Every Sonic game from now on needs to have these cinematic sequences. Imagine instead of random Badniks standing around waiting to be destroyed, Sonic was actively being pursued by Eggman's forces.
ОтветитьIt's offical. Shadow said Earth. So Sonic's planet must be Earth.
ОтветитьSo I guess this is the Casino Night Pinball Stage of Shadow Generations, the part that nobody asked for, but was surprisingly fun nonetheless.
ОтветитьI will take this westopolis if we cant play the original
ОтветитьThe description is funny af
ОтветитьStill gotta admit I really like the music in forces better for this level
ОтветитьApparently this is based on the Shibuya district of Tokyo.
Do I smell a Jet Set Radio reference?
This is genuinely my favourite song in the game now.
ОтветитьIronically, the intro's my favorite part
Ответитьmore like tokyopolis
ОтветитьIf we get a shadow the hedgehog remake can Sonic team retcon it to take place place in Japan
ОтветитьSo… promise time huh? Well then… time to go to perfill this promise.
ОтветитьFingers crossed this track is in the OST. Goes so incredibly hard
ОтветитьThe beginning kinda reminds me of "Im with you" from frontiers lol
ОтветитьIt would be nice if in the future they released more DLC levels for Shadow 2005, which would be free for those who have the digital deluxe version.
ОтветитьI'm just realizing this is the most Adventure-style stage with Boost controls
ОтветитьWhat did we expect? They used a Westopolis remix in Sonic Forces. Of course we would have another one in this game
ОтветитьThe first minute is so epic
ОтветитьSo Sonic Generations now has 4 levels in San Francisco, 2 in Italy and 1 in Tokyo.
ОтветитьI have a feeling this song could possibly play in the Sonic movie 3, but if it does, then the game was forshadowing some leaks to the movie.
ОтветитьThe middle part with the synth is sooooo good!!
ОтветитьI wanna see more love for the opening harmonies at the start of this song. Anyone? Like, the westopolos music is great but i wanna see the intro be expanded upon.
ОтветитьI was worried about Keanu Reeves voicing Shadow in the Sonic 3 movie, but he seemed to do a pretty decent job.
ОтветитьThe description💀
ОтветитьSo this is why they held the song from the main game
ОтветитьNo way, this is where the revamped Westopolis went!? That's so smart of them
Ответитьstill think the forces remix is better. one of the only things that game did right
ОтветитьThis is accurate to what it's like to be in Tokyo
ОтветитьWestopolis is starting look more like Joyopolis
ОтветитьIt seems like it has become tradition that everyone must comment "finally eastopolis" wherever they see music for shadow gens tokyo.
I don't get it.
NGL. there should've been a boss fight with movie sonic team in that dlc. It was so short man.
ОтветитьBro the hardstyle part is so god damn peak. The music composers certainly did their gym music homework
ОтветитьI’ve taken on another form?
ОтветитьYou know what I realized?
These people would be even more terrified of Movie Shadow because of this level.
bad day for people who hate dnb
good day for people who like dnb
I never expected to hear hardstyle in a sonic game but im loving it
ОтветитьI'm ascending bro wth
ОтветитьSomeone should put this song in the background of a Josh wick fight.🤘
Ответитьwho tf uses a keyboard???
ОтветитьSounds good but they really need to stop re using old music for the sake of it
ОтветитьWas kinda annoyed Westopolis wasn't in Shadow Gens but this is even better
ОтветитьForget the music! You absolutely OWNED the stage, man! I couldn’t have done that half as well, myself!