Duh. Old news. LBJ was the turning point for the Democrat party to total corruption. When they worked with the CIA to kill the Kennedy’s it was a slippery slope of pure evil. The democrats never looked back.
ОтветитьGordon Liddy straightened all this out 30 years ago.
ОтветитьThis BS. His henchmen admitted to it all in court.
ОтветитьI would trust the odious Bill Murray to tie my shoes.
ОтветитьThis is right up there with "The Big Switch" when the Republican party that freed the slaves and passed civil rights legislation, against Democrat opposition mind you, became racists over night. Modern Republicans respect people of all races to the point that they don't think a person needs help ( is lesser) because of something so unimportant as skin color. Most I have talked to on the right support need basted help, not racial, sex, nation of origin, based like the left.
ОтветитьThere was a “deep throat”. She was in adult entertainment.
ОтветитьI have always said that
Ответить1973 Yom Kippur War - the war was unsure for the Israelis, unsure they would win, so Golda Meir contacts US Pres Richard Nixon via her ambassador "We need supplies air lifted immediately"
Nixon declined - it wasn't the US's war, preferring non-involvement, staying neutral, "our support of Israel is entirely for domestic affairs, not international conflicts"
Golda then tells her ambassador to tell Nixon "of very serious conclusions" if he doesn't air lift supplies to us immediately
(very serious conclusions - use of atomic weapons)
So ... Nixon complied... making himself look like a lawbreaker
ОтветитьHe was a Crook.
ОтветитьMark Felt - just another power hungry but disgruntled FBI hack. We saw the same under the Obama and Biden administrations.
ОтветитьNixon confessed all his misdeeds on tape in his own voice, in his own office.
Now you have Trump. A man who makes Nixon seem angelic.
Is this trying to discredit all the things he repeated that Bannon said about trump?
ОтветитьHas no one here heard the recording tapes that Nixon kept, admitting, boldly & proudly, the crimes he committed?
ОтветитьDemocrat politicians have Always been 1000% worse than Republicans, but Democrats LOVE Self Deception above All else. Forever & Ever amen, my little Beauties.
ОтветитьAlmost 50 people were found guilty relating to Watergate. That wasn't because of one book or two reporters. Joe Rogan is such horseshit and I expected more from Bill Murray
ОтветитьCan't wait to have him back in the 31st century!
ОтветитьRevisionist history at its finest.
Born and raised by a California Republican here. He would prefer to be called a Reagan Republican. Anyway, he loved Nixon as his Senator, Vice President, 1960 presidential candidate then as President. However, when Watergate slowly unfolded and the truth about Nixon's corruptness was revealed my Dad felt devastated, angry and betrayed. He saved all the big newspaper headlines and every Newsweek magazine from the scandal and has them to this day. That is how I first learned of Watergate, digging through file cabinets in our attic as a kid and finding all the articles.
If there was any chance Nixon had been "railroaded" my Dad would have jumped on that bandwagon and ran with it. Even to this day. But the evidence is in abundance, in black and white and on multiple audio recordings. His co-conspirators have written books admitting to their involvement, as well as Nixon's.
All of this nonsense ignores the fact that Republicans voted to impeach Nixon in the House. Enough Republicans intended to vote to convict him in the Senate. All this was BEFORE the US Supreme Court forced Nixon to release the "smoking gun" tape where he is heard as plain as day conspiring with White House advisors to coverup their involvement in the break in. The evidence on all of the tapes was so clear, nearly all Republican support in the Senate evaporated which led to Nixon's resignation. By the time he left office, his immense popularity with the people had eroded to a pitiful amount, all due to his own actions and decisions.
To now claim that because today's press and today's Democrats are so ethically corrupt and misguided and abnormally obsessed with Trump that must mean they did the same thing to Nixon simply shows absolute ignorance. The press and Democrats in the 1970's were nothing like today, not even close. The Democrat party started going off the rails in the 2000's, imo. I know because I recently abdicated from the party. They have no resemblance to the party I joined in the 1980's.
But hey, don't take my word for it, do your own research. Don't just read someone's book. All the evidence against Nixon is in black and white (grand jury testimony, house testimony and investigative report, senate investigative report, fbi investigative reports, case law, documents, multiple recordings taken by Nixon from within the oval office, to name a few) available to review by anyone to find it out for themselves.
My favorite President.
ОтветитьThe birth of today's fake news industry.
ОтветитьThe man they claimed was deep throat wasn’t exposed until he was to far gone with Parkinson's disease to answer any questions.
ОтветитьNixon invented the whispering campaign in 1948. He was also a member of the HUAC witch-hunt. If Rogan and Murray want to convince stupid people that he was a victim, more power to them.
ОтветитьTricky Dick is a crook
ОтветитьThe root cause of ALL global dysfunction and destruction is capitalism and religious mysticism. Don’t waste time beating around the bush focused on symptoms.
