Anyone that claims apds isn't completely borked and next to useless is either on crack or demented
ОтветитьWell the shattering is realistic, I hope APFSDS shatter gets implomented aswell. darts almost NEVER ricochet and almost always shatter at angles of 80 degrees or more. Source: I am a loader for a M60-T
Ответить"The target hasn't taken any damage"
ОтветитьI definitely agree that apds isn’t as good as something like apcbc, but I wouldn’t say apds is bad. It’s a penetrator. It’s meant to penetrate and take out components. Though the rounds not going off when hit is becoming a rather stupid problem as it’s far less consistent even if it is generally better. Consistency is just more important. So even though apds is better, it’s lack of consistency makes it unreliable to an extent.
Ответить$500,000 or diner with Jay Z
Ответитьdo the sd.kfz. 140/1
ОтветитьGarbage f game
Ответитьheh... called someone and idiot, and then karma....
ОтветитьYou hate Marders when the Type 16 FPS exists?
ОтветитьHere's an idea for a future video series:
You should do a bunch of videos, or maybe one or two videos talking about how to do better in general while playing through all of the various ranks. For example, making a video for Ranks I and II, III and IV, V and VI, VII and VIII, so 4 videos total. Each one discusses gameplay tips, various playstyles and how to be most effective at that rank without going too deep into individual tech trees etc. It MIGHT make the cancer of top tier premium buyers a little less cancerous.
wtf, 3 (correcting 4) is-6 being completely braindead xD
ОтветитьCritical Hit
-Loader, commander, driver.
APDS is just glorified APCR, which is ass, so yeah, not great
ОтветитьBritish tanks are biased
ОтветитьDoes this only apply to higher tiers? And only sabots or APCR as well?
Bit of a random side note but I was pleasantly surprised when I one shot a tiger through the front with the APCR on the m36; blew through the transmission and took everything else out behind it, was kinda shocked tbh but I guess 90mm has a punch to it
Russian bias game
ОтветитьYou can shoot through the snow???
ОтветитьSkill issue*
ОтветитьI was gonna start playing britain but this changed my mind
ОтветитьI'll guess... you don't play british tanks anymore :P You get either no pen or no damage.
ОтветитьAPCR: A Piece of Crap Round
APDS: A Piece of Damn Shit
centirion was never a threat to my tiger2(H) XD
Ответить"I stopped using APDS"
"Why? Can't you aim?"
Why have I not had a single problem with apds
ОтветитьAPDS would have done the same on that first kill you got.
ОтветитьThe amount of Jerry Cans on the back of that Centurion.
ОтветитьAPDS is not bad. ):<
Ответитьis it just me or did i see a leopard 1 kill an M4A3E2 76W
ОтветитьThe only vehicle I don’t have any problems with apds on is the chieftains you should play them
ОтветитьBritish APDS is terrible, I don’t know why I ever decided to grind that nation. 😢
Ответить"why I don't use apds anymore"
Proceeds to take barely any apds, instead taking basic ap rounds.
I want more videos on the british cents.
ОтветитьThis thing is 7.7 now isn't it?
ОтветитьWhat if you play conquerer? Sabot nerfed also hesh nerfed🥲🧨
Ответитьi non-penned a vidar's side with the conqueror mk2 😭
ОтветитьI don’t personally hate it. I mean it’s good but when you’re fighting heavy and take destroyers, it’s not good.
ОтветитьThis video shows why I stopped playing centurions although they are one of my favourite tanks.
Ответитьi was watching a wow ad and a chat box said gg gg and ji ji what is war gaming on
Ответить¿Only British APDS its bad? I used italian APDS and never failed didnt even need to load the "upgrade" of HEAT, only smoke shells.
ОтветитьMaybe I have just been lucky but the experience with APDS that I have had on my T54/55 tanks has been good. Post pen damage is of course worse than APFSDS from the same gun (T55 AM-1 and AMD-1), but it is not bad and usually 1 hit kill when aimed correctly. Maybe the issues are tied to barrel diameter, and after some threshold post-pen damage improves? Maybe at 100mm and bigger APDS lack of post-pen damage is offset by sheer diameter?
ОтветитьI've started outsourcing editing for some of the videos I record, and this is one of them. I'm trying to relegate them to the transplant stockpile for now, but I didn't have enough time to edit a video for today because shadowplay just decided not to record game audio