Going Dawless with the Octatrack | Electronic Music Without A Laptop | Thomann

Going Dawless with the Octatrack | Electronic Music Without A Laptop | Thomann

Thomann Synthesizers

4 года назад

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@toddbilleci8563 - 02.10.2020 19:16

Is this good?

@AvianBreak - 03.10.2020 06:36

Great overview! Hoping to pick one up in the next couple months. Loved the music.

@ringandtones - 03.10.2020 16:33

Great video as always Felix. I'm still on the fence with the Octatrack though because of its age.
But if Elektron manages to redo it as a Mk3 with a better workflow I'll be one of the first to preorder it.

@holydiver4728 - 02.11.2020 19:51

If I had a dollar everytime you touch the headphones Vol ... Djeezes

@jvnllA - 23.11.2020 03:47

I hope you will introduce the record collection behind you someday.

@Krookerz98 - 11.12.2020 11:44

is the song used in the performance released??? if so what's its name?

@lowbias - 16.12.2020 09:59

Finally, an easy to digest summary of the Octatrack! Thank you 🙏🏻!

@jg5966 - 22.12.2020 18:55

great video keep it up

@e-conrecords4665 - 06.01.2021 14:14

I really have to start using the midi tracks on my Octatrack / Digitone to control my other gear. I’ve been lazy.

@elmariachi5133 - 09.01.2021 11:39

Electronic music without digital synths yields the best results.

@user-rj8hn1cb1w - 11.01.2021 04:33

looping a single waveform brings the octatrack also in synth territories :)

@willhurt3446 - 13.01.2021 04:01

Nice. Is it possible to have all your sampling time available in 1 project ?

@unclemick-synths - 14.01.2021 00:21

DAW-less recording is great fun. The physicality produces different results. I still mix in the box but the tracks are more ready for mixing and sometimes are really more like stubs with effects and processing already done. Direct to stereo is fastest of all and it's like stepping back in time but in a good way.

@IhorMedia - 17.01.2021 13:12

Nice jam! Great melody and drums! Love it!

Very nice trick with the short feedback time delay scene on the drums track. I will shamelessly steal this one from you :)

@andriinikitin6139 - 27.01.2021 02:02

Nice vid, thanks!
By the way, sp-404sx/a is nice for long samples (unlike many other gear), may work like fx unit, good for djing as well, great for beat making, and supports midi sync/playback. I would suggest it a great option for drone, lofi, house and basically any other stuff

@drainyoo1 - 28.01.2021 05:18

This is exactly what I was looking for. Great video. You clearly explain its use, it's way more than a sampler. Getting one now. Thanks. I assume that you can also just program drums on it, and you really don't need the Analog Rytm?

@hannuthyvonen - 30.01.2021 17:52

minun Musiikkia Löytyy Facebookista.

@SoulsticeHiphopbeats - 12.03.2021 08:07

Going analog is definitely the way to go , there’s just something about it that a computer can’t replicate . I don’t know what it is , maybe the workflow , or the fact your not staring at a computer for hours and clicking a mouse , but one thing I no for sure is analog is fun as hell and I love the feel of physical gear , maybe that’s why I love my Mpc live so much. Great work my man very inspiring ! Hope I can afford a setup like this one day 🙏🏽✌🏽

@ecotekno - 21.03.2021 07:12

Thanks Felix - that was interesting and informative

@monsieurpatate303 - 26.03.2021 20:54

I have almost the same setup, the idea that the octatrack is the central part is a choice to have a minimum of devices and that, with formidable efficiency. I love the black edition, really classy.

@earlsfield - 12.04.2021 13:10

can you please reveal - that synth sample on oktatrack, is it reversed or modulated by lfo?

@digitaldiezel5870 - 20.05.2021 09:31

You forgot to put the Akai Force in your list.

@DayflightTrok - 29.05.2021 20:38

The OT is the best music device so far of the last 15 years, and we can only hope that Elektron without Cenk will develop an OT 2 and not only an OT MK3

@stefanhansen5882 - 29.06.2021 16:21

It it wonderful that Thomann got you on their show. You are an excellent presenter! :)

@SONWU - 30.06.2021 16:34

Wonderfully described Felix!
I am debating whether to get Digitakt or Octatrack.
Which one do you find more useful as studio tool, when trying to finish songs?
Digitakt with Overbridge, or Octatrack with endless possibilities, but poor computer integration.

@samanderson806 - 01.07.2021 10:10

Wow, you went about 80% Aphex Twin on that.

@samanderson806 - 01.07.2021 10:11

Your flower is dancing. (Orchid?)

@MRTM-kl5dd - 06.08.2021 00:02


@ghost_in_the_robot - 08.10.2021 20:59

Would this be worth getting to replace an MPD218? I use it for mapping the MIDI cc knobs to Ableton Macros/Filter, res, cutoff, etc. and sometimes use it with Koala

@yenthesage2717 - 08.12.2021 08:00

Well this was awesome!

@cds8137 - 18.12.2021 22:52

A really excellent introduction to the Octatrack. Really helped me discover more. Thank you.

@MrHindrix - 02.02.2022 12:36

Thanks for the great video!!! Can you explain why you send the midi track via de rytm instead of directly to the MS20-mini?

@toby-o-rink - 23.03.2022 20:45

Hi, What confuses me about Elektron are the differences in the machines.

What distinguishes an Analog Rytm, an Analog Four or an Octatrac from each other. They all have the ability to play drum loops somehow, don't they? Is there somewhere a clear separation for the use of the devices?

@DJ_Melech - 26.04.2022 01:31

great video and great live performance!

@garymclellan5604 - 19.09.2022 17:35

What if I told you that Octatrack is a DAW!😯😯😯😯😯😮😮😮😮😮😮

@lennielen30 - 21.12.2022 21:14

I can not like this enough

@StephenDisarioMusic - 12.05.2023 19:41

is there a reason you route midi for the ms20 through the rytm as well?

@jsenior65 - 21.10.2023 09:58

Loving your crossfader scenes. What are some of your go to fx on the octa for creating those glitchy, stretched out drum manglers on scenes?

@ricksanchez9217 - 21.02.2024 17:51

Hört sich leicht nach Prichard T. Jams 😂 an

@ricksanchez9217 - 21.02.2024 17:52

DAWless ist meine Herausforderung.. I hate screens

@matplaneta5555 - 26.03.2024 00:18

Great Man!!

@truthfilter - 25.09.2024 19:25

Hi my friend, have you got this track in full anywhere online it's excellent!!! I'm really wanting to get an Octatrack but I have Zero experience with hardware I've only ever made music on a computer, so I'm cautious about buying one and then getting frustrated because I can't use it

@georat16 - 16.12.2024 23:28

Concise and very well explained--Thank you!!

@andrebeaudiodesignerofsoun5428 - 12.01.2025 02:18

What a Vibeee🎉❤
