The Sekiro Critique - The Most Replayable Fromsoft Game

The Sekiro Critique - The Most Replayable Fromsoft Game

Feeble King

1 год назад

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@mansonpelep2909 - 10.02.2024 13:19

This game insane I played third time I couldn't resist😅

@simonlaurila2702 - 05.02.2024 01:34

Just to answer your take about the Buddha: According to what I could dig up, the idea seems to be that killing in itself isn't an issue as far as the Buddha is concerned, what matters is the intent you kill with.

So, for example, if you kill an invading enemy to protect the weak, or like wolf, kill those seeking the Dragon's Blood to prevent the rot from spreading, there is no malice in the act and thus not an issue with the Buddha. If you on the other hand kill people because you enjoy the feeling of power it gives you, that's when the Buddha will take issue.

Even killing as a result of a duel to see who is the better swordsman seems to be at least considered "neutral", as the pursuit of mastery is in line with the idea of seeking inner improvement, and to improve beyond a certain point as a martial artist, you have to engage in live combat against an opponent of comparable skill. Of course, this doesn't HAVE to mean "duel to the death with sharp swords", it could just as well mean using training swords and a referee, but as far as the spiritual side is concerned, those two things are the same.

@vecto1861 - 03.02.2024 14:12

It’s simple enough to define how hard Sekiro is. They had to give you a revive in the middle of boss fights because they know it’s almost impossible without it .

@GhostToast84 - 30.01.2024 23:40


@wachyfanning - 24.01.2024 09:11

I simply don't understand the comparison between Sekiro and Elden Ring in terms of difficulty. Sekiro is "hard" because it's complex, but avoiding damage is incredibly simple and openings are obvious - every challenge can simply be overcome through practice.
Elden Ring, on the other hand, abandons consistent attack patterns and regular attack speeds and so many other things which make things clear and learnable to the player. It's "hard" because it's a mess. Sekiro is hard and yet is so tightly refined that it's simply easy once you learn the mechanics.

@cami1567 - 16.01.2024 06:37

Sekiro NG was the hardest playthrough for me of any fromsoft game. NG+ was the easiest of any Fromsoft game.

@gorda251000 - 15.01.2024 20:26

Nah just bad at da game….you wouldn’t like it if it was easy anyway

@opticalduck2587 - 14.01.2024 15:56

The whole flipping wall stuff to teleport to the non connected regions of the map have some sort of talismans that allegedly connect two spaces together to make a teleporter. Been a while since I’ve heard that info but someone found that

@AutumnRed - 08.01.2024 20:16

masterpiece? this crap?

@gabrieldocafe8129 - 08.01.2024 01:01

Bro was not cooking 😭

@jeffcarroll1990shock - 07.01.2024 18:24

One way they could have signaled which path to take without revealing too much would would be very similar about the note warning about the Headless. Frame them as scouting reports. It would make logical sense that the generals would want to know what they were dealing with if they wanted to expand the Empire so they would send a few guys to go down there and report back.

@nimbylive - 31.12.2023 23:40

I find Sekiro to the best 2nd playthrough of any soulsborne game but boring past that. The others have so much more build diversity that you can get a new experience even after several playthroughs.

@girlmoment669 - 31.12.2023 11:12

awful video lol

@NikhilKumar-wf4gk - 30.12.2023 15:45

First you ask for anime experience then you say learning early game is hard . Bro ofcourse it's hard game should not be made constant like constantly hard or easy . It should have waves, like before fighting corrupted monk (avg-hard boss) the boss you fought before mist noble ( a joke boss). There are many counters I can give for the video. Like enemies having good eyes are improvement they are not crack head, they are realistic (they are supposed to be soldier not avg Joe) and forces players to be cautious and play with realistic stealth .

@Thisisaweirdthing2makeusdo - 28.12.2023 20:44

I love this game. Completed a few times. Have never legit killed the corrupted monk or the drunkun sword guys that spit fire. I can do ss ishinn no problems. Some of the moves in this game are horrible to block/deflect. Every other enemy i thoroughly enjoyed.

