That's how kabota rolls
ОтветитьYeah that's true cause that's a three thousand dollar fix 😔
ОтветитьBrand new 2502 had to add almost 3 quarts.
Ответитьgoing to check my L3301 now thanks much oh yes did you make the ammo can holder? if not where can I get one :}
ОтветитьThank you for the information
ОтветитьWhat’s this stuff, UDT gear oil?
ОтветитьAlways use 90 weight gear oil so when you develop a leak it doesn’t run out like water or udt
ОтветитьAfter you add oil, you have to check it again the next day there’s a lot of bearings the oil has to seep through to get the correct level at minimum it’s overnight
ОтветитьMy 40hp was on it's 50 hour check and i had real trouble getting the service guy in Thailand to check it. so i did it while he was there watching and it took half of a 4.5 litre can and the service guy couldn't believe it .
ОтветитьMy dealer said to change it at 50hrs. I change it every 200 hours or so. I check it was few times a year.
NEEDED FOR THE PURPOSE INTENDED. The Dealership, Wickham Tractor in Fort Collins, CO
sold me the tractor and added Howes diesel treatment to the tank as well as selling me the
remainder of the bottle to use to prevent the fuel from jelling. I Used as per specs. Tractor was
purchased on 11/21/23 and I picked it up and transported it back to UT. Tractor was in
operation for 17.2 hours before it would not start. Local Kubota dealerships said they would
not come out to try to fix it as we did not buy it from them. Took it to Las Vegas, NV, as they
were closest Kubota dealership, dropped off on 1/8/24 at 730 am. Kubota dealership said the
fuel smelled funny so it wasn't covered under warranty and said $12000.00 plus to fix. The DPF
was completely clogged and the only codes were low temp MAF sensor and no
communication with EGR. Western area rep said there was no fuel to test because I drained it.
This is a Lie. Had more than 6 gallons of fuel in it when i dropped it off. I have all the emails and
correspondences and text messages, proving they denied coverage for adding a fuel additive.
Sergio at Kubota customer service said, “When I put fuel in the tractor it voided warranty.”
Apco, the Kubota dealership in Las Vegas, sent out the injectors for testing they came back as
bad due to fuel contamination on 1/23/24. Kubota persisted in their point of me putting bad
fuel in the Tractor. When I called the tester, I pressed about the fuel contamination. The person
who did the test, said it was visible metal in the injectors that most likely came from the high
pressure fuel pump. There was no metal in the fuel tank, fuel filter or fuel water separator. The
dealership i bought the tractor from said they were the only ones that could help me at this
point due to Kubota policy. Eddie at Wickham tractor told me I needed to bring the tractor
back to them, 1367 miles round trip. and they would sell me a new one because I had broken
this one. And would see about trying to fix the one I had already bought for a discount. I
transported the tractor back to Greely, CO to Wickham on 1/18/24 they tested the fuel that was
still in the filters and it came back as fine 2/8/24 so they were going to replace the entire
engine. This could take between 3 to 9 months. My warranty coverage says all warranty work
to be completed within 30 days. On 2/28/24 I found out there was internal Kubota Service
Bulletin that came out to all the dealers the week before I bought the tractor stating the very
problems my tractor was having. They knew this, and still denied coverage, and finally, when I
presented this fraud to Kubota, on 3/7/24 Wickham tractor said they were going to replace the
tractor with a new one, but wouldn't give me a timeline of when I would get a new one and I
would have the expense of picking it up from them verses a local dealership. These delays
have cost me my business and reputation to move snow I had to pay out my competitors and
cancel and refund all my contracts. A service bulletin for this tractor was issued before I
bought it stating this very problem. and it was to be fixed at Kubotas expense. They knew the
problem existed, they tried to blame it on me for adding fuel supplement, they tried to coerce
me into buying a new tractor on top of the broken one so i didn't lose my business. they
refused to cover the cost of repair until i proved their fraud, and intent by pushing the narrative
and then changing and deleting emails. I have all emails and correspondence showing the
timeline, the fraud and intent.
Every 800 may seem excessive but its a good practice to drain and look for metal chips, those angle drives don't like chips and the bevel gear teeth are under a massive load sometimes in 4wd. A couple quarts of oil vs $1k to replace gears, bearings, seals and a cracked housing.
ОтветитьWhen I bought my L2501, the guru at Coia Equipment told me what was in the front axle and he said to change it to 80/90 weight at the first change.
ОтветитьJust did this to my 2 year old L3901. Needed half gallon
Great tip
Thanks the head's up
ОтветитьJust checked my kubota L2501 and it was actually pretty much full. I added some oil and I think most of what I put in came out the other side. At least I have peace of mind.
