The OG/N-Sane Crash Bandicoot Trilogy - A Lengthy Retrospective

The OG/N-Sane Crash Bandicoot Trilogy - A Lengthy Retrospective

Dylan the Knight Owl

1 год назад

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@DylantheKnightOwl - 13.08.2022 17:23

Big thanks to LogeyBerry for voicing Cortex in the story segments of this video!

@Skrenja - 02.01.2024 00:54

OG Trilogy > N.Sane. All day any day.

@cheapgreaser - 28.11.2023 11:53

Crash 2 fo life cuh

@johnstephen399 - 25.11.2023 10:58

Phenomenal video. Agree with you on the difficult levels in Crash, made it far more memorable. Crash 3 will always be the best Crash game from the trilogy with the N Gin boss battle being one of the best boss levels ever designed for a 90s game.

@bambino-sama - 24.10.2023 15:06

Ripper and pin my faves cuz cute lmao

@TotalDramaHarold - 20.10.2023 13:41

I love these games but the guy is right, the depth perception does suck

@stopaskingmetousemyname - 13.10.2023 08:19

As someone who is replaying the trilogy remake thanks to this video, i cannot believe you think road to nowhere and high road arent total bs. Maybe its because im playing on the switch and the controller sucks but road to nowhere was at least 10 times harder than any other level before it. Level looks cool but my god is it annoying

@azoz273 - 10.10.2023 16:14

1 is my least my favorite. Choosing between 2 and 3 is tough.

2 beats 3 in every way except in level themes and bosses. 2 has better secrets, ideas, challenges, difficulty level, concept, story, but the level themes (Jungle, stream, snow, sewers) felt dull and repetitive compared to the vivid Warped 3 themes.

3 did feel too easy with abilities, taking away some of the fun. 3 did include too many vehicle levels. But it had better bosses than 2.

@JAYDOG1337A - 04.10.2023 14:56

One thing about Warped, in the original's 100% ending after Cortex and Uka Uka are banished the portal becomes a black hole and starts growing into the initial boss room before we find ourselves at Crash's house. In the N Sane Trilogy however, the portal banishes them, sucks in a bit of the machine and then we cut straight to Crash's house, we don't see the black grow into the boss room. I don't like this change because the portal becoming a giant black hole was really cool and scary and showed how the time turner was destroyed entirely.

@alyssasays9009 - 25.09.2023 09:27

this is such an EPIC video dude! this made my nerdy little crash heart so happy

@TheZombieCurryKid - 25.09.2023 02:44

What's that piano music in the background?

@MrDark086 - 17.09.2023 05:35

High Road and Road to Nowhere are where boys became men. Remember beating them as a wee lad and holy hell did it feel good to conquer them after days of attempts and numerous game overs and lives lost

@kradanbandicootovich6444 - 16.09.2023 09:56

This video makes me wish I still had my old PSP to play these games

@bulb9970 - 06.09.2023 03:07

I'm actually glad you responded to the Snoman Gaming bit because I always kinda hated that video lol

@MrAweeze - 28.08.2023 15:31

I stopped watching because you were taking too much time bashing another creator's opinion lol

@aarronbraxton4691 - 28.08.2023 13:21

Good video but a note; Slippery Climb was always in the game. Stormy Ascent was originally a separate level, the last level before fighting Cortex and the Lab was originally before it. The broken tokens in the level are because the second Cortex tokens were originally here but were moved to Jaws of Darkness when it was removed. Slippery Climb had the red gem from the beginning

@datakenzington7342 - 24.08.2023 02:24

Hi Loge- I mean Neo Cortex

@AGZhark - 17.08.2023 22:11

Tone down the epileptic mess on the sides, this isn’t a creepypasta.

Not to mention that it’s quite immature to hate on others for valid points on why they dislike a game or it’s controls. It’s like a Reddit user who’s only argument is “you’re bad” or “get good.” Dang, he sounds passive aggressive too, like he’s angry that other people struggle. Wow, definitely screams “Reddit.”

