Learn the different Ranges of Combat | Special Forces Close Combat Techniques | Tactical Rifleman

Learn the different Ranges of Combat | Special Forces Close Combat Techniques | Tactical Rifleman

Tactical Rifleman

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DL Lambert
DL Lambert - 13.08.2023 07:56

I thought US Army SOF doctrine was NOT to kick? I thought it puts you off-balance. Did SF change this training?

Antoine Mantoux
Antoine Mantoux - 03.08.2023 07:36

The Jiu Jitsu guys are extremely pissed watching this video 😂. Even a special forces soldier said it, you can't go to the ground in a real fight because you are vulnerable on the ground if people other than your first opponent interfere

w,m,r,j - 05.07.2023 16:26

Absolutely love the videos.

Patrick Collins
Patrick Collins - 17.06.2023 12:54

Good stuff

Sasquatch - 07.06.2023 14:48

The big thing for me is to be able to keep myself together. Not only to learn to use my anger but control to still think straight.

SaltandPepper1 - 04.11.2022 09:17

Going for the nose and getting those eyes watering is another good one for clinch range.

Thomas Nugent
Thomas Nugent - 14.10.2022 23:13

Very good. Thank you very much

Lemar Kelly
Lemar Kelly - 17.03.2022 01:27

Great stuff!

Black Momba
Black Momba - 15.01.2022 19:26


Richard Luntz
Richard Luntz - 10.01.2022 02:38

Good Info from a experienced man.....

RogerRoger2000 - 27.10.2021 13:28

Thank you for sharing.

Anderson C
Anderson C - 16.09.2021 20:34

"...any weapon we pull out can be used against us". Classic tip we rarely hear. But something ALL of us should keep in mind. man or woman.

Saw a video this morning where it was suggested that women should carry folding nives. That had this 20 year old college student been carrying a folding knife she might be alive. I disagreed immediately. Chances would have been she would have fumbled to get it out of her bag or pocket. And likely the knife would hve been taken ramping up the violence level against her. Most women have 10 deadly weapons on them at all times..their nails. Can never be taken from them (well not NEVER but..highly unlikely). Can be used at close range. Best at close range and effective. She can claw the eyes of her attacker then run away if possible. Odd no one teaches that in any women's self-defence class..i digress.

Good basic info many might not be aware of...

Quinton Seeley
Quinton Seeley - 11.09.2021 17:03

Don't punch because you may break your hand... but do try to finger their eyes and jab the throat because there is a zero percent chance of breaking a finger that way... okay...

Thomas Nugent
Thomas Nugent - 26.02.2021 04:58

Very good, thank you very much

Eric Olsen
Eric Olsen - 20.02.2021 02:10

Axes and shields need to make a comeback

F crossface
F crossface - 02.02.2021 08:48


Kyle D
Kyle D - 20.12.2020 16:16

Thank you for ordering combat ranges for us. For information one would think is intuitive, it is oddly helpful to organize my EH CQB mindset as ranged and which tools are appropriate and when. Knowing the why behind my training really makes that intuitive or training/reactive immediate action that much quicker and effective. More than that, if going to the ground is unacceptable then I really need to raise my level of aggression and change my civilian mindset from one of escalating force as the situation dictates to an immediate and highly favorable end to any unarmed or EH event that requires my participation. I know the haters will be saying I should already know this and think this way, but I call BS. While I am a veteran, I am in reality a 50something civillian training for something I hope to God never happens. BTW I love the way you rock the word “Growin”!!!

Silva Dos Santos
Silva Dos Santos - 03.11.2020 20:47

US need more guys like this in it's rank's, for he has a blank mind.

Russell Towne
Russell Towne - 03.07.2020 03:23

Good thorough explanation!

Francisco Jimenez
Francisco Jimenez - 10.05.2020 03:02

He looks like a cartoon action figure from the g.i. Joe cartoon.
Great video!

Killswitch Uncaged
Killswitch Uncaged - 05.05.2020 00:58

Do you guys answer questions in the comments? I have a few questions

Lord Xanthan
Lord Xanthan - 30.04.2020 22:40

Good info thank you.

