How to Run Python Script Using NiFi | User NiFi ExecuteStreamCommand to Python or Any Script

How to Run Python Script Using NiFi | User NiFi ExecuteStreamCommand to Python or Any Script

Vikas Jha

4 года назад

26,740 Просмотров

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Amit Khandelwal
Amit Khandelwal - 05.05.2023 12:34

I am facing permission denied error while running ExecuteStreamCommand

Chawin Chokchaimongkolkij
Chawin Chokchaimongkolkij - 11.04.2023 06:49

when run finished my ExecuteStreamCommand cannot run next

Bennet Turner
Bennet Turner - 27.09.2022 08:55

I want to use Get file for my Excel file and then use Python (Pandas) script on it without passigng any arguments. Is this possible?

saitama_ caped baldy
saitama_ caped baldy - 03.04.2022 15:23

How did you add execute script with out any connections to the execute stream command

Bajba - 22.10.2021 14:01

How can I covert CSV TO EXCEL in nifi?? Please help

Vin Sher
Vin Sher - 08.02.2021 01:01

Can you explain how do we call python script which uses virtualenv, ex: if the python packages are installed with the help of virtualenv under same directory as the script? thank you

Luketa - 21.01.2021 21:29

Hello, please help, i up nifi in docker, how make a python work?

Sergio Mafra
Sergio Mafra - 10.09.2020 15:58

Hi Vikas,
Thanks for sharing. I´ve tried to use this feature to groupby a transaction file, in order to get only 1 occurence of each item.
I´m using ExecuteStreamCommand (better for pandas) insted of ExecuteScript) and getting an errro "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas'.
I´m using an Ubuntu machine with python and pandas installed.

Mohammed Nadeem
Mohammed Nadeem - 30.08.2020 13:05

It would have been really good if you could have shown with FlowFile as direct input to Python instead of stdin because this approach eliminates FlowFile attributes that were preserved before ingesting to script.

Kanika Mahajan
Kanika Mahajan - 25.08.2020 17:09

Hello Vikas .I followed same approach but I am getting error -->permission denied in case of execute sream command. I tried giving permissions to python file using chmod -R 777 ,Chmod +x ..but my error is not resolved.I am using ubuntu os.
could you please in resolving my issue.Thanks in advance.

Murtaza Haji
Murtaza Haji - 10.08.2020 07:12

can the executeStreamCommand accept multiple flowfiles? For eg if i want to do merge on a common column in 2 flow files , is that possible?

Suresh C
Suresh C - 04.06.2020 18:01

I just tried this, but it is throwing error as "%1 is not a Win32 application". I am having a doubt on the nifi directory and the python installation directory. How about these two relationship?

Ambesh Singh
Ambesh Singh - 02.06.2020 11:21

Hi Vikas, I need to fetch messages(xml file) from IBM-MQ and store them in GCS. Can you suggest an approach in Python to perform this operation? Thanks!

Роман Шангин
Роман Шангин - 02.06.2020 08:09

Thank you for the video! I have a question.

I just need to make a script that should perform massive preprocessing operations, and then take in the stream files.
As I understand it, for each stream file the script will be run every time. This is true?
Can I make a python script that starts once and receives stream files many times.

Deep - 01.06.2020 13:42

Hi Vikas ,I tried running a shell script instead of a python script but I am getting the error "Not a directory : error code 20 " . I have given the script path in the properties.

jbo - 19.05.2020 22:10

hi Vikas : Does it integrate with Pytorch ?
