Outriders Patch to Try Fixing Inventory Wipes MESSES UP THE SERVERS!

Outriders Patch to Try Fixing Inventory Wipes MESSES UP THE SERVERS!

Born 2 Game

3 года назад

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@Born2Game - 16.04.2021 05:07

This is the 2nd patch for the game that has caused more issues for players

@BestAMVMaker1212 - 18.04.2021 08:09

B2G sounds so angrily passionate about outriders

@scwk33 - 17.04.2021 08:28

Great info bro keep making good content, people need to know what's goin on.

@kennethrobinson3193 - 17.04.2021 05:07

Its ridiculous on ps5 for me....takes several tries....restarting system 6 7 8 times before it signs in...

@pickle7187 - 17.04.2021 04:45

I'm on ps5 and I almost always have to sit waiting at the sign in wheel spinning,,,,anywhere from 2 minutes to 7-8 minutes,,,,,it's frustrating

@MoonBearBush - 17.04.2021 01:04

My 2 mates and I play on PS4 Pro. We have the logging in issue almost every time. What makes this worse is we also crash numerous times meaning we have to sit through that god damn intro and sit there for 10-20 mins at a time. Sadly one of my mates had the inventory wipe twice....

Then add all of these on top;

Terrible lag when playing multilayer

HUD disappearing

Map broken and not showing correct quest location and it generally being a piece of shit.

Skill bugs which involves you not being able to use any skills or shoot until you get downed or revived.

Twisted, Blighted rounds etc just cancelling for no reason and refreshing. Having to press said skills 4-5 times to activate and Hunt The Pret just flat out breaking and not working.

The list could get significantly longer with other things but those at the moment are the reasons my mates and I just stopped playing.

@GamerzProElite - 16.04.2021 23:57

I just finished the campaign on my 3rd character joined a player and there’s floating boxes saying NAN then i got sent to dashboard anyone else had that bug when joining someone?

@housetech. - 16.04.2021 23:24

Ps5 player here
Had a week booked off work to play outriders..got through campaign on my devastator and was hitting CT13 then I joined a random as I usually did (cross platform OFF) It lagged out and removed liturally everything from armour to weapons ... when I try log into that account it instantly kicks me out and then stops me getting past the outriders logo waiting page..every single time so from monday on my week off work I wont even be able to grind like I planned too...

@macjones479 - 16.04.2021 22:49

You can't always blame SE for this shit show. SE as far as I know have always run on dedicated servers. I think PCF have done this with the servers. PS is bad for logging on atm. So until this garbage is fixed though thoughorly I'm staying to D3 for my loot fix lol. I honestly think PCF and massive are working together.

@galrong7659 - 16.04.2021 21:30

PS4 takes forever on the log in screen

@aimcrazy5843 - 16.04.2021 21:26

89 dollars with tax and no refund im fucking pissed

@thinktech2go - 16.04.2021 21:25

their not going to restore inventory when they haven't found the source of the issue. I guarantee the last patch was a workaround. I think their hoping they will figure out the issue before they restore inv but its not looking so good.

@richardjackson9766 - 16.04.2021 21:25

Yes.. ps5 can’t get past signed in. :0)

@GamerzProElite - 16.04.2021 20:23

I’m still getting random dashboards while playing wonder if this is on there list so frustrating

@philippebou3184 - 16.04.2021 20:07

I uninstall and ask for the refund. Team not wanting to know anything, I entrust the problem to UFC (Europe).

@EXP234 - 16.04.2021 19:12

Haven't had any issues since launch 🤔

@craiggy_boyy9552 - 16.04.2021 18:42

I play outriders on ps5 and so does my brother and we still have problems signing in so what me and my brother do to fix it is just keep closing the game down and starting it back up some times it works after the first time some times it can take a few more times earlier today I could not sign in and I did the whole process of closing it down and starting back up again 9 times and it still didn't do it its a fucking joke

@hello_yasss6423 - 16.04.2021 18:42

Im on xbox and since ive had the wipe bug is keep getting constant server connection errors and can't get on but in okay with the wipe but cant get on top even farm gear

@kennygwalk5328 - 16.04.2021 17:05

The sign in process was so bad yesterday, I hate to back up and restore my profile

@spiderman3024 - 16.04.2021 16:14

It still kicks me when I play with my brother 🤣 money wasted

@deerock8545 - 16.04.2021 16:00

Xbox one x.. no server sign issues but still get dash boarded alot.. At least twice a hour

@justinfaulcon9498 - 16.04.2021 15:55

No issues on xbox one x yet . . . yet 😒

@joelvanek3062 - 16.04.2021 15:53

Oh (for my second "Oh", lol), Monsters that used to be pretty hard to kill have been just melting away with no effort whatsoever.

@bradleymetker6820 - 16.04.2021 15:50

Playstation still has log in issues and last night after the patch I had tons of rubber banding and laggy input with skills

@tazd7111 - 16.04.2021 15:42

Well if its fixed, why have I been sitting here watching a sign-in buffering ring for the last half hour??🤔

@TheSgtflo811 - 16.04.2021 15:42

Final Fantasy XIV has dedicated servers and it's a pretty big and active game. Square Enix has the money to put into dedicated servers for Outriders, they just wanted to save the money and be lazy IMO.

