Why Hitler invaded the Soviet Union

Why Hitler invaded the Soviet Union

Imperial War Museums

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@oadka - 21.07.2024 02:18

Long story short, this is what happens when you put ego over economics and hard facts.

@yiman7370 - 25.07.2024 19:25

My garndmother told that german soldiers were respectful to woman and sometimes even offered chocolate while a soviet soldier would r@pe the woman. Also, He wasnt 100% wrong about jews. They think of us non jews as filthy and pigs who will never reach heaven cuz they, the jews r the chosen people of God.😅

@finwwwfinwww4669 - 25.07.2024 19:54

how British, french become rich .... invasion or colonization....
but when Germany does it is "evil".lol

@hermitcard4494 - 25.07.2024 22:03

Oh, so that's why they had to go all or nothing.

@alanconway94 - 28.07.2024 11:21

Was the move really a mistake? Clearly it was.

@midhadmehic35 - 28.07.2024 12:42

Sovjet Union 🚩

@RobertKc-k1o - 28.07.2024 14:25

Cheap people like Germans daring to invade Russia 😂😅

@RichardKaufman-u5n - 28.07.2024 20:40

Hitlers critical mistake was invading the Soviet Union in June of 41. It a as. Already

@jimbojimbo6873 - 31.07.2024 14:46

Wasn’t Hitler elected democratically?

@dnola6887 - 03.08.2024 04:57

Hitler invaded the Soviet Union in large part because he was a tunnel vision visionary. Hitler failed to see the possibilities of conquering North Africa and the Middle East to obtain the oil resources his war machine badly needed. But there's a reason it took Hitler so long to get to Moscow, aside from turning south in August instead of proceeding straight for Moscow: More than 80% of the German army relied on horse and foot transportation to get where they needed to go. The Soviet road networks were terrible and their limited rail system was a different gauge. The result? Hitler's army relied on foot soldiers walking and horse drawn transport the same way Napoleon did.

But a move into Africa and the Middle East could have resulted in the British Empire leaving the war, and Germany getting the flow of oil resources it needed from there as part of a peace agreement. If Britain ends the war by late 1940, there's no Lend Lease program to immediately help the Soviet Union, there are no British agent's causing the overthrow of Yugoslavia's pro-German government in 1941, no second front to worry about, no need to put as many divisions in the West or aircraft to guard Germany.

Which is why I believe that that that most assured Germany's doom was the crucial month of May-June 1940, from the fall of Chamberlain's government to the end of Dunkirk. Pro-peace Halifax declines to be PM, Churchill takes the role, the stop tank order and the escape of the BEF at Dunkirk. A Dunkirk entrapment with a Halifax government likely results in a quick peace with Britain after the Fall of France. Fortunately, this didn't happen.

@hanspeterqwe6620 - 05.08.2024 20:39

Nazi Germany was not first to the arms race, the Soviets had been pumping insame portions of their GDP into war preparations, way before Hitler took power.

@alexislevejac9208 - 06.08.2024 09:33


@georgepiet496 - 08.08.2024 20:08

Why? Thieves, that's why. Take other people's land and wealth. The average German was in on it.

@bfchristianbf - 10.08.2024 19:08

As others commented, perhaps,if Germany offered a good deal and conviced the japanese into invading the USSR from the east and conquering them before going into their pacific conquests things would have been different. The soviets were not prepared,but once they were nothing could stop them from pushing back far against Germany.

@jlcinternet - 11.08.2024 02:12

“What is history but a lie agreed upon.” - Napoleon Bonaparte It’s proven that Stalin would invade all of Western Europe. He was producing 5X what the Germans were. Germany tried for peace more than any other country. There’s proof of all of it if you look. The politicians and Wall Street got rich though. The same group of people who made money off of the war were Bolsheviks who overthrough the Czar in Russia and started communism. They own every hedge fund, Hollywood, media company and have a foreign agent in every single congressman’s office in DC except Thomas Massey’s. You can’t say their name and remember it’s just a conspiracy according to their news.

@mirkojorgovic - 12.08.2024 13:22

Western Allies commented about Red Army's parade 1945: "It was good option , fighting of Red Army on our side". It lead to conclusion that UK and USA will be not in good position if Stalin joined Axis-pact . With Red Army on Axis side, Europe will be secured from DDay option.
Conclusion: "Barbarossa" was absolutely mistake .

@eckobrown7902 - 14.08.2024 19:16

This was his biggest mistake

@JerryZielinsky-mt8ti - 21.08.2024 15:33

If Hitler captured and took Moscow, the war would have ended with Germany being the victor. Case closed.

@cat5dookie1 - 23.08.2024 18:09

British historians tend to focus on certain things that American Historians do not. One of them is the ribbentrop molotov pact. This was a key part of WW2. Revisionist history tells a much different story than Englands version. Hitler and Stalin divided up Poland which caused England and France to declare war on Germany and yet Russia was still an ally. Today we know that Stalin's plan was to let Britain, France and Germany fight weakening themselves while he planned to conquer them all. Not much of an ally IMO. Britain intelligence knew Hitler would turn on Russia eventually.

@PxThucydides - 24.08.2024 02:23

Conquering Russia was not just the point of the war- it was the point of Hitler’s entire political existence.

@Dav1Gv - 25.08.2024 20:27

I read that it was a Jewish officer who turned Hitler down for a commission in WW1 on the grounds of mental instability (he got that one right!). Whether this was a factor in Hitler's hatred for the Jews was not mentioned.

@fleshboundtobone - 25.08.2024 23:34

God Almighty, museums can't have a YT channel without baked-in ads now. Brilliant. Nothing is sacred is it.

