Steve Hilton: Health care is a rigged market

Steve Hilton: Health care is a rigged market

Fox News

7 лет назад

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@grin64 - 21.07.2017 17:04

free market doesn't work so this just force it on them

@olauser - 21.07.2017 17:12

More government control might be an option?

@mikes3467 - 21.07.2017 17:21


@DZ-zc3gi - 21.07.2017 17:31

Steve is completely right. Let the market compete and it will bring prices down. Stop regulations where corruption is just booming. It's simple and the only solution but whoever benefit from the corrupted system will not let it happen. Money rules in this world and nobody cares about regular people.

@Titan-iy3fc - 21.07.2017 17:38

Bring in subscription drugs from Canada to begin with .

@BonnieBlue2A - 21.07.2017 17:43

It is always the industries who are being regulated who are writing the regulations and laws. Our Senators spend 90% of their time on getting re-elected. US House members only slightly less so. We have no representation due to the kleptocracy. This should not be news to anyone.

@thomasr319 - 21.07.2017 17:59

You will never fix healthcare with a bunch of politicians. There are too many people involved, too many lobyiest, too many people with no healthcare experience. Trump needs to put together a team of professionals, to write a bill, and then send it to Congress for a vote. They do not need to write it, just sign it. The problem with these people, is that they think that they alone, have all the answers.

@alvinchoo6047 - 21.07.2017 18:13

Everybody knows what the problem is
Somebody is asked to solve it
Anyone can do it but eventually
Nobody does it.

@stevealexander8010 - 01.12.2017 23:05

I HATE Steve Hilton. He openly encourages the mindset of victimhood that the Left has used to subjugate groups for decades. Wha-wha-wha poor little me vs the "rigged" system. Get a reality check you wuss - Crony Capitalism describes a problem of corrupt politicians - not a problem w/ business. Until they start miscounting votes, we are in control. I am not a victim of anything except a dumb voting majority and the overreaching power of a 'not-so-limited' government.

@ohsunkang1177 - 23.09.2018 18:21

After Obamacare....Americans are paying more for premiums while still getting bankrupted by medical bills, and insurers are raking in more profits than ever. Yeah, that's a hell of a rigged system.
