Final Cut Pro X: Multicam Sync Options - Larry Jordan PowerUp Webinar #264

Final Cut Pro X: Multicam Sync Options - Larry Jordan PowerUp Webinar #264

Larry Jordan

5 лет назад

8,120 Просмотров

[This is an excerpt from a recent on-line video webinar: “Multicam Editing in Apple Final Cut Pro X” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library.]


Recording an event using multiple cameras – called “multicam shooting” – is increasingly popular. Editing a multicam shoot in Final Cut Pro X allows us to see all those images at the same time as we edit the show. This means we can quickly compare shots and pick the best one for our story. As cameras get less expensive and editing software gets more powerful, multicam shooting is becoming the norm, not the exception, due to its speed and flexibility, even for smaller productions.

Join host, Larry Jordan, as he illustrates how to use Apple Final Cut Pro X (v.10.4.x) to edit a variety of multicam shoots. This session covers:

Multicam Basics – Terms you need to know
Shooting tips that save time in editing
File organization
File import and keywords
When to optimize media or create proxies
Use labels to simplify clip organization
Build, sync and modify a multicam clip
Integrate double-system sound
Explore the Angle Editor
Edit and trim multicam edits
The Angle Viewer and bank switching
Effects and multicam clips
Special uses of multicam editing
At the end of this session, you’ll know just about everything you need to know to successfully create, edit and modify multicam clips inside Apple Final Cut Pro X.

In this short video excerpt, Larry illustrates different ways to sync clips inside a multicam clip using Apple Final Cut Pro X.

NOTE: This session is available exclusively to subscribers of our Video Training Library. If you like this video, why not become a member? With membership you get access to Larry's entire webinar catalog of over 1200 videos for as little as $19.99 per month. Learn more here:

For a list of upcoming webinars, click here:


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