Basic Fleet Tactics - 1,000 years of holding the line

Basic Fleet Tactics - 1,000 years of holding the line


2 года назад

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Drachinifel - 05.01.2022 15:13

Pinned post for Q&A :)

Dennis Falzon
Dennis Falzon - 26.09.2023 08:30

Drachi: With regards the galley, you failed to mention Malta and the knights of St.John

Michael Snyder
Michael Snyder - 20.09.2023 16:41

There was a time period, between 1866 and 1890 or so, when the line ahead was superseded by the line abreast. This was because of the "success" of the ram during the US Civil War and the 2d Italian War of Unity/Independence, where armored steamships successfully rammed enemy ships (though at least one instance, accidentally by the stern). Warships were built with "ram" bows and the tactics of the ancient triremes revived. As steam machinery and design improved, and the improvement in power of the gun and fire control, it became obvious that warships were fast enough to avoid being rammed and that a bows on approach to even a pre-dreadnought was almost suicidal. At that point, line ahead again ruled until the USN adopted the circular formation for the Fleet in the mid-1930s as the primary defensive measure against sub and air attack, though surface engagements returned to the line ahead.

Bad Apple Gaming
Bad Apple Gaming - 14.09.2023 01:15

watch this to know how to play starsector

Quantum - 08.09.2023 12:05

The Line-of-Battle concept as applied in WW1, interwar period and WW2 always puzzled me. You basically build huge and expensive (often irreplaceable) floating fortresses to duke it out with other floating fortresses, exchanging shells until one loses all its HP first.

I would think with the development of the torpedo, which could cripple a battleship with a good hit or two, there would be far more interest in smaller faster ships like cruisers and destroyers that used speed to get the drop on the enemy and avoid effective return fire and score a few hits with torpedos, then pull back again and organize another raid. Rinse and repeat.

This way you focus on avoiding damage instead of trying to shrug off sustaining it, and any casualties you do suffer are less problematic because a sunken destroyer is easier to replace than an battered battleship.

s - 17.08.2023 17:19

дизлайк поддержки 👎
все же + 1 коммент. ютуб должен оценить для рекомендаций👌😁
это должны видеть все!!!

WhatHoSnorkers - 14.07.2023 23:02

Excellent work sir!

Adam Carriere
Adam Carriere - 14.04.2023 16:47

Did I spy Black Seas ship modles?

noisepuppet - 19.03.2023 20:46

A ship's castle was a good place to tell Anakin that it's over.

firewatch814 - 13.02.2023 17:10

I can hear someone in the forward turret going "OH LOOK A PENNY!"

Gustavo Bertola
Gustavo Bertola - 09.02.2023 19:03

very good!

Evert Rosseel
Evert Rosseel - 08.02.2023 17:33

One thing that you didn't mention is that in the period of Nelson the British navy had solved the scurvy problem and not the French. So the latter had half their crews incapacitated.

ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY - 27.09.2022 17:38

Thank you drach. I will now use this knowledge to play Kantai Collection.

Rhoude7695 - 19.09.2022 03:06

Though not warships, I was wondering if you would consider doing an episode on the history and development various royal yachts including what happened to them when their various owners went belly up, assuming you haven't done one before and I just missed it. Thanks.

Kevin McCarthy
Kevin McCarthy - 13.09.2022 15:50

SHIPS!! My first love. Weird? probably, not knowing why I loved the SEA SHANTIES at 7 years old. Thank you, I am a Anglophile, and so love pretty much every thing that is British! My upmost condolences for the dear Queen, Elizabeth the second. Your prodigal sons love and esteem you.

dan1984842 - 10.09.2022 01:14

Good vid thank you, I really appreciate these broad stroke summary videos. And the battle summaries

Vikki McDonough
Vikki McDonough - 04.09.2022 00:01

Wouldn't lashing your ships together make them highly vulnerable to fireship attack?

The Oubliette
The Oubliette - 05.08.2022 06:08

Dragging oil drums and Balistas

will friar
will friar - 18.07.2022 01:40

Helmsman I said ramming speed. Yes we're putting on speed hopefully we can knock them over and plaster their bottoms with 24 lbs

Burned Rat741
Burned Rat741 - 27.06.2022 01:22

Keep up the great work.

TomFynn - 31.03.2022 00:22

The poop deck got its name from a place from which you could fart in the enemy's general direction.

