Everything You Need To Know About GA4's Measurement ID (In Less Than 5 Minutes)

Everything You Need To Know About GA4's Measurement ID (In Less Than 5 Minutes)

ProfitSchool by MeasureU

2 года назад

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@nikkihstokes - 14.01.2023 01:36

Agreed, please link all referenced videos in the description. This video is a bit basic for those of us who have been following you for a while, but there are some aspects I'd like to dive into further, without having to search you channel to figure out which videos you're talking about.

@mana2k1 - 18.01.2023 10:19

More detailed needed. I currently don't see the point of measurement I'd, to me it's no different than a custom dimension. I don't know why Google has bigged it up so much. What % of websites even have apps anyway! Best use case I've found is for international sites, but Google would seem to advise against having multiple streams on the same domain.....
