Food Poisoning Germs : Tutorial nuggets : Oxygen not included

Food Poisoning Germs : Tutorial nuggets : Oxygen not included

Francis John

4 года назад

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BoneWulfe - 03.05.2023 14:59

I've been SO confused how germs were getting into my mealwood. On my current playthrough I built a loop system for my toilets and got a pokeshell that lives in my dirty room and put the polluted dirt in a feeder. Though now I actually have to find polluted dirt to feed it since I've fixed my toilet systems

BLACK LIGHT - 15.01.2023 23:24

Or you can put your compost in chlorine chamber to kill germs

turiel - 08.01.2023 19:41

If you absolutely have to compost that polluted dirt - drop ~20-30kg of bleachstone into the polluted dirt storage. This is only temporary, as bleachstone will decompose by itself in the bin. But this should be fine until you get a proper chlorine room.

Female Crusader
Female Crusader - 12.11.2022 21:36

I often wondered why food inside the fridge get food poison germs.

Mathieu Dodge
Mathieu Dodge - 18.10.2022 02:33

Thank you for the help. Your tutorials are definitely the most helpful by a large margin for this game. I have a quick question if you don't mind. You mention to store the polluted dirt and to put a deodorizer next to it which will produce clay with food poisoning germs. Do you have any way to deal with that clay which will end up be all over your base if you use deodorizers next any place where you want to deal with polluted oxygen?

Skrimpish - 07.09.2022 08:07

It's extremely tedious and the fact you can't sort by contaminated dirt ect is just stupid

Ivan Shiek
Ivan Shiek - 14.03.2022 22:18

Pokeshells eat polluted dirt and poop out dirt, or something like that. You can get renewable dirt and sand. Almost every tutorial guy I watched, always says that dirt is finite and shouldn't be fed to Hatches, I say you can.

nowherefool - 31.01.2022 16:08

if you store polluted dirt under water, will germs transfer to the water?

Winoa Vivian
Winoa Vivian - 23.12.2021 06:06

Seeing this video but there's things to remove germs and things to turn polluted soil into soil. deodorizing for polluted air. Hand sanitizers even for the germs and sinks over water basins. Water basins states removes some but sink sink doesn't say some but just removes them. In term research is really what's key.

macelharen - 24.11.2021 02:13

ever had a problem where you get 5kg extra dirt that's polluted and gray (along with 295 polluted dirt that's greeen) from your outhouse?

John Cundiss
John Cundiss - 23.10.2021 13:49

Question. So it is ok if the sinks get water with germs in it? They still get washed off even though it say sink full of germs?

Kamizushi Akinari
Kamizushi Akinari - 08.08.2021 06:38

Another way to "deal" with food poisoning is to just not deal with it. Just let it happen and to call it "bonus water day". I often disable my sinks and put most of my dupes on "shower time" instead of work just to make them produce more polluted water. Most of my dupes have very limited pathing options anyway so they are never that far away from their bathroom.

hbarudi - 30.04.2021 14:05

I once had my duplicants bring all the slime on the map to a single area where balm lily plants grow and killed all their slimelung there, and yes instead of relying on multiple storage bins and dual bridge gate for my toilet water, I usually in the balm lily biome build the following: first a single storage tank of polluted water then the water sieve, then a second tank for clean germy water, then that goes into the metal refinery that usually holds water for a while and one last tank to get the water germ free. Also best to build an infinite water storage and small water tank for manual access such as for research.

BlankPaper - 25.03.2021 04:58

I use no plumbing...

Have this setup...

1: Kitchen, early game, has a locker for "sweep-only" dirt,. (So they don't get dirt from compost, after getting all germy.)
2: The bathroom has (hand-sanitizers), Kills all food poisoning germs on them. Uses zero water and produces zero germ-filled p-water. Also uses no fresh water or electricity/plumbing. Has little "refill demand".
3: Outhouses, for the dirt they create and lack of germ-filled p-water. It's honestly not a task to empty four toilets for over a hundred dupes. When they are setup on off-set schedules.
4: Early-game, until hand-sanitizers are ready, there is a pump for germ-filled p-water, past the outhouses. Kept only for those rare "emergencies", like accidents, after I am not making any more germy water.
5: Past the bottle-emptier, is my multi-level compost piles. Used for toilets, rotten things, egg-shells and water-sieves. They can enter that area from the toilet side, or the top or bottom... But all have to exit where the hand-sanitizers are located. (I do use a mod for "stand in line to wash hands". Which keeps dupes idle until a sink or sanitizer is available. However, another two stations could be added to the washing line. They have a positive decor value, so there is also that.) I once filled the rooms with chlorine, but simple air-scrubbers are better to use. Sand => Oxygen & Clay.


Quantity of germy p-water produced = 0g/s.
Quantity of clean water consumed = 0g/s.
The input is Chlorine chunks and sand. The output is Oxygen and Dirt.

As opposed to a "plumbed toilet" for the +1 morale gain... over the +1 of this bathroom.