DrThunder88 - 02.03.2022 17:47

The Battle of Surigao Strait didn't have a battle line. It had a firing squad.

Mike Snider
Mike Snider - 26.02.2022 19:30

This is probably in the comments...Greek Fire was used in ancient naval engagements... Catapults and bows launched incendiary projectiles burning an opponent's vessel...

Bt 26x
Bt 26x - 20.02.2022 17:56

That had to be very chaotic when the ships did it have cannons & they had to pull isn’t up next to each other & fight with swords!

Man I love this channel. I really enjoy all the WWII content. 👍🏼

comes littoris Saxonici
comes littoris Saxonici - 20.02.2022 01:30

The "formalist" line-of-battle-at-all-costs school had a tendency to lead to drawn battles, with perhaps a couple of ships changing hands. By the early 18th Century, a number of battles were fought and won by melee tactics - it can be argued that Trafalgar marked the triumph of melee over line tactics. The signal "General - to chase" was used to release ships from the "order of sailing will be the order of battle" rigid adherence to the line. As an aside, Nelson could well have faced dire consequrences from leaving the line at Cape St Vincent under a more rigid formalst than Jarvis. iiui the next captain to leave the line, unordered, was Dalrymple-Hamilton in HMS Rodney.

Janira Jaques S Jaques
Janira Jaques S Jaques - 19.02.2022 22:00

Tiago Jaques Sabino 🇧🇷🛰️🛰️🛰️🛰️📡🏠📱🥇💷🎰💷💷💷💷💷uH

Janira Jaques S Jaques
Janira Jaques S Jaques - 19.02.2022 21:59

Pictures 📱📝®🧐💵💵💵💵KANEs

Ron Lipsius
Ron Lipsius - 18.02.2022 13:06

FUSILLADE is the word, Drach.

Joshua J. Herrmann
Joshua J. Herrmann - 18.02.2022 11:20

"Sail me closer, I want to hit them with my sword!"

KO OPERATIVE KROHN - 17.02.2022 11:21

This is great!

Matthew Mayton
Matthew Mayton - 15.02.2022 18:05

Hold the line,
Navies aren't always on time.

Ostentatiousnessness - 07.02.2022 07:21

If Drach does a video purely on the historical development of naval warfare in the Mediterranean he should call it “Meanwhile, in the Mediterranean…”

knotkool1 - 04.02.2022 18:31

fire projectiles were equally dangerous to the user. it was generally better to extinguish all flame aboardship when going into battle.

Jason Juneau
Jason Juneau - 29.01.2022 19:11

The Battle of the Masts or Phoenix in A.D. 654/5 saw heavy boarding fighting. The Byzantine emperor Constans II was wounded in personal fighting.

Peter Isotalo
Peter Isotalo - 26.01.2022 23:35

What's your source for ramming beyond, say, the 3rd century?

21nickik - 24.01.2022 23:56

Some interesting uses of Galleys were in the 80 years war. Some Spanish brought them up to Netherland where they used it to pirate in the river networks. This was so effective the Dutch had to start building their own galleys.

Michael McNeil
Michael McNeil - 20.01.2022 21:55

Tod of Tod's Workshop is messing about with a trebuchet could you two have a session with stones and sacking to find out how effective such missiles could be in the optimum conditions.
Early gunpowder guns lobbed stones wrapped in sackcloth. How accurate could they be?
I imagine they couldn't have been more than useful for repelling boarding parties. But who knows?

Tomos Halsey
Tomos Halsey - 19.01.2022 16:58

WOWs players need to take freakin' notes.

Juke Fox (Juke!)
Juke Fox (Juke!) - 18.01.2022 17:20

Good stuff!

Ice - 18.01.2022 05:22

So can we have a game with modern warships???

Nate Hill
Nate Hill - 18.01.2022 01:26

Seems like lashing a bunch of (wooden) ships together statically would just be crying out for a fireship.

ALEX - 17.01.2022 10:16

The most important weapon not on here is Hypersonic weapons that Russia has now. Thats what will make them win the war.

Jila Tana
Jila Tana - 16.01.2022 22:10

Did I miss it or did the video just completely skip the tactics of trying to have the enemy ships to run aground on shallow sandbanks ? As happened in the North Sea more then once.

James DeMarr
James DeMarr - 16.01.2022 10:33

"You can double team them."
*finger guns*
