Nitric Oxide: How To Naturally Lower Blood Pressure & REDUCE Inflammation | Dr. Nathan Bryan

Nitric Oxide: How To Naturally Lower Blood Pressure & REDUCE Inflammation | Dr. Nathan Bryan

Dhru Purohit

11 месяцев назад

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Rose Fisher
Rose Fisher - 02.10.2023 23:57

Awesome I just signed up thanks!👍🏽🌹

Sandra Zawada
Sandra Zawada - 02.10.2023 17:03

May I ask what companies sell a good Nitric Oxide product? Thanks.

D G - 02.10.2023 14:48

I dont understand why people use the phrase Public Health. Health is an individual thing. There is public safety but not public health, really? not

Lawrence Collins
Lawrence Collins - 02.10.2023 06:46

Others say you can make Nitric Oxide by humming and using a Otto 128 Bio Sonics weighted tuning fork. Ask him about that.

wyman dyer
wyman dyer - 02.10.2023 03:22

Dr Bryan ,,,thank you

Darlene Okeefe
Darlene Okeefe - 02.10.2023 02:08

I know these drs are not endocrinologists but I would trust them better than my dr . I don’t have a thyroid so I’m sure I can’t naturally replace . Will I have to be on Levothyroxine my whole life ? Anyone on here dealing with this ?

Steven Occhionero
Steven Occhionero - 02.10.2023 01:28

thank you for this awsome pod cast however what is high blood pressure because we know Big Pharma has set the numbers so they can sell more drugs we don't need so what are the real numbers that are safe thank you

Bonnie Freed
Bonnie Freed - 01.10.2023 23:08

Can I safely take this if I am on blood thinners.?

Oouknow - 01.10.2023 22:46

Yes our government knows how to make us all suffer with there biological warfare,from our western diet,chemicals in our food air and water.wake up everyone

Jojo none
Jojo none - 01.10.2023 21:22

I wish he would have asked what’s the effect on blood vessels and nitric oxide production when you have intracellular infections with bartonella and rickettsia as an example . Basically what happens with stealth infections at play

Stefan van der Spuy
Stefan van der Spuy - 01.10.2023 17:43

What about blood flow without nerves? I had a laparascopic prostatectomy for prostate cancer in 2013, which did not seem to be nerve sparing. So since then I have had very few weakish erections. Injections into the penis to increase blood flow do provide an erection. (I am 68, otherwise pretty healthy).

Stefan van der Spuy
Stefan van der Spuy - 01.10.2023 17:31

That statement was key; if your arteries are healthy and what flows in the arteries is healthy, then you are not going to have any damage to those arteries.

Stefan van der Spuy
Stefan van der Spuy - 01.10.2023 17:22

I find that fresh lemon juice diluted with water, half an hour before my first meal, works great. I don't ever get heartburn.
What I don't hear mentioned is that heartburn is as a result of too low acid levels in the stomach, not too high. The valve in the
throat (I forget the name) does not close fully when the acidic levels are too low. So yes, to reverse, go the ACV route or lemon juice.

Stefan van der Spuy
Stefan van der Spuy - 01.10.2023 17:02

What should one do to maintain oral health?

Connie Grant
Connie Grant - 01.10.2023 00:42

If you use fluoride mouthwash, STOP 🛑. It affects the good bacteria in your mouth that produces nitric oxide. If you brush with fluoride, toothpaste, or fluoride anything, give it up. It affects the production of the nitric oxide that the body produces, and that we get from those beets, it defeats the purpose. It affects high blood pressure exercise and creates other problems that affects our health. You know I listen to a lot of stuff about Health and I am listening to this doctor talk about how important the production of nitric oxide is needed as we age and what affects fluoride has against nitric oxide benefits. So make sure you’re not using anything fluoride brush your teeth with coconut off and a little bit of baking soda get you some peppermint for your mouth or something else natural.

