Containerizing HandBrake with Docker and Kubernetes

Containerizing HandBrake with Docker and Kubernetes

Techno Tim

3 года назад

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@TechnoTim - 16.02.2021 07:55

What do you transcode with Handbrake? Movies? Home Videos? 🍍?

@phaelax - 02.02.2023 05:50

Wish you covered using a cdrom mount. I can't for the life of me get it to find titles on a disc.

@Mezhona - 09.06.2022 22:42

I'm not expecting a reply to this, but if anyone knows, please help a struggling homelaber... I'm using handbrake on my PC because of the H.264 Nvidia NVE video encoder, but when I'm traveling etc, I dont have my PC running, so I would like to use my server instead, which is slower, but it is better than waiting. so my question is: can I use default path "{source_path}" as I would in the PC version? also file format "{source}-{title}"? It's not a big issue, but it would help the process alot.

@nightops4ever - 26.01.2022 19:53

newbie question... what is the functional difference between the storage folder, and the watch directory?

@akhilleusuggo - 29.10.2021 20:20

I was hoping to see the same video chunked and converted in multiple nodes.

@daes10 - 05.10.2021 00:55

Very nice videoguide. Nice!
But can anyone help me, why everything worked but still de "Auto deletion after successfully converted" feature dont work? Is there a rights issue? I have set "AUTOMATED_CONVERSION_KEEP_SOURCE = 0" but still no files will be deleted.

@Ahmedhkad - 24.09.2021 00:46

I will use it with Media server , for example Emby to auto convert HEVC video files, which downloaded by qBittorrent , ( 3 containers work together )

@jadehawk - 21.09.2021 19:25

Enjoyed the video as is usual with all your videos..
Handbrake is great, but once you dive into Tdarr you will probably never go back.
Great video either way..

@laurencethornber5854 - 14.09.2021 21:21

Doesn't support ARM so no Pi handbrake transcoder :(

@bigappleplug6021 - 11.09.2021 06:34

Hey Tim. Hats off to you.
Do you ever think of the security implication yet alone running into a behind the scenes issue in using any if these containers or are we just run NID/snort on our pfsense.

These containers make life convenient indeed. However this is comparable to someone who visits a fish market instead of a fresh pond.

Hope that makes sense.
You are killing it.

My advise to noobs ---> force yourself to understand everything is a file. Learn where these files are at. Use the man pages and rest assured the world is yours

@Henegeu11 - 19.08.2021 01:05

I would not recommend running it alongside other containers in Docker, cause if you run handbrake for instance on Docker installing on Synology it will use almost all the processor resources of your NAS. I found out that the best way to run Handbrake is to create a VM and install Docker on the VM and then run Handbrake there.

@gswhite - 13.05.2021 13:12

Excellent video, thanks for sharing. I wonder if there is anyway to passthrough GFX cards into Docker? Hardware encoding using Intel, Nvidia or AMD woudo be awesome.

@paulmaydaynight9925 - 11.05.2021 12:11

--------- cut encode-2mbit.bat
FOR %%A in ("*.mkv") DO (
ffmpeg.exe -threads 0 -i "%%A" -f mp4 -vcodec libx264 -crf 16 -minrate 900k -maxrate 2100k -bufsize 2100k -refs 3 -preset slow -vprofile high -strict -2 -acodec aac -ac 2 -ab 192k -vf yadif,hqdn3d,unsharp=5:5:0.5,gradfun "%%~nA.MP4"
---- cut

get a ffmpeg nightly put it & the encode-2mbit.bat in the mkv files dir to convert to mp4 containers, run the bat

@GaryBarclay - 20.03.2021 19:17

Downside, I can't get this container to use GPU :-( Any suggestions Tim? Can't get NVidia runtime to work with the container or Handbrake is just not setup to work with it. Intel Quick Sync available from the documentation but I'm running this container on Docker in a Proxmox Debian VM with IOMMU passthrough for NVidia (this works on my Plex container). Can I enable intel_iommu on this VM too?

@DjArthurr62 - 01.03.2021 22:09

Can we use a GPU to encode videos ?

@phainesthai - 24.02.2021 00:20

is there a way to run gnuCASH like this, a docker container with a web front end?

@davidstegmuller6438 - 21.02.2021 18:39

Take a look at Tdarr, a Handbrake Queue Manager with a WebUI. Tdarr is a Node Manger as well, you can share your Transcode queue with multiple Nodes, respectively multiple VMs or Servers. I used to use Handbrake in docker, but Tdarr is awsome!

@KasparBrygger - 18.02.2021 13:21

Really awesome. I'd like HB to be able to watch my DVD drive to import all my DVD's onto my Plex... Inside the docker container, on my docker VM, on my Proxmox. How does that all work?

@zawiasfx - 18.02.2021 10:36

but staxrip with nvenc h265 is cooler

@Botio - 18.02.2021 10:35

why u need to transcode now? we don't use DVD anymore right???? we even watch porn online for so many yeas...

@shetuamin - 18.02.2021 05:43

I never use handbrake before, may be use in future. Thanks for this post.

@marmao78 - 17.02.2021 22:05

Great video. Thank you for sharing.

@Javier_Corado - 17.02.2021 20:30

"Did you also know you can run it on Docker and Kubernetes"

mic drop

@nathanielbeven9052 - 17.02.2021 15:44

my dockerized Firefox web UI (so i can have firefox and important extensions anywhere) has the exact same top banner for sizing and clipboard. I just assumed that was from the firefox image creator but now I'm assuming thats something you can call on in docker itself?