Needs fresh water, germ-free. Outputs more p-water than it consumes in fresh water.
Needs "power", for the "pump" and a whole process to kill the germs, before water can then be processed into clean water. With the need for larger storage of the output water, which is greater than the input water. (Or use for the abundance of water produced. Not a hard thing to find.)
That "power" comes at a cost of CO2 generation and coal from coal generators, or time on a hamster wheel which also consumes oxygen and creates CO2 (more than cleaning a toilet or composting), or heat from some other power generation process like steam generators or hydrogen generators. (Some create massive heat for such little power as the majority of the pumps power is kept with the pump idle, not doing anything. Ignoring battery storage losses and heat.)
Leaves many dupes "Idle", early-game, mid-game and late-game, with nothing to do. Between the easy and fast tasks of "pumping toilets", "compost turning", "air-scrubber refilling", and "Chlorine refilling"... That will gratify most dupes "idle-time" counter, so they don't get a penalty from standing around with nothing to do, for too long. As long as every dupe has the ability to "tidy", set at the minimum priority.

Bonus for having "remote toilets"... Which don't require tons of build-time, wires, plumbing and take tons of precious time to make, and remove, once they are not needed. Given a choice, a dupe will "run past an outhouse", half way across the map, to use a "Plumbed toilet"... Just because they like it better. Even if they never get a chance to use it, because they had an "accident" before they could get there in time. (They will drop anything they were doing too, which they may, or may not, go back to finish doing. Sometimes the game locks tasks like that, once started. Other times, another dupe will grab another item, used for that task. But not always.)

Every ounce of oxygen you produce from compost and off-gassing, from algae farms, as well as CO2 removal... Is more electricity you don't need to produce, to create oxygen, using limited resources like coal, hydrogen and water, and less "resource farms" needed to produce those resources, which cost even more time and resources and generate more heat... It's almost a never-ending battle, doing it the complex way. (Thinking back to your 141 dupe game, where you were building entire rockets, just to make water for various consumptions. I am 200 cycles in, and still using the same puddle of water that I started with, with only one single water-sieve, to turn my germ-free polluted water, back into fresh water, for my automated algae farms. The automation uses no power, just signals from sensors that stop the algae from over-pressurizing my base and allowing the p-water to "merge" into full bottles that produce less off-gassing, when my oxygen levels are in low demand. I could make it more efficient by creating less oxygen and making dupes "hold their breath more often", which severely reduces oxygen consumption more. But, there is no shortage of cool, clean oxygen, thanks to the abundance of sand and algae required by the low-demand setup. As well as 100% recycled water, which is also automated for delivery to the algae-farms.)

On the other hand... My bases are always bare... But my games run fast, even with 200+ dupes, which I honestly don't need. I have so much time on my hands, the whole thing can be managed by 16 dupes, with 32 being only slightly better. 64 being only 2x faster than 32. Having down-time is the only way to avoid 90% of them being "idle". There is just nothing that "needs to be built" or "done"... Except constantly messing with the rockets.

I do wish they would just make an "Automation block", which opens-up with a "page" where you can just build a "circuit". Simply setting-up the inputs and outputs of the four sides of the block. (More inputs and outputs with the new binary-wires.) But, no "in-game circuits" being visible, which, annoyingly, take up massive space and have stupid limitations with placement and demand being able to "reach them" to be built, piece by piece". We don't need to see the guts... Hide it... It's a circuit, not a rocket-ship! But it can take-up damn near the same space, for a simple circuit design. (Also, no real chance for prefab circuits, without mods.)

Fabian Feilcke
Fabian Feilcke - 11.02.2021 18:15

"Mob a blob of water from the bottom of the tank" yeah, thats how water works....

Norrotaku - 17.12.2020 07:41

can you not use teh ore cleaner thing to disinfect the dirt?

Mark - 13.12.2020 00:02

I've been hiding my polluted dirt in a bin with water on it, thanks for the idea with the pokeshell! Did you first put a critter dropoff in there to deliver it, and then removed the dropoff? And I had no idea with the pitcher pump for mixed liquids, that will be handy knowledge!

SplendorMan - 24.11.2020 20:17

u know u r not normal right? love ur videos

Juliean Galak
Juliean Galak - 01.10.2020 05:54

Really wish I had seen this video some 6 hours of game play ago. That pitcher pump trick for removing polluted water from clean water would have saved me the need to build an elaborate water sterilization setup...

Disappointed Father
Disappointed Father - 25.09.2020 19:26

To delete undesirable liquids in a liquid reservoir, you can also trap the blob - surrounding its sides and top (do a + pattern basically) with simple tiles. Then (and only then) build a tile in the center, effectively deleting the blob and letting you deconstruct the tiles. Leave the diagonal sides free while setting this up (i.e. respect the + pattern, don't make a square around the blob) or your dupes won't be able to react the center to build the final tile.

NikoKun - 10.09.2020 13:40

The wiki says that even a constantly running water sieve isn't quite enough to properly feed a pokeshell.. Does that mean that trick doesn't work anymore, or just has to be scaled up? lol

Norm - 10.09.2020 07:40

I swear to god duplicants! Go Wash those germs off and Eat the Bars Of Nutrients Not The Damn Muckroot in the Bathrooms!