ContinentsEdge - 30.09.2023 18:56

I have greatly reduced my blood pressure with faithful consumption of BEETS every evening. Try packed beets from Trader Joe’s, one half a package at a time. I buy 20 packages from the fresh vegetable sections in order that I never run out. Try it

ContinentsEdge - 30.09.2023 18:34

Can a person take a supplement of nitric oxide? How much?

ron festa
ron festa - 30.09.2023 07:24

Me thinketh BigPharma making., customers from the cradle to.......the grave!@!?🤪😜😝😎

maplegingko - 30.09.2023 00:54

The MDs don’t read science articles either. They’re technicians, they take orders, period.

maplegingko - 30.09.2023 00:50

Does silent reflux damage the mouth microbiome?

Sara - 30.09.2023 00:06

And also if you ferment the beat can it be a problem for people that can't handle fermentation like sauerkraut, pickles or kombucha or vinegar or lemon?

Sara - 30.09.2023 00:05

How much nitric oxide in a pesticide vegetable would be handy and then we multiply it by 10 for organic. At least that would be something to go on.

Sara - 30.09.2023 00:04

I don't understand, he said that organic vegetable producers cannot use very much nitrogen? Wouldn't the nitrogen be higher if they add compost to their soil or is it not possible to get it higher without the chemical fertilizer? I'm also wondering why his produce isn't organic if he's not using pesticides? Also, is nitric oxide a good preventative for Alzheimer's? And why are his products so expensive? beats aren't that expensive and it's not hard to ferment a Beat. Can I ferment a beat and get the same benefits or does he have other stuff in his product that helps? Thank you for your answers, this was very informative, appreciate it.

C. Young
C. Young - 29.09.2023 23:47

Thank you for having this interview, this so informative,
I love listening to this guest.
Way too many commercials. 😣

Jerri Vaughn
Jerri Vaughn - 29.09.2023 23:31

Putting Celtic salt on tongue after drinking more 8oz of water daily will see low and high blood pressure issues improve greatly. U r dehydrated from the right Celtic salt with minerals and water for all health issues

Sam Walker
Sam Walker - 29.09.2023 23:03

Interesting that below a cholesterol level of 200, that some of the functions start to break down. A recent study of 12 million people in Korea comparing cholesterol levels to length of life, the optimal levels for long life were between 200 and 215. Yet, in the US they want it MUCH lower where the life span decreases. Hmmmmm.

He reinforced my belief in growing my own. Will start adding nitrogen fertilizers.

Life Easier
Life Easier - 29.09.2023 16:22

Thank you for this pod cast. Learned about nitric oxide a looooong time ago. This is a great update!

Mike Dunningham
Mike Dunningham - 29.09.2023 15:41

Dr Bryan, thank you. Ten without tap water containing fluoride, a keto diet ( fish &greens) b.p dropped from 190+ to 140. Ten days. Cheers Mike

Life Easier
Life Easier - 29.09.2023 14:39

Ok so people start taking viagara?

Robert Dunaway
Robert Dunaway - 29.09.2023 10:55

Doctors don't understand human physiology. They do to an extent but they've been led to believe that drugs are the fix for everything. They are not. As we age our stomachs produce less acid for various reasons. At the top of your stomach there is a sphincter, a round muscle, it closes off your esophagus from your stomach. The presence of acid causes the sphincter to close and prevents stomach acid from getting up into your esophagus and causing heartburn and other problems like Barrett's esophagus, a precancerous condition. So, the correct treatment is not less acid but more acid. I take betaine HCI twice a day. My chronic heartburn went away, just like that.