@shekharnandkoemarsing158 - 17.02.2021 14:45

Great video man! I tried this as well a couple of months ago, I've now switched focus on what I consider to be the "next/overkill" version of this setup, maybe you will give it a try as well!

The basic concept: This setup is great for leaving your server on and transcoding all the time, but it can still only transcode one thing at a time (or multiple, but it then slows down all of them_, so then I started thinking about horizontally scaling this setup. What I want to do is: instead of watching the watch folder, I want to use something like rabbitmq (message queue) to monitor a folder where the video files will be added (it has to be on a NAS), then if a new video file is detected the message que will reflect that added file, then another application that is subscribed to that message queue will pick up that information and schedule a node in the rancher/Kubernetes cluster to start up a container to transcode that file with the handbrake container, it provides it with the path of the video file, the desired config of it and the desired output file. Now you have achieved horizontal scalability for transcoding (My idea is to use this in combination with cloud providers for when I have a project, sure it costs some money but to get quick results it's an option)

Then for maybe down the line, wouldn't it be cool if you could transcode 1 video file on multiple containers that are running on multiple nodes? I was reading up on this and the basic idea is to before you start transcoding determine exactly how many containers you could run (let's say you got 3 separate nodes on which there could run 10 containers, that's 30 containers total) then you divide the video stream in the video file by 30, let's say the video stream is 30 min long, you could tell each container to only transcode 1 minute of is sequentially, afterwards you stitch all of them together and you have your final file (which is waayyy fast than one container doing it by itself). I want to try this as a future project

@Moorvieh - 17.02.2021 11:45

How does the watch process determines when the Video File in the Watch Folder has finished copying to it? So it is ensured, that it will only run when the file is completely on your watch folder. Also can you preset the behavior which language and subtitles you want to have in the Video Output?

@SergeyPopovX - 17.02.2021 06:31

Saying that -d flag will make docker run as a daemon is rather misleading. It is not Doker Daemon in the sense it is used in docks. Instead, this is simply running container detached (independent of shell).

@KingZero69 - 17.02.2021 04:48

this guy... talks... in the most... jilted... way... ive ever... heard... 😂😂😂😂

@apulacheyt - 17.02.2021 03:28

Hi Tim, very interesting video.

Just out of curiosity, don't you think having a docker container with Nvidia support would be a better environment for this kind of workload?. Is that even possible?

I've presumed Nvidia support should be include in the container and activate it using and ENV var.

Thanks for the great content!!!

@Tarbard - 17.02.2021 03:16

Amazing, I didn't expect this to be possible.

@rockking1379 - 17.02.2021 03:05

If I could have a UI to enter the movie name and release year, then automatically copy the dvd or blu ray, this would be useful for doing the auto conversion. I really should spend some time and figure out how to make this work. My plex install needs more movies on it

@Mr.Leeroy - 17.02.2021 02:38

For the life of me, never liked HandBrake. Tried a lot of apps over the years and ended up with ShanaEncoder, which most probably never heard of.

@Moukrea - 17.02.2021 02:06

The things you could do with ffmpeg alone running in docker (tonemapping)... It only miss a friendly UI, and probably some regex based automatic sorting the manage video files (on top of media info)

@RisedSky - 17.02.2021 01:17

Was watching for it ! THANK YOU TIM

@Animesk8ter12 - 17.02.2021 00:27

This is slick Tim, didn't know the docker image had a GUI with it. Will definitely be deploying this in the homelab!

@JohnWeland - 16.02.2021 23:32

Does Docker have some sort of IOMMU err hardware passthrough? Like to assign say a GPU to a container or cluster for specific tasks?

@mattlawrence1983 - 16.02.2021 22:58

I'm currently running a Handbrake instance in a container using Rancher based on your previous Rancher video. I am passing my P2000 Quadro through to this box because it is also responsible for running my PLEX server and Rancher/Containers let me share it with both services. I'm a big fan of your stuff! See you on Discord :)

@stephenreaves3205 - 16.02.2021 22:27

You should check out Tidarr. Similar concept, but more geared for the Sonarr/Radarr crowd. It is a lot more automated

@roboto_ - 16.02.2021 22:01

i really really like the channel and content but the jump cuts are very jarring

@PS-xn8ej - 16.02.2021 21:48

why you can't have 2 containers on the same host during the upgrade? This 5800 is a host port and be mapped to the internal container, so you can have more of them ? As I never see issue during upgrade of app when there was couple of same containers on same host with node port

@hiddenfromyourview - 16.02.2021 21:39

This is great! I've decided to look in to a docker SAMBA server so I can upload videos to a share, and have this dockerized handbrake autoconvert over several days and dump to an output folder on the SAMBA container for me to pick up later. Shared storage is wonderful.

@GeoffSeeley - 16.02.2021 21:32

Is the any way to get this docker to use hardware decoding/encoding of a video card installed on the server?

@happosade - 16.02.2021 21:28

Ah, you should have also put in how to transcode to multiple output from single watch folder!

@owlenderg - 16.02.2021 21:09

Wait, handbrake isn't just an app???

I'm- what o.o

This'll be so handy if it can be fully automated

@swollenaor - 16.02.2021 21:05

