بنډار با جنرال محمد صادق شینواری، کارشناس مسایل سیاسی - قسمت ۱۹

بنډار با جنرال محمد صادق شینواری، کارشناس مسایل سیاسی - قسمت ۱۹

Ariana Television

7 дней назад

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@rylaahmadyar2397 - 28.12.2024 00:01


@mastmangi - 28.12.2024 03:56

For the sake of our beloved country, Afghan people demand that our government looks at the license of Ariana Television again. After 50 years of war, we finally have an Islamic government and are excited for our country and government. It's clear to all Afghans that this television channel is working for the enemies of Afghanistan.
and Undermining the government and working towards creating hatred and division among the people of Afghanistan. We demand from you, the government of Afghanistan, to stop or correct this television channel in order to protect Afghanistan's national security and the Afghans dream of peace and prosperity.