@Epicninfa96 - 28.12.2023 00:30

I played Sekiro by gunning for Genichiro instead of going to the other areas.

Doing it this way, it’s clear Genichiro is a late early - mid game skill check: Fromsoft tells you “hey if you can’t beat this guy, deflect, and know what mikiri counter is you’re going to struggle later on.” I feel like this is reinforced by the game because final boss Genichiro does feel easier due to beating him at Ashina Castle.

It does make him a cake walk for repeat playthroughs like you said, but Inner Genichiro fixes this.

@2jzMario - 25.12.2023 03:18

Who plays Sekiro and thinks “omg naruto”😂😭

@rngtrain4007 - 24.12.2023 01:17

The reason rot exists is for FromSoft to double down on their world tendency mechanic in Demons Souls. Bad mechanic? Lets do it again in a future game to show everyone that we are behind that bad mechanic. Dying losing health and souls? Nah, dying losing story, NPCs, and access to certain items and events! I am glad that FromSoft didn't give Sekiro a difficulty selection like some people wanted.

Unlike your title states, Sekiro is the least replayable game since there's only one way the developers want you to play it: deflect, deflect, attack. There is one weapon, one armor set, one attack button R1, no replenishable resource for attacking/dodging, and a non-replenishable resource for things like "strike with axe", "poke with spear", or "block with umbrella shield" which makes no sense. There are no builds. There is no variety.

@jigzyonline - 21.12.2023 11:19

I like Dark Souls 2.

@SonKunSama - 20.12.2023 12:29

Wolf says "one who opposes the Buddha?" just to ask the monk who it is that he's talking about. No need to go into that whole Buddhism rant lmao

@SonKunSama - 20.12.2023 12:01

Great video with some excellent points, there are some things I disagree with however. Every encounter that requires stealth can be solved by using stealth only, the only exception being Juzou where you have to de-aggro him in order to perform a stealth deathblow. I would highly recommend anyone to use Gaichiin's sugar/spiritfall for these encounters as they make it so much easier to remain undetected. Also Chained Ogre, like many other early game challenges, is supposed to be a way to teach you certain mechanics that'll be useful for the remainder of the game. For the Ogre for example it is that
1. Always be wary of grab attacks and learn how to dodge them
2. Normal attacks can always be deflected, no matter how powerful they look
3. Red-eyed enemies have a crippling weakness to fire (so maybe search for the flame vent, no seriously go to the Hirata estate first before you proceed).
The only enemy that I truly don't enjoy is the Blazing Bull even though it's also supposed to teach you something (that beasts are weak to firecrackers). That fight will never feel like a clean victory no matter what you do. I do agree however that there are some situations which don't have many ways to solve them, making them kind of tedious to replay.

Edit: nevermind, some more baffling points were brought up that I don't have the time and energy for to engage with lol

@vespenevapor1348 - 18.12.2023 21:22

If you thought sekiro had replayability, wait until you try dark souls lol.

@dragonrider59 - 18.12.2023 19:28

I like critical takes that look at different opinions on something i like. I wanted to question how you complain in one segment about how the exploration leaves a lot to be desired, but then complains about how all the easy bosses are hidden in the map.
That is how to encourage exploration, the clear path to the boss really difficult? Explore find nearby enemies to get some xp and idea of what attacks you will come across.
Some points you have are 2 sides of the same coin.

@supadoob - 15.12.2023 00:20

Hesitation is defeat.

@AlexandrVideos - 04.12.2023 18:22

Incredible effort was put into this video, it fells as a documentary, and you held my attention to the end, thanj you very much for this work

@DownbeatNova - 04.12.2023 08:10

Also your opinion on lone shadow longswordsman is kinda weird. You are literally meant to deflect. That is the entire point of the game. Yes there is the sweep attacks, but you can literally jump over those.

