Chapo Trap House - Reviewing Shooter

Chapo Trap House - Reviewing Shooter

Acid Marxist

2 года назад

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Matt Gilbert
Matt Gilbert - 18.10.2023 10:21

Now, hold on there son - I am a yoo-nigh Ted states senatah!

Lepus - 03.10.2023 03:44

I've always loved this movie since i was a kid. Even more now that i understand more of the context and easter eggs. And i typically won't even consider watching an action movie in theater or in my spare time. I would have loved to have been a young 20-something and seen this in a theater

Luminousreign - 20.09.2023 07:31

The first conspiracy nugget is the set-up being what happened to Lee Harvey Oswald. Was hired to consult by the fbi in Dallas, and then whoops he does the thing he was supposed to stop. Not even sure that was public knowledge when the book was written either.

C. Andrew
C. Andrew - 30.07.2023 21:24

A rare piece of cinema, and yeah, I'm pretty sure that in 2007-8 if you gave 10 people the ability to kill Dick Cheney by pressing a button his odds are bad. But we don't get that, we did get a sick movie though. As yeah, unfortunately fewer good ones each year. Is this what aging feels like?

All I'm saying is if someone could off Shinzo Abe the fact that Dick Cheney is still breathing really does show that Americans are too lazy, and lack the stick-to-it-ivness to do assassinations anymore. Kids these day... Back in my day, you had to corner a guy in March with your friends and stab him all at the same time. No sniper rifles! We put our swords in rain barrels to get em all rusty though. But it was tough man! Had a friend down from Scranton went by the name Brutus, real quiet guy, but was always running late! On account of the sundails and we didn't have those wrist watches or pocketphones. So we all got our stabs in and he's there late, and the archduke of ahhh the emperor of Manila thats right mocks him and goes "oh yeah Jack you wanna stab me too?" and Brute - thats what I called him - stabbed him right in the head. God my dad could drive a car.

da joker
da joker - 18.05.2023 00:06

I had never seen this movie, and got about 10 minutes into the ep. Stopped listening cause the movie sounded so awesome and I didn't want to spoil it. I tried to download the movie off of pirate bay, and the site was down for almost 24 hours yesterday! Anyway, this morning it was back up, I downloaded the movie, got a six pack, ripped a few bong hits and watched it. They were so right, it was totally worth the wait, they do not make films like this anymore. Absolutely amazing action movie. You Vietnamese sh*t.

Jonas Uriel
Jonas Uriel - 17.04.2023 00:04

For your algorithm

Xylus - 07.03.2023 14:36

Why wouldn't they repurpose that Boogie Nights huge dick prop for this movie? I mean, Mark Wahlberg still has that thing buried in his closest somewhere, it wouldn't have been a hard get.

poke mongo
poke mongo - 25.01.2023 14:40

If I saw this in theaters, I'd probably coom in my pants at the "exactly" line.

Heidi Melcarek
Heidi Melcarek - 01.01.2023 16:48

Yeah, Felix - seems a lil sexist when you can't fathom a woman's intelligence level should be measured differently than from your gamer idiot friends.

Noah Levy
Noah Levy - 27.12.2022 14:52

Small correction to this: the part of the bullet that is covered by the paper is not the casing, but the paper itself. This was in order to make sure that the rifling of the bullet doesn't show the rifling grooves in order to identify the gun. That's why he takes that old book out, as it's a relatively unused technique because the copper jacket of most bullet prevents the lead from fowling the rifling, reducing effectiveness.

The Grim Reader
The Grim Reader - 26.12.2022 23:46

Matt missed out the best part of Ray Cruz. When he is introduced he's already like 45 and Swagger fully supports his vigilantism so even when introducing the new young hero he's a wizened dad. It also has Swagger constantly saying san to a Japanese babe that he could easily have an affair with. Dead Zero rules

supernsansa - 14.12.2022 03:57

Just finished watching Shooter (2007). Wow. What a based fucking movie. No way they could make this nowadays.

meowmeowkat - 29.11.2022 19:41

One of the best military action movies ever made imo

Tim Cosgrove
Tim Cosgrove - 05.11.2022 06:33

They keep harping on how nothing like this could be made now, but season one of The Punisher was pretty damn close, with a plot about a rich failson in the CIA trafficking drugs so that he could fund an operation where active duty soldiers kidnapped, tortured, and executed "terror suspects", half of whom turned out to be completely innocent. You can tell it rubbed some people the wrong way because in season 2 they overcorrected to some generic russian mob shit.

Viscount Slappy
Viscount Slappy - 24.10.2022 18:49

Nothing like a "I'm innocent so I'm gonna kill a bunch of people to prove it" storyline.

Thunderdemon FTW
Thunderdemon FTW - 13.09.2022 23:23

I watched this for the first time in 8th grade. I thought it was awesome with the deep state conspiracy plot. Also Kate Mara

MARzero1 - 27.08.2022 04:53

Arch bishop of Ethiopia. Where catholics make up about 0.07% of the population

Emmy - 13.06.2022 14:26

I keep hearing that name as Bobbly Swagger

Mike D
Mike D - 27.05.2022 20:39

"Them boys on the Grassy Knowel, they were dead within 3 hrs, buried in the damn desert, unmarked Graves out past Terlingua."

Terlingua, Tx is 8½ hrs. from Dallas.

