Ubuntu Vs Zorin OS | Which is the Best Linux Distro? (For 2022)

Ubuntu Vs Zorin OS | Which is the Best Linux Distro? (For 2022)

Linux Tex

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JarppaGuru - 19.09.2023 10:07

debian+ubuntu/zorin theme?
linux never win windows on desktop use with 1m distros. they should make one linuxOS where you can choose enviroment and all themes .
themes cant hold (distro extras)

choppergirl (♞) airwar
choppergirl (♞) airwar - 17.09.2023 08:24

Weird, they didn't feel "premium" at all to me.
At least when you start trying to get actual work done in the file explorer, or with windows or open app management. The taskbar just kind of fails at hopening a ton of windows. I really h8t3d the thmbnail window previews on teh taskbar, and then it switches to a vertical text list when it becomes too many. Just always use the text list. But no way to change it.
I ended up reformatting them both eventually and going back to Windows7.

Jin Raigami
Jin Raigami - 31.08.2023 19:52

Zorin All day. I like its look way better.

TheIlluminatiMember - 21.08.2023 23:15

Zorin's way of monetizing is way smarter than how Ubuntu does it. Love both of them, but I'm going to switch to Zorin soon

Proton Neutron
Proton Neutron - 20.08.2023 00:48

Zorin is designed to replace Windows & Mac OS for NON Linux users. Ubuntu is designed for Linux users. Not comparable. E.g. if I replace Windows PC in a business with Ubuntu the IT Dept. would be overwhelmed with user help desk traffic. Not so with Zorin. Get it?

Debra Donche
Debra Donche - 04.08.2023 19:12

I just found this video. I am relatively new to Linux. I paid for the "top tier" Zorin OS so that I could change up the look of the desktop more easily. Currently dual-booting with Windows 10 on a computer with 16GB RAM. Cannot upgrade the Windows side to Win 11 because my processor is not compatible. I did have a bit of trouble getting online in Zorin as I access the internet via a USB WiFi adapter with a Realtek chip. But I did my research and got to play in the terminal, too. Works like a charm now. I really like Zorin so far. I recommend it for newbies.

Prince Harvey
Prince Harvey - 18.07.2023 17:00

Use Zorin for a few days and it kept crashing Kodi and one laptop screen glitched a lot. I did not have either problem when I installed Ubuntu

Paul Safaliche
Paul Safaliche - 04.07.2023 23:20

Thebubuntu dock is unoptim

Bishnu chowdhury
Bishnu chowdhury - 17.06.2023 10:35

Bro was this a paid review? I've watched multiple video of you , where you praised so much about zorin. So i installed it over mint. Amd found slow boot time, all source of software part is not working. Yes wine is broken but it is more broken in zorin. You just wasted my time and my machine

Frank Huurman
Frank Huurman - 16.06.2023 22:55

I love Zorin OS so much that I'm a donator of the project but development is slow and it takes ages to release new versions(plus the other comments about old Gnome versions is a big deal, so many missing performance improvements).
If they could integrate new versions quicker it would be my number 1 distro for sure.

But to release Zorin OS 17 based on Ubuntu 22.04 áfter Ubuntu 23.10 is released(I think Zorin 17 is planned for november) is lagging behind a lot.

Nawaz Waseem
Nawaz Waseem - 08.06.2023 22:07

What happens after you've used these for over five years??

Clate McGehee
Clate McGehee - 30.04.2023 22:04

Biggest flaw in Zorin is it is slow to update to the latest Ubuntu LTS. They are still running on 20.04 even though 24.04 is less than a year away. By the time Zorin gets to 22.04 Ubuntu will only be 6 months or so away from 24.04.

I understand staying 6 months or so behind for the bugs to be worked out in the latest LTS before they move over but being 1.5 years behind is pretty bad.

But I do love the support for Snaps and Flatpaks right out of the box with no configuration. I also am not a fan of the stock Ubuntu look.

rohan valodra
rohan valodra - 28.04.2023 11:38

best kali linux

jivko banchev
jivko banchev - 05.04.2023 20:07


mal-avcisi - 25.03.2023 07:50

Linux Desktop is just garbage. Everywhere buggy and unreliable.

Nishant Patar
Nishant Patar - 21.03.2023 08:11

Old Ubuntu used to be the best, now it is mess when comes to drive, installation, bugs etc. I use only for server.

Tech Freak MB
Tech Freak MB - 11.03.2023 19:32

Do we have to pay every year or month to use zorin os pro

Radja - 11.03.2023 12:40

You have to pay for Zorin.

Kjetil Ervikson
Kjetil Ervikson - 20.02.2023 17:19

I'm not a developer, just use the computer for what I need it for. And then Zorin OS is the ultimate choice.

MrBravi - 12.02.2023 22:08

Zorin is perfect for the company where I work.