@DownbeatNova - 04.12.2023 07:17

You are meant to deflect the blazing bull, since it staggers and allows you deal substantial damage. You are meant to play it like a rodeo, by running away and waiting for it to attack. It still doesn’t stop this boss from being absolute dogshit though!

@xrabbz2010 - 01.12.2023 17:35

Now every time I die to Owl I call him a filthy casual 💀

@friendlylaser - 30.11.2023 12:07

Looks like you just don't get this game. I struggled to understand it until drunk guy in hirata estate, but then it all suddenly clicked. The game wants you to be adaptable and creative. I do not remember even having any problem with corrupted monk, at least illusory one.

@Hayden-qj1lo - 30.11.2023 05:08

Repayable? Eh, kinda. Dark souls 1 has more replayability.

@FilSapia - 29.11.2023 02:42

It's amazing how so many FromSoft fanboys are so eager to defend every little flaw. There is no such thing as a perfect game, you can find flaws in even the highest critically acclaimed games. I like most of their games, but I'll never say any of them are perfect because it's super disingenuous.

@Luxuriouswhite - 28.11.2023 19:25

My first playthrough of Sekiro was rough. But my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th playthrough solidified it as my favorite game. Once u got the combat down it is unrivaled by any other game

@xIHMx - 24.11.2023 22:29

I spent a while on corrupted monk but once someone told me use a divine confetti it was over

@rudyg6922 - 24.11.2023 15:37

The song going on at 18-19min mark what is it? Shit I can’t put my finger on it. Elder scrolls, Zelda, final fantasy? lol

@rudyg6922 - 24.11.2023 15:31

Kuros room in ashina and the main hub connect

@SL4PSH0CK - 22.11.2023 01:59

Elden RIng has dynamic narrative (players choice & routes) even AC6

@kaidensheroan7089 - 21.11.2023 12:29

I always here people complain about the bull on these videos yes he was super annoying at first but a very simple solution no one talks about is just getting behind him and running with him wherever he goes. Everyone he turns he opens up to 3 attacks every time. This game gives you speed and mobility at your disposal from soft players have never seen before. Almost all of the beast fights are meant to heavily encourage using your mobility to your advantage. Your not supposed to parry this fight at all your supposed to run with it

@samatkinson4331 - 20.11.2023 10:47

This teaches you that if you speed through a fromsoft game without slowing down to actually learn and enjoy the intended experience then you’ll have lots to complain about

@southpoundham - 19.11.2023 15:16

Currently on my second playthrough and im loving every second of it

@blenky5516 - 19.11.2023 11:23

Bro the corrupted monk fight. You need to learn how to mikiri counter thrust attacks and jump the jump again for sweeping strikes.

If you dont do that, his poise will recharge. Hopefully u can get back there and show him who boss haha

@fridayafternoons1 - 17.11.2023 08:17

oh buy this is truly a video of all time

@kinggamereon653 - 15.11.2023 16:48

after the mortal blade sekiro does have an easy mode
on my first playthrough I did everyone except demon of hatred without it but after trying it on later playthroughs it's just as broken as it seemed

@benjamincotton1734 - 14.11.2023 06:45

I found it funny/crazy how on both our first blind play through’s we did the same thing and cleared both the depths and senpo temple before Genichiro

@biblequotesdaily6618 - 08.11.2023 22:22

elden ring was good, but i feel like the nest game in fromsoft's melee slasher lineup is going to dwarf that game.

seeing as there is a huge yearning in the playerbase for a sequel to either bloodborne or sekiro, i feel like the next game will be a marriage of the two, with enhanced movement and unique weapon movesets, as in-depth as sekiro, yet you can choose between playstyles and once again customize a specific build. bonus points if they improve upon their elden ring open world formula with much more variety and less bloat.

@martinasenov8373 - 05.11.2023 01:48

For me the true ending is the one that sekiro kill himself