@DutchGuyMike - 26.08.2024 01:57

God this channel is biased, "epic strategic blunder".. it was the single largest biggest tactical victory ever.
No other nation (USSR) could have withstood the insane loss of men, materiel and equipment, ever.
Not to mention the USSR/Stalin was killing millions of their own people, especially in the Holodomor.

@haldir3120 - 26.08.2024 13:43

Biggest mistake was the Germans racial idiology. Assuming the people in the East are sub humans and the assumption the Germans were superior by nature. If the assumption would have been true then they should have collapsed immediatly considering the 'superior' people in the West (French and Brits) were ran over this easily

@망히-z9z - 27.08.2024 14:17

The imaginary Evolution theory contributed Nazi of superior racism. So called the Survival of the fittest.
Evoution theory is dangerous and destructive.

@stevensmith8007 - 28.08.2024 02:25


@aramokurdo - 28.08.2024 03:25

Hitler should had first take UK then went to Soviet!

@MarkHarrison733 - 28.08.2024 13:24

Stalin broke the pact on 28 June 1940, and was preparing to attack Germany in 1941.

@marcinhetna557 - 28.08.2024 16:42

It would be also worth to mention that pact between Hitler and Stalin from 1939 wasnt only about trade. They made common military plans. They decided to invade Poland together, and agreed that they will not intervene against each others plans. Hitler allowed Stalin to attack Finland and Baltic states and to extort Besarabia from Romania without any german counteraction.

@frank-rk5sq - 29.08.2024 04:03

C'mon, Germany had more than small farms by the 20th century. Modest sized ones in its Northwest, and large estates in the East. You need a better discussion of the German economy. (The pro-German writer Lothrop Stoddard discusses the situation in his 1940 Out of the Darkness, based on his trip to wartime Germany). And, if agriculture continued to be a problem, maybe trade with the Soviet Union for agricultural output was far more realistic than military conquest. Goering himself got an agricultural trade agreement with the USSR in 1936.

@georgbaharov4575 - 29.08.2024 13:28

Very interesting, nobody mentions the help and support, that Hitler got from Stalin. And this starvation the communist Russia carried out in Ukraine...

@dmitryreshetko9 - 29.08.2024 16:45

Read Churchill "Gathering storm'" were he discussed Britain inferiority in production of planes before WWII

@JohnBernard-xw8zo - 31.08.2024 01:42

Germany was finished when the Japs attecked Pearl Harbor. It was the blunder that brought down Germany and Japan and saved the Soviet Union and Westren Europe. Its called look at the biggest picture. After Pearl the Japs had thier hands full. They couldn't open a front on the eestrran part of the Soviet Union.

@ColinHarvey78 - 01.09.2024 09:42

This has to be one of the most chilling plans ever envisaged... something which would've made the Jewish "final solution" look like a sideshow in comparison... terrifying

@jozefk.2495 - 02.09.2024 23:27

Secure the material...that was flowing at an absurd rate into the Third Reich...even in the last minute Soviet rains were carrying those valuable materials to their enemies. Sure, accepting the Soviet Union into the Axis would have carried many risks, but would have brought Hitler years to deal with Great Britain.
Even though the Luftwaffe had been criticized for not taking heavy bombers seriously, it was shown by the Americans that medium bombers can do a serious job.
Masses of Ju-88 and Do-217 medium bombers with drop-tank equipped fighters would have been enough to bring Great Britain to it knees, though I guess it still would have taken years.
And Hitler feared that his embarrassing ally, the Soviet Union will get even stronger, and will stab them in the back. His "quick solution" to this problem failed totally...

@SidRandom - 08.09.2024 00:36

You guys are friggin insain.

@Terra-v5l - 08.09.2024 12:47

History's most murderous dictator was Queen Victoria 😂 not Hitler

@jude_the_apostle - 10.09.2024 20:01

Finally someone mentioned the British naval blockade of Germany

@KenuDRoger - 16.09.2024 12:07


@TheWorkersNewspaper - 17.09.2024 17:43

Why is it always online Americans trying to deny the crimes of these fascist regimes?

@drbomdaydayboms4890 - 18.09.2024 01:44

Germany had lost no matter what the US was backing the UK and Russia so much that the war was lost from the end of 1941.

@tanler7953 - 19.09.2024 20:29

Such an excellent comparison between the European colonization of indigenous peoples in North America and Hitler's plan for the Soviet Union.

@vaza57 - 20.09.2024 11:30

from my point of you the german moved too quickly , not securing eg : the whole Mediterranea region including Gibraltar ans Egypt ,and use Italian and French troops to take over Africa till South Africa ,oil could have been reached through iran etc... Germany did not have to conquer Russia but just take Ukraine for food and fight a war close to their frontiers EG: Poland Ukraine etc.. but as Viktor said if Japan had attacked Russia then that would have been the time to get into Russia ..

@vaza57 - 20.09.2024 11:38

America like Britain never go to war "Alone" ,they wait , every time they went alone they lost or almost lost like in South Africa for Britain and Korea and Vietnam for the USA.

@carlcassidy185 - 25.09.2024 21:59

Hitler's biggest mistake was thinking his plan would succeed from day one, all the way back in the 20s. Invading Poland called one too many bluffs. The war was lost on September 1st, 1939. It was just a very long and agonisingly slow loss. There was NO WAY Germany would ever have the man power or resource access to fight a war on 2 fronts, occupy so many countries, AND commit mass murder on the scale that they did, all at the same time. Stretched himself too thin from day 1. He was always destined to fail.

@siewpoh5 - 30.09.2024 09:07

Hitler simply wanted to be an imperialist, he wanted an empire, to be superpower like england, all else he talked about is rubbish, lousy tactician, lousy strategist, all fake only power was real....,.

@KyleRevives - 02.10.2024 00:47

Russian military gdp is 30% right now