ОтветитьSo, I’ve worked with 80w 90 gear lube before, and I’ve used Kubota super UDT. The latter falls somewhere between a typical hydraulic oil and an engine oil in apparent viscosity at room temperature, as I recall, and 80/90 gearlube is on the extreme end of viscosity, almost a grease rather than an oil. Can someone please explain to me how any piece of equipment can call for either of these products interchangeably in the manufacturer’s specifications?
ОтветитьThanks for this video and showing how and where to fill.
ОтветитьLooks like your freezing your ass off... tell me how it all works out, im going back in the house , later
ОтветитьPlease review - the 14 mm is the CHECK, not the fill
ОтветитьThanks, I will check mine. Where did you get your tool box foam??
ОтветитьMine was 2 qts. Low
ОтветитьIs the microphone in your nostril?
ОтветитьBX2380 here, walked by it this AM and wondered what that front axle cap was for......
Ответитьkubota better smarten up or they will be loosing alot of business. I bought a L2502 and had alot of small trouble.
ОтветитьI’m going to drain and refill mine with super udt2. Dealer was very little help. It smells like gear oil, not udt2. I suspect it is gear oil.
ОтветитьThank you very much!
ОтветитьCan’t go wrong keeping a close eye on your fluids. My truck isn’t always polished up, but you can bet the bank all of my fluids and filters are on point! Bought my b2601 brand new and there wasn’t a fluid on the machine that was right when I got it. The dealer I bought it from also needs to get there techs a new torque wrench. Ended up going over every bolt on the tractor after two chassis bolts and a rear wheel lug fell off just mowing with the belly mower. Ridiculous quality control. Fact is, we all make huge investments in these machines, take a few minutes and keep thing tight and topped off and you’ll get several thousand hours out of these tractors.
ОтветитьApproaching the 800 hour mark and getting ready to do some maintenance. Not sure where things are at. Wish I would have seen this sooner. Cross your fingers for me.
ОтветитьDoing my 400 hour maint. on my Kubota L3302 now. Just added this to my list after seeing the video. Thanks for the heads up.
ОтветитьThat wrench drawer is awesome
ОтветитьKubota is seriously dropping the ball. There are too many other options available, at lower prices, for them to be letting their quality slip like this. I bought my L2501 brand new from a dealer and I asked if I needed to do anything upon receipt of it and was told "no, it's good to go, just like a brand new car, but read the manual and do the services and checks on time.". I shouldn't have listened. I lost several nuts and bolts because nothing was tightened beyond hand tight when they assembled it, including a hydraulic line that leaked about a gallon and a half of fluid before I spotted it, and none of it had been greased. When I contacted the dealer about it, he said it's the owners responsibility to check all that stuff. 😡
ОтветитьI wander if you can tell me where you got all parts for b7000 kubota front diff
ОтветитьMy L2650 constantly gets water in the axel through the knuckel design.The udt seems very light to lubricate those big gears.
ОтветитьThank you Sir 😊
ОтветитьUse an Allen key to check fluid levels on stuff like this. Take the short end and put it in the check hole, then hold the longer end up flat or level. Then pull it out and check the wet fluid level mark on the allen wrench. This doesn't tell you how much to add, but does give you an idea of how low it is.
ОтветитьMy old one gets 50% Lucas so it doesn’t leak as fast! Haha
Ответитьits also not important to note there is also another bolt for draining the fluid. i drain my fluid once every year and replace it with new fluid. i had a 9540 drained nasty gunky oil ever since then i replace the fluid completely every year. if your fluid comes out clean then dont drain it all but if its black or dirty drain it all. also remember oil breaks down over time due to oxidation when its exposed to heat and movement. even if ur oil looks new it may not be good due to it being old oil thats broken down over time. oil sealed in its original container stays shelf stable for about 5 years up to 8 or higher for synthetic oils. but once its opened and exposed to oxygen, heat, pressure and movement. even you replace the oil in ur engine and never use it, it can still degrade in as soon as 6 months, but about a year is more realistic.
ОтветитьGood advice,my 1994 l3300 has 3500k on it -only recently bought it so will be checking it out asap.,what size of AG tyres are you running?
ОтветитьGreat information. Watched, checked my L3400 and guess what - 4 quarts later I'm now good to go. That's a lot cheaper then a rebuild.
ОтветитьI had same problem. Dealer found it at 50 hour service.
ОтветитьThanks mate. I was wondering why my steering is tending to be a little heavy. Will check
ОтветитьThank you!
ОтветитьI checked my 1 year old L3560. Was only 1/2 quart low. Thank you for the heads up.
ОтветитьChecked mine as I noticed the front end is really noisy, but the fluid is almost to the top.
Mind you the fluid was like molasses because it's -20C at the moment. Maybe that's why it squeaks for a couple of mines when you first get going.
just imagine how many thousands of gls and dollars of this overpriced oil the manufactures saved! i was taught over 70yrs ago to check all levels and torques on new and used equipment before using. all grease fitting and hoses.
ОтветитьThe big question is where is the oil going if you don't see a leak?