@RedMarcus14 - 12.08.2023 21:34

Theres an achievement for pissing off cortex enough times crash 2 N sane trilogy they knew someone was gonna mess around with that

@110EVO - 07.08.2023 03:29

this was a fantastic, and enthralling retrospective, I honestly could watch anything about crash for hours, i'm 27 now and back in the late 90's/early 2000's I was probably 4 or 5 when I was introduced to crash just video games in general for the first time via the second game and boy howdy was I bad at it, little did I know when I went back to the first game i'd have an even worse with that one lol but man did the N' sane trilogy finally make me actually legit get all the gems and keys as opposed to just using cheat codes lol

@user-ku5ez4ew3m - 06.08.2023 16:03

dawg dont put a random video critique in the middle of a retrospective

@TheIbanez21601 - 02.08.2023 17:12

Warped is my favourite game ever!!

@hanezutchins2786 - 31.07.2023 02:19

I don't know who Snoman Gaming is but it sounds like he just needs to

Git gud

@Phoenixgamer1220 - 27.07.2023 19:48

Great video overall but I do have some feedback that I'd like to offer.

Now, I'm not a content creator myself, just a man with an opinion so feel free to take this all with a huge grain of salt. With that said, I think this whole video would be MUCH stronger if you exluded the nearly ten minute point by point takedown of another content creator's work.

Let me be perfectly clear, I 100% agree with every point you made for the same reasons that you do, that's not my issue. My issue is that the whole rant is entirely unnecessary and comes off as a bit immature and Redditorish for lack of a better word.

For younger and less mature viewers of your channel, I'm sure they'll get a kick out of it. I, for one, would have really enjoyed listening to such a defense years ago when I still didn't know how to process my feelings when someone had a different opinion than me on something I hold dear, especially if I felt that opinion was unfounded. That said, now that I'm a bit older I recognize that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it's really worth no one's time and energy to be so combative over something as trivial as how another person feels about a video game of all things.

For the majority of your audience, myself included, we have never even seen the video in question and didn't click onto this one to hear someone tear into a video we have no strong feelings on. If I wanted counter argument content of another specific work, I'd click onto a video that indicates as much. To us that just came to see what another content creator has to say about some games we're familiar with, it feels reductive and exhausting when you abruptly interrupt your entertaining and well scripted analysis to awkwardly transition into a section crapping on another creator's work from years ago.

What's frustrating is that you yourself seem to be self aware enough to on some level understand this as well, as you preface your rant with "not to tear into a four year old video" and "not to be mean" which has the same energy as someone prefacing an offensive comment with "no offense but" as if the preface negates the following sentiment.

My issue with the rant is that it isn't constructive and adds nothing to your video or the general Crash discourse at large. It would be one thing if the video in question was huge and influential enough to massively impact public perception of Crash to the point where it actively harms the IP but as it stands, we got an exceptional Crash 4 after his video and public perception of Crash is still overwhelming positive so what are you trying to prove here? If anything, it comes of as a self indulgent move of you seeing his video, it getting under your skin, and you deciding to use your platform to air out your grievances even if that wasn't the intent.

If you felt the need to address his arguments in your video, you could have easily gotten the same effect by keeping it general instead of calling out one specific creator and taking a paragraph rather than 10 minutes because it really feels like you start to spin your wheels about a couple minutes into the rant.

To your credit, immediately following the rant, you get right back into the very high quality critique and commentary that makes up the majority of your video but that does make the more poorly expressed rant stick out like a sore thumb in comparison. It feels like a lower quality and less experienced video essay creator plopped something in the middle of an otherwise much better work.

I know this probably comes of as very harsh and overly anal, I'm sorry I don't mean for it to, it's just that in my mind it's such an obviously glaring flaw in an otherwise great video that I figured I'd voice my thoughts on it. Again, just one man's opinion, but in scrolling through the other comments, I can tell I'm not the only one that felt that way.

@phorchybug3286 - 27.07.2023 16:57

The first 3 are... Serviceable. Personally I like the more experimental PS2 games better but these are fine too.

@potchary8366 - 26.07.2023 01:24

The way you didn’t mention Tomb Raider as one of the platformers smh 😂

@leeeroyjenkins555 - 25.07.2023 23:46

100% disagree with sonic 1 being well designed.

