Thank you for having us! Proud to be a part of this month's content!
ОтветитьA touch screen monitor is a good way to get better control of the Trinnov
ОтветитьDon't forget the black box issues. Like cannot use multiple monitors with sub regardless if you have all the licenses purchased . The next update this should be fixed
ОтветитьMaybe they could release a more Flopcat-friendly basic remote, with just two buttons... ‘play’ & ‘paws’.
ОтветитьGreat video! You should get these guys on more often!
ОтветитьI agree what the sentiment that once you have the Nova you really can't live without it.
ОтветитьPhase is the Phinal Phrontier, and Trinnov is working it. Wonderful, informative and honest review. I'd written a bunch more but accidentally deleted it with a random swipe on my iPad.😭
ОтветитьI couldn't be more pleased with my IKM ARC 4 box feeding a pair of Adams A8H's, it does everything I want it to do and compared to Trinnov it costs virtually nothing! 😎
Ответитьflopcat presets 😭❤
ОтветитьStill so very cool to see PDP on SOS. Congrats guys! 🎉
ОтветитьDAD interfaces have DADman software which is included. I had an acoustic engineer take multiple readings and I applied these to the DADman. Ended up costing AUD$700 and not $20,000. There is no substitution for good design and acoustic treatment.
ОтветитьHere’s what I don’t understand about calibration. It’s all performed at a certain volume level. As soon as you change the volume level, the calibration all changes anyway. So, unless we are mixing at the exact same volume level all the time, isn’t the calibration just a complete waste of time?