Stavi_Deluxe - 22.05.2022 21:31

I have many favourite scenes in this film Elias Koteas getting fucking PWNED in the snow is pretty goated but my absolute fave is the final scene where Evil senator Ned Beaty and Danny Glover are literally doing the 'Gentleman, to evil' toast from the Simpsons before Wahlberg goes ahead and gets some illegal revenge.

gfarrell80 - 08.05.2022 22:16

It feels like a necessary compare/contrast would be Shooter (2007) vs the insane CIA-written propaganda Mile 22 (2018).

Shooter was fun, but once again, it is just a lone male hero with a gun. It is not allowable to depict a mass class movement based revolution, like in say, Spartacus (1960).

lostintechnicolor - 02.04.2022 03:03

I love Levon Helm in this movie…

“Them boys on the grassy knoll are buried out in the desert somewhere!”

“Is that a fact?”

“Still got the shovel!”

john marsiglia
john marsiglia - 23.03.2022 22:44

Shooter? I hardly know her

B - 23.03.2022 21:45

Ahahahha this channel

steelersguy74 - 23.03.2022 09:35

If I remember correctly I was probably dismissive of this movie when it was out but I might have to give it a chance.

JuicyLemon - 22.03.2022 18:12

I forgot how BASED this fucking movie was, especially ending. Just straight up ice a sitting Senator (Congressman? Whatever.) and driving away 😆

Terra Incognita
Terra Incognita - 22.03.2022 05:59

Felix incorrectly stated that you blow the guy's arm off in mw2 when in fact that happens in mw1. Felix has demonstrated himself a fake Gamer and a casul. I am calling on Mr.Chapo to expel Felix from the podcast and never allow him anywhere near a keyboard or controller ever again on pain of death.

David Tobias
David Tobias - 22.03.2022 01:01

Just realized that Ethiopia's Catholic Arch Bishop probably has very few followers since its a majority Orthodox country.

Meamishere - 21.03.2022 00:25

"What kind of asshole would think of a thing like this?"

Shooter, Bob Lee Swagger describing the suicide device.

Best line of the movie.

chasen47 - 20.03.2022 20:28

I have a lot of time for Levon Helm. That’s what sold me.

Twisted Operator
Twisted Operator - 19.03.2022 18:39

Shout out to the makeshift suppressor Mark uses. First time I saw one used.

Tim Frye
Tim Frye - 19.03.2022 17:25

Wahlberg v Glover, battle of the mumblers

idk about that
idk about that - 19.03.2022 00:52

this is wild, they remade this into a Netflix TV show and just went word by word in the other direction making him a super patriot that loves his country and has a lovely wife and just made into actual propaganda, lmao.

Jake - 18.03.2022 23:48

this is my favourite movie about doing whippits

Thatch - 18.03.2022 18:37

Nicholas Memphis is Duncan Idahos cousin

Universome - 18.03.2022 13:34

This is a podcast, where the hosts can go on and say it's about oil, not Jews. And the listeners believe it because they want too.

Universome - 18.03.2022 13:05

Wow man it's this brilliant critique of the Fat Cats in Washington that just reminds us all that Jews don't do anything at all

Keyser94 - 18.03.2022 06:06

Yeah, Matt Damon Jason Bourne series is much better than Green Zone.

Jamie Hardt
Jamie Hardt - 18.03.2022 03:16

Wait so the movie shoots off Elias Koteas's arm? The same actor who played the one-armed man in the Harrison Ford "Fugitive"?

BREMEN - 18.03.2022 01:04

The more time passes the more unlikely a movie like this being made becomes lol always low key liked this schlocky movie because of the conspiratorial and anti imperialist undertones.

Zain Mudassir
Zain Mudassir - 17.03.2022 21:44

Love Matt deep dive in movies and give historical context

Bossa Noah
Bossa Noah - 17.03.2022 20:47

Why did he say Eritrea like that lol

Bob Johnson
Bob Johnson - 17.03.2022 19:53

I long for the day where Felix does a side podcast and breaks down each (major) Metal Gear game

Mac Palin
Mac Palin - 17.03.2022 19:06

My favorite part of this movie is that it is one of the only movies that feature Bozeman Montana. Except the best part is that it is a flat empty plain COVERED in fields of CORN. with no visible mountains.

Michael - 17.03.2022 18:01

I remember watching this movie when I was 14 and thinking it was the coolest movie ever. Then I forgot about it then Chapo unlocked this memory.

Ben - 17.03.2022 17:00

I watched this movie for the first time a couple days ago thinking it was just going to be some dumb action movie, but its based views on the deep state and US imperialism pleasantly surprised me.

thomas macmanus
thomas macmanus - 17.03.2022 14:40

Grassy knoll guys: killed three hours later. Shovel guy: Enjoy your retirement! It makes no sense.

meow - 17.03.2022 09:43

There is absolutely no fucking way they could make this movie now. It's like Alex Jones level paranoid. But also 100% true.

The Veteran Sergeant
The Veteran Sergeant - 17.03.2022 08:48

Ironically, I saw this movie while deployed to the Horn of Africa. Camp Lemonier, shown at the beginning of the film, is in Djibouti, not Ethiopia though.

J Anderson
J Anderson - 17.03.2022 08:40

you guys hate everything lol
