The War Thunder Situation

The War Thunder Situation

Asmongold TV

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Tomáš Růžička
Tomáš Růžička - 30.09.2023 10:57

I would say pay to skip is not pay for covenience. PoE has pay for convenience. Stash tabs. That's convenient. Skip is not just convenient it allows you to surpass players better than you.

Donald Gainey
Donald Gainey - 30.09.2023 06:12

Wow and Warthunder.....wasted so much time on both.

TviruZ - 28.09.2023 18:54

they actualy listened its like hundred times better now

Noodle - 22.09.2023 19:29

world of tanks player here, must not be the first time for you guys?

Deividas Simkus
Deividas Simkus - 22.09.2023 13:50

war thunder gud game bt monetization is terible.....reatching t4 is not hard , hard part is making money to get money to buy new tanks and repair them

Smeg - 19.09.2023 08:35

Ill say just one thing about Warthunder....they charge you real money to change your name...nuf said

Necrodead - 19.09.2023 04:54

back when i played it wasn't 'pay to win' it was 'play russia to win' lol. russian vehicles were almost indestructible, you could crash a yak into a tree and keep flying.

SpocksBro - 19.09.2023 03:16

WoT (World of Tanks) has gone down the same road.

Danny Hampton
Danny Hampton - 18.09.2023 22:17

I haven't played in years, got tired of the Russia is always better than everybody else shit. Russian 37mm cannon hits a single shell on B17 and the wing or tail falls off, use the America 50mm cannon on a Russian fighter and it giggles and flies off with scratched paint. Same with the tanks. I had fun with tanks at least until they changed the spawn system so you get one tank unless you are good or in a good tank, but seeing as I would get one shotted every time by people who were magically always in position before me.

Jeremy MAcdonald
Jeremy MAcdonald - 18.09.2023 03:23

low doses of war thunder. now my premium has ran out. i cant stand the grind. takes forever now.

Sarle - 15.09.2023 21:52

"use less destructive ways" but you get banned from the forums if you say anything negative or slightly critical

FLINT - 14.09.2023 14:28

I already gave up on War Thunder. Godspeed to all those glorious bastards still trying to talk sense into Gaijin

David Côté
David Côté - 13.09.2023 19:22

Happenned to crossout too about 2 weeks ago.

Amrit dragoness
Amrit dragoness - 13.09.2023 15:55

whats wrong with sitting on a cake and sucking something, or sitting on something and eatting a cake? i would do that with out being prompted...

Casey Jones
Casey Jones - 13.09.2023 13:36

Bro to get T7 you need years of grinding

Rustyudder - 12.09.2023 13:20

And they just launched the Mobil version 😅 they're base is about to explode in popularity

Shawn Y
Shawn Y - 11.09.2023 07:08

I wanna add somthing to “tier 4 can take months to reach?”. after each “tier” the rp requirment to unlock new vehicle increase by an absurd margin , now I’ve never researched a tree without a premium vehicle which essintly doubles your rp gain so I can’t speak too accurately about this but once your tier 6 and each vehicle is costing 300,000rp to unlock it will take you at a MINIMUM 3-4 days per vehicle to grind (from explerience) , that’s assuming you have a premium vehicle (40-60$)with a premium account (starts at 2$ options up to 100$) and your playin 8-12 hours each day ,let’s say you don’t have a preoum vehicle nor a preoum account , we can safely assume it will take you 6-12 days per vehicle ,again that’s assuming your playing 8-12 hours a day, I honestly could not imagine what people without premium vehicles or premium accounts haft to endure…

RADDeathTRAP cannon
RADDeathTRAP cannon - 11.09.2023 03:18

World of tanks console
Is FAR worse 😂

Richard Tipton
Richard Tipton - 10.09.2023 00:08

I just want a pubg/war thunder cross over where you can play squads or with vehicles across large maps i would love this. Have diffrent blue circles so vehicles and people on foot are seperated but the aircraft can still go into the circles but suffer damage per second until returning to base to heal. damage p

William Ford
William Ford - 08.09.2023 18:21

Peak dead, peak dead, peak dead....Welcome to shit thunder

William Ford
William Ford - 08.09.2023 18:10

It's a just a typical narcissistic game. Made by narcissistic game developers..Are we awake yet!??

Rico - 07.09.2023 08:31

I usually look at the pictures then the score. Then check rating. End at 20 or three new good and bad reviews.

Sara - 07.09.2023 07:01

The best monitization route wouldve been to make the tanks look like they have been sitting in the weather and be all rusty with some gritty tones to it by default then add premuim skins that match their real life paint jobs and clean/untouched looks. Maybe even some sound designs to the default ones to make them sound like they are old and have really seen some use in the past without effecting functionality. Then just leave it at that. This would bring in many more players. Progerssion could be reworked to make sense like for example kill such and such aircraft with this Anti air tank to unlock "x" Anti air tank. Similar to call of dutys progression system.

Average Internet User
Average Internet User - 06.09.2023 11:32

As a Non-War Thunder player, the reason I'm watching this video can be summarized by this Quote from a Movie I'm verry fond of...
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical... some men just want to see the world burn"

Seeter1000 - 06.09.2023 03:02

over 5000 hours in warthunder, pretty much playing since the beginning, almost pure f2p ask me anything @Asmongold TV

The Generic Mma Fan
The Generic Mma Fan - 03.09.2023 15:29

As a war thunder player. I will never hate the game. I love it probably more than anything on steam.
I do understand the Gajjin has never been fair to us.
(Btw I am battlepass member)
For almost 8 years. The amount of nerfs and imbalances we have got is ridiculous.
Anyway I don't hate it.
It's a toxic relationship I guess.
Gajjin is unfair but I don't hate it

ToJo Audio
ToJo Audio - 02.09.2023 08:27

why is anyone surprised by this? War thunder basically took all the elements of the wargaming "games" and threw them all in together. Was only a matter of time they did the same thing as wargaming and made everything a grind to force money out of people

Magus Lascivious
Magus Lascivious - 02.09.2023 01:45

People need to STOP paying any micro transaction in games and stop playing games like this all together.