Karrie Papa
Karrie Papa - 14.08.2020 19:57

You can also place a plant that emits flower scent ''germ''.There can only be one type of germ at each block.That way food poisoning germ are changed to flower scented ones.

Loki Nakor
Loki Nakor - 14.07.2020 14:54

cycle 150... you can make a door one way?!?!?!?! lmao

mololabo - 11.07.2020 18:35

Excuse me, but does the Liquid reservoir in Chlorine build still function in the newest version of the game? Because my liquid reservoir filled top up with polluted water, show me just that as contents, but I do not get the germ info along with it. so I am a little bit confused?

Your_Future_Ex - 09.07.2020 20:53

You can put a storage unit in a hole and fill it with water and it won't offgas.

Edward Rou
Edward Rou - 01.07.2020 20:10

but chlorine fixes everything! :-)

Grasshopper K
Grasshopper K - 27.06.2020 06:08

Thank f*** the liquid tanks have sensors for automations outputs now!

John Burt
John Burt - 24.06.2020 02:15

I've never had this issue with polluted dirt in a compost heap. Fascinating.

Matthew Buehrer
Matthew Buehrer - 01.06.2020 09:10

Long story short: DONT GET RID OF YOUR POLLUTED DIRT. I really like making a space to dump polluted dirt/water(sweep only) surrounded by air purifiers. If you couple that with a few (too many will nix your H2O supply) Algae Terrariums you can get a nice amount of O2 with little effort. Keep in mind I play this mainly for aesthetic stress reduction. It is damn near impossible for a patient person to not fall in love with this game and I am super grateful that peeps like FrancJohn here and Brothgar are digging so hard into such a beautiful indie offering. Cheers Brotha, and much love from Hou TX!

Нина Бут
Нина Бут - 19.05.2020 02:05

took me a long time to realize the same. Wish I watched this tutorial much earlier

CCCanyon - 08.05.2020 19:06

I build ladders over the sieve and pokeshell. The dupes can reach everything safely

JmacOnPc - 26.04.2020 09:16

thanks again for the cool tips

Split Dimension
Split Dimension - 13.04.2020 05:56

haha the first 2 minutes. it reminds me of kids running through the house without a care in the world and they are covered head to toe in mud or something more filthy.

acheron16 - 24.03.2020 21:18

It annoys me that the game has so many of these noob traps.
I know the Composter was there before germs were introduced, but still feels so bad as it is.

Also, for the water decontamination, you can also use a clock and a door under the tank(s).

Sylv Aine
Sylv Aine - 21.03.2020 16:28

Ooooh, nice, that mesh tile mop trick is much more convenient than my method of building a regular tile to force the water up and then deconstructing it after the mop command is through :D

drglamm - 18.03.2020 01:40

Wondered how food poisoning was coming into the colony. Thanks!

Aussie - 12.02.2020 00:08

At the end where he mentions The tablets it’s 1kg not 1T

TOP10 - 11.02.2020 13:50

i have food poisoning germs in my water -_-

Gavin Burns
Gavin Burns - 09.02.2020 15:23

Tutorials are great Francis John, should really consider doing a patreon or something, ppl do like to give back to great content creators.

Ronald Trang
Ronald Trang - 01.02.2020 04:44

you could delete the polluted water with just a tile (1 tile rule ends up deleting the tile you can't mop or isolate it with 3 tiles around it if you want to keep the water, and drain it from the other side)

Yama - 17.01.2020 20:38

Why would I compost when polluted dirt spawns metric boatloads of free oxygen for me when I have it all parked above my sceptic tank? No need to worry about running out of algae, no need to worry about heat management or creation with electrolyzers in my base, It's nothing to my 999999 deodorizers... when slimelung has already been completely eradicated on my map. Yeah I know I don't need to use them anymore but the sweet breeze blue looks nice ok? Especially when it isn't clashing with the ugly green.

Harr32xis - 16.12.2019 11:20

500 hours and i only just figured out last night how all my mealwood keeps getting germs on it ... they were composting polluted dirt from the water siv which was then producing germy dirty which they would then store all over my base. so here i am to investigate if im the only one who didnt know that xD had to destroy 3 fridges of food before i realised why it was constantly contaminting

Phoenix Gaming
Phoenix Gaming - 06.12.2019 17:19

Very good video! Great work, very informative.

Jammer Animated
Jammer Animated - 05.12.2019 14:02

No Compost, Avoid Liceloaf and Tofu and You can Mop polluted water in your water reservoir. I've been playing this game the wrong way.

Lanrete Li
Lanrete Li - 12.11.2019 10:49

Will the food become poison if I water it with germy water?

D M - 05.11.2019 10:58

can't I Just shove polluted dirt into a hatches mouth?

Ala - IntoTheMaze
Ala - IntoTheMaze - 26.10.2019 07:57

What are the best meal options used?? My core is liceloaf but the water does go fast. Cheers.

Ala - IntoTheMaze
Ala - IntoTheMaze - 26.10.2019 07:55

Loved that dupe cell you made up Francis....I must admit I have lock them out of the base after they were being so disobedient!! :-)
