What does a Psychiatric Service Dog do?

What does a Psychiatric Service Dog do?

Rebecca B

5 лет назад

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Elisabeta Rosvita Tordai
Elisabeta Rosvita Tordai - 01.11.2023 14:17

inspirational video

Jesse Andrews
Jesse Andrews - 30.10.2023 03:57

My ball python seems to know my aa/pa schedule because of her, 3 attacks were stopped, 2 were greatly lessened, it was really nice, not having to call 988 and I owe that all to my baby girl Shelby upon hearing about this which by the way, two of these attacks happened before I visit with my psychiatrist during that visit my psychiatrist asked me about the attacks and exactly what happened and I remember telling her that when Shelby raptor self around my hands and squeezed my hand, it broke the anxiety hold She told me that she was considering Shelby a psychiatric service animal on that instance alone. I know with the government says the DOJ is misleading and they don’t give respect to other species that can effectively perform the same task, but for whatever reason, whether it be a personal reason or other reason, the person can’t have a dog, it goes beyond a landlord, allowing the animal landlords don’t have a choice when it comes to service and emotional support animals, but there are multiple other factors to consider as to why someone like me really can’t have a dog and why an animal like Shelby for example, is a better fit for me please do not take this as gospel fact, or medical advice, always talk to your doctor, and take advice from them. But to the creator, thank you for making such a well, put together video, explaining what our animals do.

Josefine Karmisholt
Josefine Karmisholt - 27.08.2023 13:41

Why am i watching this, I knew i would get emotional 💟😅

Sidrah Smith
Sidrah Smith - 14.08.2023 20:31

This gave me a huge smile. I'm so glad she is able to do all this for you. It's so beautiful how much our dogs help us.

Untrustworthy Pigeons
Untrustworthy Pigeons - 19.07.2023 23:41

My dog is NOT Service dog to clarify but she is working on learning some of these panic attack behaviors to help me around home and when we are in dog friendly places. DPT in particular has been a huge life saver for me. (Most of my panic attacks happen at home anyways)

Esseref Veermold
Esseref Veermold - 10.07.2023 21:55

An incredibly good girl AND a professional at her job. Hannah is amazing!

JnTmarie - 05.07.2023 13:04

Please let us know how you trained your dog so perfectly? Maybe another video or a link to some training program. I’d like to get my pup to be so wonderful.

Kayla Goddess
Kayla Goddess - 06.06.2023 08:55

I’m teaching my dog the tricks 😭 they look fun

Silver - 16.05.2023 12:55

I'm getting my service dog poodle this Saturday!!! I need him for exactly everything you have shown. I am finding it hard trying to find ways on how to train that. Any advice would be nice ❤

Michelle Mullens
Michelle Mullens - 12.05.2023 20:54

Loving the pup's focus and confidence!

Cory - 28.04.2023 23:10

Recently diagnosed with a a few mental disorders that qualify me for a service animal. This video made me happy cry. ☺️

Samara Eisner
Samara Eisner - 12.04.2023 04:10

This is incredible!!!!!

DunkinsDaddy - 09.04.2023 05:44

One of the best. Most informative videos on this subject. I have my second service dog, Dunkin. He is a goldendoodle. We are training together throw a non-profit training center..He graduates this june..

e-Darwin - 27.12.2022 01:04

When I cried my dog just watched from afar. No emotional at all 😭

Johanna Appleforest
Johanna Appleforest - 12.12.2022 10:08

This is wonderful! I got my dog ESA certified, and I’m considering putting her in training to be a Service Dog. I have attacks like these and despite not being trained, she already reacts to my behaviors by coming up to me and sniffing me, pawing at me, licking me and making whining noises. She often sits in my lap as well when I’m crying. She’s very trainable and learns tricks super easily, so she may be perfect for the job. ESA dogs can’t 100% be everywhere and I don’t like that because I know I need her, so I need to get her trained soon.

A G - 18.11.2022 04:07

How you got your dog to do this? Did you do on your own or had a trainer?

TokyoSara - 13.11.2022 11:08

I promise I can read but it’s late and I’m tired - I read the title and watched the first minute of the video convinced it was about Psychic Service Dogs. And now having watched the video I’m equally convinced the Hannah is psychic, she’s just so smart and empathetic.

kira - 05.11.2022 01:15

the namaste and snoot are sooo cute 🥺🥺

Wild Wolfie
Wild Wolfie - 03.11.2022 04:51

I have a question to ask...my service dog helps with stress, incomfort, and sadness...I absolutely don't recommend her as a therapy dog... Is that o may or illigal?

Kylie Fredrickson
Kylie Fredrickson - 07.10.2022 03:37

Quick question as I’m 12 with anxiety, and was thinking about training my 3 month old pup for cues such as these to help me with my anxiety, does she simply have to be trained like a service dog or does she have to be registered before I am able to take her in public for these reasons? I’m just curious so I am fully aware of this before I begin training