@inkyno1 - 23.07.2023 16:55

I'm aware I'm a bit late to the video, but while they are perfectly fine in og Crash 1, the bridge levels in the N. Sane trilogy are genuinely harder due to the physics change. Some of those turtle jumps are actually very crappy as, as the other guy said, you do have to be very finicky when you jump on them. If you jump on them too far back you still might not make the jump. And I tell you what getting the platinum relic on that level is complete ass lmao

@ignightroad - 20.07.2023 07:37

This showed up on my recommended and I just gotta say, I LOVE long video essays like these--especially as a fan of the series. Lot of fun to listen to during work. Subbed!

@G.reviewz - 18.07.2023 13:45

Ok im sorry but this video feels like your saying

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM GREAT AT THIS GAME AND IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM THE BEST PLAYER EVER. YOU LOT ARE ALL BABY LOSERS THAT NEED TO GIT GUD! like dude if your gonna do a retrospective dont attack another persons video halfway through the video. Like get off of your fucking high horse. I played the n.sane trilogy from crash 1 to warped i dont give a FUCK about hitboxes or technical power of the fucking console.

I found crash 1 and crash 2 to be hard oh baby player me guess i need to GIT gud but that dont mean i hate the games before you start screeching on twitter but ffs man do a retrospective on the games dont tell people to fucking get food and rip apart another persons fucking video this is about crash bandicoot not how your a small scrotumed tiny penised individual.

And yes i have a tiny brain and a small penis and i live in squaller cus im a tiny baby man that screams about people opinions on the fucking internet cus my dad left me and never came home and im just COPING to save my sanity. Just thought id rip myself apart so you didnt have to waste you condescending brain to work up a rebuttle

@meh2228 - 14.07.2023 20:09

Wish you started bitchin about other content creators opinions right at the start of the video with cringe statements as "get good" and then go on to attack the said content creator for tens of mins again and again so I could've skipped this and watched an actual good retrospective. Maybe next time focus on making good content instead of attacking people because they didn't find the gameplay to be precise and fun as you did. Here's a simple tidbit . His opinion isn't a fact and neither are yours. People are allowed to find controls hard to master without having to be called "get good". Such edgelord much wow.

@benbj3220 - 09.07.2023 18:15


@regularsizeddude859 - 07.07.2023 22:42

Crash 1 relics make me want to kill myself they are the hardest challenge I’ve ever faced in a video game (granted I don’t play shit like dark souls to 100%)

@cameraguygimmick4446 - 06.07.2023 14:41

GREAT stuff dude. I hope to see you cover the Spyro trilogy in the near future.

@bigcraudio3066 - 05.07.2023 02:04

I know I'm late to the party, but stormy ascent didn't get replaced by slippery climb, it was the last level in the game right before cortex and after the great hall.
This can be seen on a prototype version of the game that leaked a few years ago, it has every level in the game (unfinished of course) and stormy ascent is the very last one on the map, and slippery climb a few stages before it.

@LeahKizzyPeirson - 03.07.2023 15:27

I love the completely unnecessary roast of Cortex at the end and his reaction to it, it was hilarious haha

@superwhatbrosdes5064 - 05.06.2023 17:59

Retrospective ofcourse

@Yurikon3 - 24.04.2023 19:20

They just don't make those commercials like that anymore...

@scorptatious - 21.04.2023 22:44

I feel the placement of Jaws of Darkness in Crash 1 was to emphasize that the final island was at one point just another island with ruins before Cortex showed up and built all his stuff on top of it. I feel the shift between the two different themes midway through the island really emphasizes how unnatural Cortex's facilities were and how he needed to be stopped.

But yeah, while I feel in a lot of ways, 2 and 3 are objectively better games than 3, I'll always love that cohesiveness and simplicity the first game provided.

@homeoftek5844 - 08.04.2023 03:55

"Might as well pull out a marker and draw a big ol D on my forehead like Dr Neo Co....ya know, that didn't come out.....nvm" 😂

@tsuki008 - 02.04.2023 03:40

This video is top tier. Excellent work.

@zedokaiba6047 - 19.03.2023 08:23

Lex luthor when crash forgets his crystals.

@BIIIIIGMAN - 16.03.2023 20:09

This is basically a movie. Let me grab me popcorn

@wourydiallo1445 - 08.03.2023 21:06

Bro thank you for that comment about snowman gaming. That original video frustrated me so much. I don't even like the n same trilogy for those exact hit box issue but if you suck this bad at the game there ain't no blaming the difficulty of the game