HowToGainTime - 13.02.2020 07:52

Is there any point, any point at all where I would have (r be able) to j-hook a man's anus in hand to hand combat? If so please tell me more, such commentary would be more than mildly endearing.

Umoja - 02.01.2020 07:33


Daryl Fields
Daryl Fields - 16.10.2019 17:05

That's right avoid the ground

Bronx Warrior
Bronx Warrior - 13.08.2019 17:59

Very quick and dirty want see more

Thomas Nugent
Thomas Nugent - 01.07.2019 03:19

Very good. Thank you very much

ScottyM1959 - 02.05.2019 09:21

Instructor Bowen, I appreciate your time in presenting these videos. The subject matter must be your specialty as I saw you in The Selection and thought they should have kept the show up. You and a couple of the other instructors are now in the limelight as I have seen others in other programs courtesy of the History Channel. How does it feel to be a celebrity and has it become an issue for you?

Top Cat
Top Cat - 30.03.2019 18:58

Great info great job Green berets

Richard Booth
Richard Booth - 14.02.2019 00:18

If you want to take him out of the fight throw the elbow into his nose. Crinkles it up like paper and odds are hes fucked. Throat stuff has long been proven to stun or shock more than any of that stupid movie stuff. Ask any martial artist. Elbows and knees or knee him and get him thrown off balance to create distance.

Minnesota Nice
Minnesota Nice - 28.12.2018 22:22

Ear drum

Minnesota Nice
Minnesota Nice - 28.12.2018 22:21

Liver shot dudes

Martin McDonnell
Martin McDonnell - 24.12.2018 00:19

Do you do knife disarming videos etc?

Rickey Mckissick
Rickey Mckissick - 30.11.2018 09:03

Very true

ARX 351
ARX 351 - 12.11.2018 05:54

What if you have a bayonet fixed on your rifle?

MrRambo50 - 31.10.2018 05:03

Great video, true everything you said is real,true

Lukas - 15.09.2018 18:29

He looks like this Navy Seal from the tv series "Seal Team"

Sold to be Diers
Sold to be Diers - 03.04.2018 08:10

Selecting the right rocks for the right reasons. Hell Fuzzy, Young David selected five smooth stones... when in the end it only took but one of the five to knock Goliath down to allow acess to his neck and sever it from his body. The other four stones to draw on, were for Goliath's Father & 3 other brothers, who for certain were watching from their battle line. Reckon David's *insurance thought was, blood's thicker than water. But the water of life he was toten in his heart was ready to put them other 4 fuckers fires out as well. Multiple Ranges Indeed!
*''The art of living is more like wrestling than of dancing; the main thing is to stand firm and be ready for an unseen counter attack.'' -Marcus Arelius
Thank's TR just catchin' up on the posts i'd missed along the trail. Keep the redistribution of ammo & armor comin'. -former sgt.11b4p 82nd 4318

phil herb0
phil herb0 - 24.03.2018 16:28

"If we have to kill him, we'll kill him. Point blank" baddass.

Donnie Grogan
Donnie Grogan - 11.03.2018 02:22

I had the pleasure of being Donnie's sparring partner for a month of training. Good dude while sparing he taught me a lot. Rock On Tactical Rifleman and Donnie! All the Way!

charlie mashara
charlie mashara - 21.02.2018 23:10

Where I life just twirling a stick can be a misdeemer.  It is not because I doubt the effectiveness of this but I think that needs to be mentioned.  Though there is a lot of truth to this.

Legalize Shemp
Legalize Shemp - 27.01.2018 01:45

Very good instruction and video. To the point.

Dash speedQb Airsoft
Dash speedQb Airsoft - 15.01.2018 01:22

Hey bud fun fact you can use your rifle as a weapon

Ron Sisk
Ron Sisk - 01.01.2018 16:37


WarInHD - 31.12.2017 05:09

Don is a badass, he was on the show The Selection on the History. He's truly a silent professional

Speed Drawing
Speed Drawing - 23.12.2017 14:12

pls don't many talk,just do it

Michael Baza
Michael Baza - 19.12.2017 08:08

You go brother Nous Defions
