$350 Lollar PAF pickups versus $35 Chinese copies

$350 Lollar PAF pickups versus $35 Chinese copies

James Fuller

4 года назад

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@jlwhitecotten5947 - 23.04.2020 05:37

Artec is made in Korea.
Is it true that the pickups don't have the same magnets?
How is that an even test? It isn't.

@jcohen369 - 23.04.2020 05:48

I like the green shirt ones, they're much better.

@copytekk - 24.04.2020 04:51

A: Lollar, B: Guitar Madness

@MD_is_me - 25.05.2020 02:57

Blue shirt.

@wblynch - 03.06.2020 09:39

I liked the blue shirt set better.

I haven’t seen a reveal but it’s easy to tell that the green shirt is the Lollards because he was wearing a green shirt in the intro and the lazy in all of us says he went straight to recording the Lollars, then by the time the swap occurred it was another day so, of course, new shirt.

But really, the cheap set was every bit as good.

@skunkproductionsMLA - 06.06.2020 19:34

The articulation of the green shirt with the clarity of the blue shirt.
The green shirt ones sound a tad overwound with a stronger magnet while the blue shirt one had less windings and a weaker magnet, as an Alnico 2 would do.

@nandorpetrik7467 - 24.06.2020 18:20

I like the green's clean and overdriven sounds.
At high gain, there's not big difference in my opinion.
Very nice comparison video.

@nathan7265 - 09.07.2020 06:22

Blue. Reveal please?

@jameshill2015 - 05.09.2020 18:07

Blue shirt Lollars... Smoother, does not have the edgy chime of the green shirt, however l am shocked at how good the $35 set is!

@fraterfraxinus6293 - 09.09.2020 20:11

Green-shirt was louder. Other than that, I couldn't tell the difference. I've been looking at some Lollar's. With the higher price comes higher expectations and higher scrutiny, which means greater satisfaction when the product exceeds the expectation. With a $30 set of eBay pickups, I could buy them or not buy them and not notice a difference. Maybe I would put them on a Squier to see if they fit my playing needs before investing in the real deal.

@drewg5935 - 30.09.2020 01:12

Green 350$

@vinnieirvine1365 - 11.10.2020 00:03

Blue sounded like alnico 2 and green like alnico 5.

I preferred blue. Spongier softer bass, slightly attenuated highs.
Green too much top and bottom and overly compressed which is not what I want from a humbucker.

@thestratman7903 - 11.10.2020 12:21

SO which were which???

@guitarman89 - 12.10.2020 07:44

Is the answer posted anywhere?

@123Ir0nman - 27.10.2020 22:42

Where's the reveal?

@arose460 - 02.11.2020 07:07

So what is what here?

@BobbyMeeks - 05.11.2020 02:15

Like others... where do I go to get the reveal????

@DavidHarris-du7xd - 24.11.2020 21:23

And the reveal is.......??????

@keithconville5460 - 02.12.2020 00:33


@jsell5150 - 24.12.2020 07:00

Nice Comparison, the green shirt definitely had better separation of notes and clarity at any level. Lollars were better just maybe not 10X better. Thanks!!

@BlackBalloonGraz - 04.01.2021 20:51

A all the way, more clear. But it was way more distorted so that means it will most likeky be the chinese version, and a bit hotter pickup. The B versiin sounded really muffled, not at all paf like, which should be telecaster on steroids.

@riffsnoleads - 26.01.2021 20:16

The Lollars (green) sound like $350 of wasted money. Clean or dirty they had no character and at higher gain they became brittle and shrill.

I have been swearing by GM pickups for years now and this is exactly why.

@carsgunsandguitars - 11.02.2021 08:46

Very cool

@rareform6747 - 03.03.2021 06:27

Have many Guitar Fetish pickups . They don't answer . Now have Madness and love them at 50% less !

@roberth5611 - 04.03.2021 11:02

Great video. Loved hearing how different they sound. I’ll take a set of those cheap ones and save some cash.

@jasonjolliff7713 - 05.03.2021 23:57

Love the PAF-classic-rock sound. I’m sure the answer’s already out but yeah green shirt definitely had nicer pickups. The other’s weren’t bad, but sounded cheaper when played alongside green-shirt’s tones. The gain was a pretty strong hint. Nicer PAF’s just churned out gritty, chunky, tight-feeling goodness while the B. pickups sounded almost a little ‘fake’ when the gain started coming up.
In other words, with the gain up, A vs B is like a motorcycle vs an electric scooter.

@borgassi - 06.04.2021 09:27

Steve-O doing guitar videos! Yay!

@the_nondrive_side - 31.08.2021 12:15

i far preferred the green shirt but both were useful and at some level intellectually I didn't like the extra drive they seem to impart... but your test sample wasn't as varied as I would want.

@somebodyelseuk - 10.10.2021 13:33

Blue shirt sounds like the Chinese pickups. Even through crappy laptop speakers, it's night and day. Green has clarity, sparkle and bloom. Blue doesn't.
I wouldn't buy either of these, as it goes. FWIW, you could get the green ones to sound like the blues, but you'll never get the blues to sound like the greens.
$350 isn't that expensive for a good sounding PAF-a-like, by the way.

@terrydavis5915 - 05.02.2022 19:47

Your a good boy.

@30smsuperstrat - 16.02.2022 03:44

When I saw your face so close with the big smile, expressive eyes, and smooth southern drawl, I thought Joe Satriani had lost his mind😄. The green shirt sounded professional; the blue shirt sounded like a PRS SE, nice but nothing to save from a fire.

@1337wafflezz - 04.04.2022 23:35

I must have an expensive ear because I guessed the lollars were green shirt, they were slightly more articulate which I liked. i was thinking the cheap pups were green shirt at first until I read the description that they were the same DC resistance.

blue shirt was definitely more “classic PAF”

@yamaoctave3928 - 23.09.2022 07:26

Green is better.

@ThorRavnsborg - 06.10.2022 00:06

Green has better clarity, definition and more top end. I'm guessing they're the expensive ones. However, for distorted sounds I personally prefer the slightly more mellow tone from blue (but when playing with a band green will most likely cut though the mix a little better).
The difference isn't huge and I doubt that anyone would be thinking about it if it wasn't a direct comparison.

@lurklingX - 08.11.2022 14:38

green shirt: more articulation, louder
blue shirt: sparkly? on one of those slow pieces, a more engaging sound. (technically a little more muffled/darker in comparison, on early tracks. but that sparkliness - i mean that there are extra nuances/frills that appear that just weren't on the other. and i like it enough i'd forgive the less articulation. now, to see which is which!!).

they are a bit similar on distortion. overall neither sounds bad.

@lurklingX - 08.11.2022 14:55

btw nice vid! i love hearing actual sound comparisons for things like this because hype on a website is not that helpful. not unlike wine labels. they may start talking about currants, cherry, vanilla, tobacco, etc.... and all you get is a mouthful of bitter and a shitty, crumbling cork. not to mention price can be high on some bs, and low on something actually decent.

pickups get all these descriptions on websites but hearing it.... that's the sauce!

i have a few rigs i need to update and it's............... UGH. some sites have samples but not on all the offerings, and then there's the whole "how do they compare to each other??" (different brands). i don't want to pay for a namebrand label, i'm looking to pay for the quality of the product itself.

any recommendations on a tele pickup?
i got this squier tele, one of the trans white finish ones. forget the name of the model, but i think there is only one that has this finish. 60s style maybe? anyway, it sounds TERRIBLE. :( it's bright/thin/caustic. like, seriously ew. i can't even play it. i've heard other teles that don't sound like this. any brands that have good tele stuff? saw in a thread on reddit (that's how i found your vid) that people were liking the brands Lindy Fralin (single coils noted especially), Lollar Imperials, TV Jones…

just looking for a place to start. i'm relatively new to all this. and the number of options gets overwhelming, even WITH research. i don't need top end, just something serviceable. thanks!

@dressedtosmellgood - 17.01.2023 02:04

Almost guaranteed that the cover of the cheaper pickup is brass which will mute some of the high end. Lollar probably uses a nick silver cover that is more transparent. A better comparison would be between the uncovered humbuckers from both brands.

@larryeisner5234 - 18.02.2023 18:40

SO which model lollars is this?

@cjhenry0101 - 23.02.2023 01:06

What guitar madness pickups are they?

@adamkempa5157 - 07.05.2023 21:36

Not funny no key!!!

@Swanlord05 - 26.05.2023 12:53

So which is which dude

@sixstring1950 - 24.06.2023 18:35

green classic 57 blue lollar

@karldettling5981 - 12.07.2023 10:05

This isn't sound,it is distortion? Useless test?

@GuyHarrison-nm1xt - 24.09.2023 15:42

Make sure u fast faward. Cuts out at the end

@juffurey - 11.10.2023 18:39

I think I remember reading in the product descriptions that Guitar Madness pickups are made in Korea.

@lumberlikwidator8863 - 08.12.2023 00:13

Green shirts had more balls. That’s Man-Tone, baby!

@randypittman4994 - 14.12.2023 18:31

Green shirt was more raspy i liked the blue better. Now to watch the rest and find out what was what.

@Ruvimka - 26.01.2024 23:03

Hi! What is the name of the guitar? And how can I find a Chinese pickup?

@vincentpritchett1231 - 14.04.2024 22:37

For a $265 saving, I don’t hear enough of a difference to keep me from buying the Asian copies. Lollar are just arrogantly priced. Time to knock them off their pedestal, as is well done in this video.