@joelvanek3062 - 16.04.2021 15:40

Logging on ps last night was annoying. But, seemed the same. Still a pain in the ass and took multiple tries. Gameplay on ps was also same as usual except whenever me and a friend were at ANY base/camp the game would get oddly choppy. Like it wanted to crash on a 2 second frozen screen but then went back to its usual self. Oh, and I forgot to mention, I'm finally running into the hud issues. I was hoping I was never going to run into that but my hud has started disappearing.

@TheseusBadger - 16.04.2021 15:33

It's PlayStation 😩... I got kick offline last night, tried to sign back in but was on the authentication sign-in screen for 10-15 minutes, I closed the app 3-4 times and still couldn't sign in.

I also tried with my wife PS4 Slim and the same thing happened.

@silenthonor1 - 16.04.2021 15:01

game froze after talking to an npc and got dashboarded on another occasion on xb1x this occurred playing for 60 minutes after i installed the latest patch.After i rebooted console everything ran fine for the duration of my gameplay which was about 5 hours

@NomadSpectrum - 16.04.2021 14:58

Yep, on PS5 able to sign in last night, tried about 15 times this morning just given up now

@Streetking081994 - 16.04.2021 14:49

I’ve had the sign in issue. Sometimes what helps is I back out of the game, close it, and then try to sign in again. I’m on the PS5

@tokenjayspodcast1031 - 16.04.2021 14:36

Xbox series x cant connect to friends alot and sign in is hit and miss. Sometimes 40 mins of trying before i finally get in, just to crash 10 mins later. 🤣 love the game when it works but come on guys.

@djbird1200 - 16.04.2021 14:27

Ps5 I still ant get my shit back I have to cactus that loss my gear and now I have a 3rd Carter that I am working on at level 16 other carter is at level 30 loss all my Gear by other cuts is at level 23 loss all year

@alwaysdrunk5461 - 16.04.2021 14:17

Now I finally understand why their servers are horseshit. They want to give the player the ultimate immersive feeling of being on Enoch where electronics don‘t work properly or at all. Touché PCF.

@mr_golucky7101 - 16.04.2021 14:16

I already uninstalled this game it’s boring lol and I hate the movement feel like shit I really don’t see how ppl like this game lol The Division and destiny are 100% better lol bro anthem is better then this game lol... this games life won’t last long big streamers are already starting to move on lol game is a blast at first you get to end game and it’s a snooze fest lol

@joaopaschoal4553 - 16.04.2021 14:15

I was playing this week and the game crashed blue screen, I tried to play again next day, signed in screen was freezing. So I gave up for now. - ps4

@thelion7759 - 16.04.2021 13:56

Bill chill with 2am uploads 😂😂😂😂

@danielpearce8976 - 16.04.2021 13:51

I'm on playstation and I have had longer load times when I open the game but I always manage to get in. I trend to start the game just before I pit the children to bed.

@djlyrad - 16.04.2021 13:39

I'm on PS5 and couldn't log in at all last night. I've not had the inventory wipe (thankfully) but I had decided not to play for the last week waiting for this patch. Attempted to play last night, no joy for 30 minutes trying to sign in! I've defended this game for the last few weeks but getting to the point now that I'd like a refund!

@McCrea59 - 16.04.2021 13:31

Yeah im on xbox series x and my game was working fine until the patch yesterday and now i cant log in at all, get stuck in the home screen with internet connection error

@chrisolenak5025 - 16.04.2021 13:27

ps5 trouble logging in

@paulball6872 - 16.04.2021 13:22

No issue on PS4 1 min load time. Have had no inventory loss and maybe 2 disconnects in weeks on demo and main game. I have only played the odd multiplayer section so mainly solo. They are an AA not AAA company. So far it matches their Judgement (gears) game and Bulletstorm (ps4) games IMV. Having 4k hours on the division seems like many of the same old crowd are on this now with all the complaints lol. Peace.

@-eddie-5406 - 16.04.2021 13:19

I had to wait to download the patch on hotel internet (6 hrs ) only to have issues with signing in and grouping, finally got on only to waste another 30 min trying to group up which figured out early that the privacy setting and a couple other options got defaulted so had to go back and change a couple of them to get grouped up with a friend. Then what was even more awesome we got about an hour of game play only get kicked outta the game to the Xbox Home Screen. Solo had no issues. Also I will say with the amount of happening that are going on in any battle or instance I can see where internet speed could be a factor i am playing at a hotel, I dunno though!! PS I can login and play division 2 just fine here as well

@ailimelite09 - 16.04.2021 13:18

Gamepass def save me money from this one 😆. I got the inventory bug and nvr touched the game after that.

@anthonybyrne5641 - 16.04.2021 13:06

Think it's steam and playstation that are having most problems.

@obervationlion - 16.04.2021 12:36

Ps4 deedragon myself and a friend can’t sign in and it’s annoying

@Captain.AmericaV1 - 16.04.2021 12:19

Wonder how many have gone for a refund on Bugriders.

They've clearly lost revenue from their laziness and amateur approach towards everything since launch!!

@DarkSchuller - 16.04.2021 12:11

it has been like that since day 1 on ps4. just restart the game till you get in fast.

@darkanarchy3313 - 16.04.2021 12:00

I just spent 30 mins to sign in on PS4!!!!!!

@colinbright1520 - 16.04.2021 11:51

pc has a lot of infinite loading screens mate 😎👍