Robert Dunaway
Robert Dunaway - 29.09.2023 10:19

I began a nitric oxide restoration regimen about a week ago. I've noticed some things immediately. I have had dry mouth and dry eyes and corresponding eye infection problems for a very long time. Now I have so much saliva it's kind of annoying but I'll get used to it. And I have so much tear production my eyes tear and it just rolls down my face and that will settle down and I'll get used to that as well. And also my mojo has returned. Being 63 and taking metoprolol as high blood pressure medicine has done a toll on my mojo, libido. No fun for Bob. And my mojo has returned. Testosterone production has returned and vascular dilation to normal range has returned. Remember, start by ditching the mouthwash. You don't need it. Think about it. People for tens of thousands of years did not use fluoride or mouthwash and they got by just fine. If you look at ancient skulls what do you see immediately? A mouth full of healthy teeth. So it seems to me that a healthy oral biome protects your teeth by regulating the types of bacteria that are present in your mouth just as this symbiotic relationship of your intestines regulates your gut flora. I'm also using toothpaste that is natural, has activated carbon, is probiotic, and no fluoride. In world war II Nazis would spike drinking water in concentration camps with fluoride. It causes people to be docile and relaxed. Basically poisoned and continued exposure to fluoride causes calcification of your pineal gland. Not good. I floss I use a mini brush to get in between and then I brush with natural activated carbon probiotic toothpaste. The black toothpaste is weird but it's just a color it doesn't matter. But above all this I feel better. It's hard to describe but I just feel stronger and better. And I've just begun. Your body is an incredible creation designed to regulate and heal itself. If we get out of its way and give it what it needs It will heal.

Kim Nunn
Kim Nunn - 29.09.2023 06:24

Where is the discount code please?

Arch Angel
Arch Angel - 29.09.2023 00:44

Nitric oxide is also called the happiness gas.

William Henry
William Henry - 28.09.2023 23:40

I'm 75 years old and single. But I still wake up "with wood" three or four mornings each week (tmi). You can still maintain a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise.

Dan Luther
Dan Luther - 28.09.2023 22:50

Simply put... Excellent info!!!

Ann - 28.09.2023 14:55

My blood work looks good but a CT scan shows calcification on arteries so doc wants to put me on cholesterol medication. It will be my 1st medication at 61 yrs of age. I'm not sure I want to go on it and I don't know how to make the right decision.

Ernesto Aranega
Ernesto Aranega - 28.09.2023 14:51

Question....People living in extreme could weather how they are very healthier if they DONT DON HAVE ACCESS TO GREEN VEGETABLES???? HOW THEY METABOLISM ARE SIGNALING THE PANCREAS? The science had been proving they are very healthier....

Cynthia Green
Cynthia Green - 28.09.2023 04:21

Can you take if you have low blood pressure?

S Macken
S Macken - 28.09.2023 03:24


QUESTION: Why is there very little research or Solutions to Calcification build up on heart valves?

REQUEST: Can this program find the right person who can answer this question and provide solutions, what to eat, what not to eat, how does and why does Calcification occur on heart valves and how to get rid of them, etc?

Is that possible?

Would be VERY interested to hear about it.
Thank you.

S Macken
S Macken - 28.09.2023 03:10

Can't locate your farmers if you far away from farmers and real farmers markets in a dessert, like AZ. Good luck!

Swen 67
Swen 67 - 27.09.2023 20:10

If he didnt say it, which I'm sure he didn't, NO is made in the skin when exposed to sunlight. The initial flush of red you see is the dilated capillaries coming up to periscope depth to take up the sunlight, which initiates all kinds of good things.

Just1DayCloser - 27.09.2023 19:53

DH was using beet root powder in morning protein drinks for probably over a year..... ummmmm, no sign of NOS issues. Then he tested very high in folate thos spring. It only occurred to me recently that the daily beetroot powder caused the high folate. I shouldbask his Dr, who by the way, talks about the importance of nitric oxide. He probably knows your guest! Anyway, maybe this comment will generate something helpful.

Rachel Altman
Rachel Altman - 27.09.2023 18:43

Thank God hopely i can get well as ive been sick since i was little and was packed with bad meds

Elizabeth Murray
Elizabeth Murray - 27.09.2023 18:04

I won't buy anything with a.lot of nitric oxide

tee - 27.09.2023 16:20

Is the doctor saying sodium fluoride found in Toothpaste Get rid of too?
Please respond:
