about the drinking age in Bali, and if they are enforcing it?

@positivewaking - 29.02.2024 20:52

Is it possible to be jailed being drunk in bali at 20 years old? Or what are the possible legal punishments? Cant seem to find that info anywhere
