I’m confused, I thought people only wore black and white clothes up until the 1960’s
Ответить2025: Joggy Pants
ОтветитьI like her underwear that transcends time.
Ответить1935 and 1945 so pretty
Ответить1980-s is the worst thing that has ever happened to fashion.
ОтветитьIt's actually around 9 years of fashion over 100 year span.
Ответитьand that last fit is now so out
Ответить1930’s for the win
Ответить2005 is the best.
ОтветитьHow come her underwear is shorts?
Ответитьthe first ones are by far the best.
Ответить95 bang on. I sometimes dressed like that
Ответитьher best dress is without dress
ОтветитьI waited for 2025 in the end, but then I saw the publishing date haha
ОтветитьNow 2025 😈
ОтветитьТак себе😕
ОтветитьТак а что там модно в 25м?
ОтветитьClass, elegance and beauty all out the window after the 70s😂😂
After the 70s, all the outfits made me go eew. 95 is cool though
Fashion has certainly gone downhill; including that for men.
ОтветитьFunny how underwear stayed the same over all those years.
ОтветитьTime to add 2025
ОтветитьThe style died in 60`s...
ОтветитьОтличное видео.
ОтветитьThey need to do an extra video for 2025 now
ОтветитьI like the default one
Ответитьpantys changed too
Ответить1945 😘
ОтветитьПосле стиля 1945 года дальше можно не смотреть
ОтветитьТенденция унисекса_)
ОтветитьComo más guapa está es siempre en ropa interior.
ОтветитьI loved that the styles weren’t the stereotypical clothes you would think of
ОтветитьMen of culture we meet again 🗿
ОтветитьА трухани 100 років не міняла.? 😮
Ответитьall boys attendence here
ОтветитьThere is no use for Asians to watch this video because Asian traditions are completely different. American and European traditions are shown in this video. Asian traditions are different from this, so it would be wrong to say that this tradition is of the whole world. Our tradition i.e. the tradition of Asia is completely different.
ОтветитьWe lost the class after 70s
ОтветитьTime for continue...
ОтветитьА чого труси з ліфчиком не змінилися ні разу ?
ОтветитьGradually they exposed the woman and brought the dignity of the woman to zero f*ck!ng system..these arr0g@nt a$$hole$ think they are moderned
ОтветитьЗато сейчас стринги в жопу засунут и считаются одетыми.
Ответитьthis woman first look this 2050
Ответитьочень старо
Ответитьjudging by the clothes
In Europe it was 1975, in Russia 1985.
in Europe was 1985, in Russia 1995.
in Europe was 1995, in Russia 2005 (I recognise similar outfits at school)
in europe was 2005, in russia 2010 (we used to dress like this at uni).
in europe it was 2015, in russia 2016.
The gap has narrowed over time and I think in 2025 we are all wearing the same clothes. some might even say they dress better in Moscow now.
1985 was cocaine at peak😂😂😂😂