Other Improvements | Walkthrough of the New Features in Cubase 11

Other Improvements | Walkthrough of the New Features in Cubase 11


3 года назад

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S c
S c - 29.07.2021 13:19

It's insane how buggy Cubase 11 is on windows 10 (I upgraded from 10 a few weeks back with the 40% off promo). its practically unusable on my machine. :-( hopefully there is a patch or something out soon.

Antony Jose Emmatty
Antony Jose Emmatty - 08.07.2021 17:17

1. Can you please add a feature for the live arranging with ease of patch changes for instruments during live performance?
2. Also Cubase Remote feature would have been great to easily switch the patches/arrangement sections as well during a live performance.

The Show Page in Studio One 5.3 is a very appealing feature. A similar one in Cubase would be a great addition which enables live shows as well.

Hairlergbe - 29.01.2021 03:04

Why can't I find vari audio

F. Zappa
F. Zappa - 05.12.2020 19:06

Newbie here. I just upgraded from Elements 10.5 to Artist 11. I'm looking for a quantize tab in the Inspector and it's not there in 11. I want to set my quantize duration the same for the same notes. Where is that function now? Thanks.

Grey Wind
Grey Wind - 23.11.2020 15:20

Cubase 11 is unstable with fab filter plugins!

Nathaniel Walker
Nathaniel Walker - 16.11.2020 23:44

Where is VST Connect 5 SE?

paul balder
paul balder - 16.11.2020 13:17

Doesn't work any more with windows seven ;-(

Anthony Trothe
Anthony Trothe - 15.11.2020 05:54

The most underwhelming release in steinberg history. I can not find anything in this release that says WOW. just stupid irrelevant programming fiddles. And some plugins and sounds. This is only just a maintenance update. Very very disappointing. Has Steinberg finally hit the ceiling in creativity and leading edge features? It certainly looks that way with this dishwater version.

Renan B
Renan B - 14.11.2020 17:39

Waiting for black friday discount to upgrade!

Quantum Sound
Quantum Sound - 13.11.2020 07:28

Ableton Live 11 has much more useful, musical and exciting updates.

Eric McFreeman
Eric McFreeman - 12.11.2020 20:32

Software dongle?

Jon Hartley
Jon Hartley - 12.11.2020 19:59

Really happy with all the improvements. And really grateful for them too. Thank you Steinberg

Albert Dimrufin
Albert Dimrufin - 12.11.2020 18:02

And no multitrack free warp again! Cubase 11 becomes a case for the museum of traditional music programs...100 bucks for some lines and colors...;-)

Gil Orms
Gil Orms - 12.11.2020 13:09

Yeah but has Cubase solved The Case of The Curse of The Cursor Catastrophe and fired the guy responsible?

I.Knok.Beats - 12.11.2020 06:06

Kinda mad at Steinberg right now. Just updated to 10.5 and now 11. No grace period if you just upgraded? So know I got to give them another $100.00

Paul Brown
Paul Brown - 12.11.2020 03:11

Loving how you can now install only the content you want.. so no more of those SE versions cluttering up my plugins etc.... Smaller download, much appreciated, but just a bit more work selecting what you want to install!!! Brilliant!! 👍

Farshad Hesami
Farshad Hesami - 12.11.2020 02:52

one of the worst update ever!

Chris Ramis
Chris Ramis - 12.11.2020 01:36

The e-licencer server cannot be reached and my installation failed, so my 10.5 licence disappeared and I cannot use Cubase 10.5 any more and am not able to update Cubase 11 because my 10.5 licence does not appear any more. E-licence is a really rubbish system.

Sergio Grez Estudio Creativo
Sergio Grez Estudio Creativo - 11.11.2020 22:49

I need support, i cant get my cubase running on my PC. I have tried everything but the licencer control doesn't work properly.

Sound Peaks
Sound Peaks - 11.11.2020 20:50

Workflow improvements are a joke in C11.

Voicians - 11.11.2020 19:16

FINALLY....DPI scaling. Only feature I've always wanted.thanks

François Beauvais
François Beauvais - 11.11.2020 17:19

Thanks, a lot of these fonctions are undocumented on the Steinberg website.

andesneko - 11.11.2020 17:12

Finally better DPI scaling!! (Windows) Thanks :D That's all I needed (and saying goodbye to the dongle, but hey.. maybe next time).