DevotedGamer - 12.02.2023 12:03

Please do a video on installing Windows games on Linux

Xellaz - 09.02.2023 19:35

I've tried Zorin OS and it's a good Linux distro for people who wants to keep things simple and get the job done. Unfortunately, it isn't for me. I like having a lot of options and tweaking my system to best suit me. I ended up with MX Linux. It's fast, stable, and options galore! The default look of MX Linux might not appeal to some but it's easy to tailor it to your liking. It runs so snappy and includes so many custom tools. The package installer even lets you change to custom kernels such as Xanmod and Liquorix easily. 💪

Tamás Feka
Tamás Feka - 08.02.2023 10:40

Hey, really nice video, im going to switch from win10 and i want to learn codeing along with learning little bit more about linux, which one i should choose?

David Wayne
David Wayne - 07.02.2023 17:30

BEST??=== ZORIN by far...

SitaroArtworks™ - 30.01.2023 05:32

Zorin OS is aesthetically better than Ubuntu, but it uses the same resources and repositories so, same shitty things like snap store. When I used to have Nvidia cards, I had nothing but troubles between proprietary drivers and kernel updates. Black screen after reboot. Never. More.

However, if I should be forced to use a Debian derivate (but thank God we have Red Hat and Enterprise experienced derivates) I would go for Mint Linux because they don't mess up like Canonical does.

Ujwala Wagh
Ujwala Wagh - 14.01.2023 14:33

Zorin OS good for eyes easy

Ujwala Wagh
Ujwala Wagh - 14.01.2023 14:30

Zorin OS for smartphone next replace Android OS

Ashish kushwaha
Ashish kushwaha - 03.01.2023 21:00

Please anyone help me i am so confused which is good for programming and app development
Ubuntu or zorin or kali

Kirth Gersen
Kirth Gersen - 24.12.2022 03:50

Zorin. Forget the rest. You’re welcome.

wmakiling805 - 21.12.2022 06:01

Awesome video! Thank you!

TheDarkKnight - 12.12.2022 12:49

Do a video on IDE Code Editors for Linux

TheDarkKnight - 12.12.2022 12:01

2022 is the Year of Linux, switch to Linux. Windows is a piece of shit OS

Steven - 12.12.2022 11:41

Prefer Zorin, but now my choice is either Zorin / Opensuse or Mint..... Not sure which one to use as Workstation

Sneak - 12.12.2022 03:58

Can you compare Zorin with MX Linux next? I plan to switch to one of these for my office PC when Windows 10 ends it's life in 3 years

Soumyajit Mz
Soumyajit Mz - 10.12.2022 16:56

Which Linux OS is light weight and easy to use?

Max Rex
Max Rex - 04.12.2022 23:04

Cannot understand why people even mention Ubuntu is rubbish it dont even run well on a new fast computer they need to scrap it because its always going to be rubbish.linux Mint xfce rules simple

Arhum Ahmad
Arhum Ahmad - 30.11.2022 04:40

I think with Ubuntu part of it that there was a time when it was the undisputed king, and now a lot of people are just used to it and even knew people who aren't there's a huge community of people to help them if they're stuck.

G L - 27.11.2022 16:04

After distro-hopping for awhile, I have finally settled on MX Linux.

Bohemian Tech
Bohemian Tech - 27.11.2022 06:57

What I would like to see is a comparison between Zorin and Linux Mint. Both of which seem to be courting Windows refugees. Thanks.

An_Arj _Art
An_Arj _Art - 25.11.2022 14:42

Which distro support direct install of exe files!🤪😷

Johnny M. Rodriguez R
Johnny M. Rodriguez R - 23.11.2022 15:30

I have been running both OS’s for a while and Zoran actually a smoother OS Lite and not bloated..

adil Hashmi
adil Hashmi - 21.11.2022 21:00


Gillar Ajie Prasatya
Gillar Ajie Prasatya - 21.11.2022 19:57

Still using debian 11 until now.

Moussa Khalfallah
Moussa Khalfallah - 21.11.2022 18:38

linux is useless as desktop systems but if i was using it i will pick linux mint

ag codes
ag codes - 20.11.2022 17:25

It's dumb to compare to distros that way, anyway I have watched this a lot when I was new to linux, and prolly you are now, hope you stop distro hopping soon :)

T G - 19.11.2022 13:36

After some practice on terminal commands, I can put Linux into real productive tools. And the greatest merit is most of the useful softwares are already in the system and they are =FREE= ! I use MX Linux in 80% of the time for work, study and steam gaming

Beast EternalInferno
Beast EternalInferno - 19.11.2022 01:10

Can barely understand the speaker

Michael Mantion
Michael Mantion - 18.11.2022 18:43

I like the idea of Zorin, but i can honestly say, the only distro to install is one based on Arch. Ubuntu based distros are THE WORST. They break all the time, very hard to fix, very confusing to install software. If you don't want to use an Arch based distro, then use a Fedora based one.