LAST TITAN - 01.09.2023 15:25

war thunder is not pay to win wtf, I played for 600 hours without buying anything

Kaktus Marek Pierwszy
Kaktus Marek Pierwszy - 31.08.2023 23:32

This guy playing premium vechicle and complaining about grind. OK

Luxie T
Luxie T - 31.08.2023 16:07

And one think you dont know about WT. There is special WT market where you can sell event vehicles for special Currency (Gaijin Coin - 1 GJC = cca 1 EUR). Some rarest vehicles cost up to 2000 GJC (E100, Turkey M60, PO 2, atm.). And trust me, RB's are not that bad.. If you try to play SB's then you will loose like 1 mil SL (Ingame currency) in two days. :D They seek balance in spawn expanses.

I played it since 2014 and stopped recently. Not just because its shitty economy, but because that game became a complete dogshit.

Foame - 29.08.2023 02:16

if you dont go digging in the steam reviews for what people have to say youre missing out on quality free entertainment value while browsing titles

G T - 28.08.2023 20:02

Planetside 2 did a good job of F2P.

Hey You
Hey You - 28.08.2023 20:01

I quit this game when they added tanks

Lord Dranek
Lord Dranek - 28.08.2023 07:16

Tbh I thought a video made about WoT would've been made first. Had no idea WT was the same also.

Paired Formula8
Paired Formula8 - 28.08.2023 05:32

I quitted like a year ago because i had to get 5 kills to ensure the repair cost of my tank, 5 kills is kind of a lot and i had to get more than 5 to make any profit and tanks will cost like 1 million lions in higher tier, i also cried about the economy in forums but the community mocked me and just told me that it was skill issue, now they are all crying too 💀💀💀

Sayu - 27.08.2023 18:41

In my opinion, even if the player numbers don't reflect the worsening state of a game at the moment, eventually the game usually dies or loses a massive amount of its players as the pay to win/game state gets worse and worse and/or player dissatisfaction builds up. (Lost Ark before the recent update, MW2) So in the end the company will have made much more money if they hadn't tried to squeeze all the money they can out of their customers and actually tried to make them happy instead. (I don't play war thunder though so I could be wrong)

Aquaexnar - 27.08.2023 01:21

If you're reading this, go give War Thunder a bad review. They deserve it.

Shaoqi Chen
Shaoqi Chen - 26.08.2023 10:46

so, basically blizzard? "you think you do, but you dont."

Ján Krnáč
Ján Krnáč - 25.08.2023 15:03

I am supriced that Warthunder made this when it worked so many years and saw how people was pissed of after changing of impact physic because it made so tanks really strong that others. (ehm T-34 1942 became terminator)

Has management changed or what is going on?

,,you can´t give players everythink at once" like wtf? I unistalled game because XP on new vehicle taken too much time, TIER IV vehicles are really hard to obtain and it is not fun just seeing that some enemy have much powerful tanks and see that you can´t get that powerful tank because it need 200K XP on one vehicle, so I even can´t changing vehicles to make game more interesing, I must playing with one or 2 (depend how much XP I get during battle)

Aleksey Sverbeev
Aleksey Sverbeev - 25.08.2023 10:45

War Thunder is not an rpg with a race to the top. Many players enjoy lower rank tanks or plays. If you don't enjoy the process of a session game and call it "grind", probably it isn't your game.

Sublime Warlock
Sublime Warlock - 24.08.2023 23:42

Wow surprise russian game dev is doing a money grabbing scheme and both doesnt care and will just say the opposite of whatever you say as if its a valid argument. They wont change.

StardustGamer - 24.08.2023 23:28

i tried warhtunder on pc and OMG i quit the day i downloaded that damn game. i was in an invasion map, pve, and i kept getting killed by those fucken bomber planes. anytime i would spawn in in a tank it would drop a bomb on me and kill me instantly. i was dead within 10 - 45 seconds of spawning in or sometimes right away. when i chose a anti aircraft vehicle to kill the bombers id get 1 shotted by a tank. theres literally no cover in the map, your always in the open. AND on top of that it costs a fucken fortune to respawn your tanks at a higher tier. its either use the free tanks or get fucked over. anytime id spawn in the bomber planes would instantly target me and kill me right off the bat, and if it wasnt a bomber id get 1 shotted by a tank while my shots bounce off them like they are ping pong balls. the game is downright unfair and the fact i was targeted the entire match by bombers was fucken disgusting. im never playing that god damn game again. all it is is fucken greed. AND on top of that you can easily bankrupt yourself respawning your tanks. idk why respawning isnt free but fuck that game.

VelosusRaptor - 24.08.2023 16:22

Nothing beats destroying the economy like destroying national security

MrRecorder1 - 24.08.2023 15:56

I started playing the game in 2018 or so, and enjoyed it. It was a bit too "arcady" for my taste however. But I came back from time to time because the progress was fun. But I noticed in 2020 that higher tiers (3+) became unbearable to unlock by "just playing casually". So I stopped back then. Seems that was the good call XD

R3D Exorcist
R3D Exorcist - 24.08.2023 10:31

So 3 months later an the games still sitting at 40k concurrent & 72k daily.

Dom - 24.08.2023 01:14

If only you realized how dedicated us War thunder players are, that we literally leak classified military documents to improve the game.