ОтветитьBernstein and Woodward, emphasis on the stein. Always follow the stein in order to understand clownworld.
Ответить“Welcome to the party, pal!”
ОтветитьHaving seen what the Democrats have done to Donald Trump I now think Nixon was railroaded by the leftist media of the day.
ОтветитьWhen you resort to a short, out of context clip of Bill Murray to make your case, your kind of screwed. Ha, please...
ОтветитьTucker Carlson did an extensive interview with a man who was in the inner circle of Nixon's administration; I forget his name. He described in detail how the entire Watergate scandal was G Gordon Liddy's doing, Nixon himself was surprised to read about it in the newspaper and called whoever was responsible for it an idiot. It was appalling to realize the media conducted what amounts to a political coup in this nation.
ОтветитьNixon talks as if he's still in command. He was a great president. He just got caught doing what they all do.
Ответитьthis channel is a great practical joke, gj
Ответить"i wish these journalists would turn that microscope on themselves ... instead of always toward others" bro you were potus
ОтветитьUnfortunately the media is even worse than they were decades ago.
ОтветитьIt was very sad situation , as a child I remember Nixon resigning on national T.V . He was in tears and it broke my heart . He seemed like a very real human being . Years later in the 80 ‘s I saw Nixon in Key Biscayne Florida in his sedan with his secret service detail and could not help but to feel so much empathy for the man . God Bless Richard Nixon . RIP
ОтветитьThe Greatest US Presidents of the last 50 years: Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump (not necessarily in that order). US Presidents the "kosher media" whined loudest against and "character assassinated" the most - in the 50 years: Donald Trump, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan in THAT order.
ОтветитьCome on, Joe Rogan? Way to diminish the credibility of this channel.
ОтветитьNixon was impeached for spying on the democrats, something they were doing themselves. Every President assassinated was murdered by a Democrat including Kennedy.
Ответить❤ Nixon.
ОтветитьThe left always prided itself on being the big free speech advocates and act like conservatives do not support free speech. They have it backwards. Conservatives love the Constitution and support the first Amendment whole heartedly
ОтветитьIsn't it so funny that every movie that comes out of Hollywood every show that aired on TV and every single thing from the 1% media you know who would continually reinforce their own lies with even moralized to the point that you can't even tell the truth anymore
ОтветитьNixon was a great American who was stitched up by the fake news media. There's a reason he won a 49-state landslide.
ОтветитьBob Woodward was ONI went from the pentagon straight to the watergate story . The post . He wasn't even a newspaper guy . No experience but a handy source conveniently right at the president. One spy ring had already been busted. A guy stole papers out of kissingers bag .
ОтветитьDecades later and few in the news opted to use that mirror on themselves.
ОтветитьGeez... or was obvious when it was happening!!!
ОтветитьNixon is the (possibly) 2nd example of the 'Deep State' in the form of Intelligence Agencies taking out a President, the first being JFK. (Remember Schumer's '6 ways to Sunday' comment?)
Don't think that the FBI wasn't involved with the CIA in that debacle and it's coverup. CIA even invented the term 'conspiracy theorists' to prop up the Warren Report'
What is known/admitted now that wasn't while Nixon was alive, is that 'Deep Throat' was a Deputy FBI Director, basically writing Woodward's 'exposé's ' for him, leaving out the fact that the Watergate 'burglary team' was mostly populated with CIA operatives. (Previewing Comey & Mueller, Brennen, et al and their work against Trump...)
Nixon had no recourse in the aftermath, how can you effect a 'cover-up' on a 'set-up'?? WaPo & NYT gleefully participated in 'covering up' the truth of the set-up, all Legacy (DemocRat) Media wanted in on taking down an opposition President that had won re-election in the biggest landslide in anyone's memory at that time.
Nixon wasn't perfect. He did give us the EPA, after all.
But he wasn't bad.
I wasn't a Nixon fan, figured he was a crook, but when I read a book on the Bay of Pigs, and saw that the CIA agents that trained the Cuban dissidents in Honduras for the Bay of Pigs fiasco, so as to dump the dissidents on Cuban soil, without promised air support and weapons with bullets issued for the wrong guns, those agents were the same ones in the Watergate Hotel, I knew it was a set-up, most likely to get Nixon.
ОтветитьWait... Nixon was the good guy? Why am I not surprised to find out that even in the 70s Democrats were using propaganda and lawfare... ughhh I hate that I was Democrat for so many decades. I want a do-over. I apologize profusely for voting for Obama twice. 😭 Thankfully I was not so stupid as to vote for Hilary, or Biden. I sat out those two elections because I hated them both. Happy I voted Trump 2024. 🙏🙏
ОтветитьYep because that is what the criminal cabal DNC does lie cheat and steal