Sure hope please read act24vs15
ОтветитьSure hope please read act24vs15
ОтветитьI wish wao pia wangeuliwa😢
ОтветитьThe crazy kawife must have convinced her hubby to join the makenzi cult church.
Mathe naye she must have been convinced to stop medication and let God heal her naturally with prayer and fasting.
With the starvation and maybe now the sugar too low .... ikahappen hivyo
Mimi ninawapenda wa Kenya sana.Poleni.With love from a Ta n zanian
ОтветитьWatu wa shakahola bado wako business aki😦😦😦😦
ОтветитьI think she was murdered 😢😢
ОтветитьInoroo tv where are you we need the kikuyu version of this to b well understood 👏
ОтветитьThis world you can't understand what is going on
ОтветитьCan metha ya kagoni interview this guy or wambui wa mwangi
ОтветитьPole sana kwa familia... Lakini swali langu ni, kwani hawakuiihisi harufu ya maiti
ОтветитьWorst case
ОтветитьSo traumatizing, may God comfort this family
ОтветитьPole sana. But one thing is not clear. Why were they sending a lot of money to the mum?. She was to stay there for 2 weeks. 39000 for two weeks? Was the medicine so expensive?And she carried 40 k? Hapo family inafaa ieleze vizuri hapo. Kuna question marks
ОтветитьNa ata bado ako na audacity ya kusema eti "mungu" anamuonyesha atafufuka! Anafufuka nini!??!
Eti eti!
Ushakahola is real
ОтветитьWenda katoa kafala uncle wako
ОтветитьIt's so sad 😭 may god bless the family and Rab tears
ОтветитьCan't believe this! Shakahola is real. May God help us
Ответить😢😢😢poleni Sana may God give you strength at this painful times
ОтветитьThe man he's too cool 😢😢😢😢
ОтветитьWaaah shakahola to the world 🌎
ОтветитьPoleni sana.
ОтветитьDiabetiker and BP Patients r at high risks if they don’t take their Medications on time/Insulin and a balanced diet. They even harvested her may God punish you who did this heinous crime!
Jesus these churches and followers r still paramount!! May God wipe your tears u cry when no1 is watching young man, you have been so BRAVE throughout the interview amazing🙏. May comfort and peace be upon you and your family. Therapists in the house give him counselling with their Family too♥️♥️♥️♥️. This is so terrible no words😔.
it's painful 😭😭😭
ОтветитьDunia imeisha😢, this is too painful
ОтветитьSo sad the brother failed his sister. May the Lord strengthen this family
ОтветитьHawa watu hawakuwa sawa unaezakubali ajy kupeana bibi yako?document alibeba kwa nini ?na iyo pesa yote walikua wanatuma alafu akabeba 40k ?
ОтветитьPoleni sana
ОтветитьPole sana nliona citizen news the story😢
ОтветитьThe mother knew wat she was going to do there ju huwezi wacha bwana 2 weeks na ni kutembea asi !
ОтветитьFear some relative ooh
ОтветитьSi wangeenda kuangalia mama yao woiyi wajue vile ako woiyi
ОтветитьStill traumatised
ОтветитьPole sana haki ni uchungu Sana haki
ОтветитьHuyo mama alikuwa wa hiyo Church chini ya maji
ОтветитьThis shakahola thing had spread out everywhere! People shld be very careful. Pole kwa familia. Kiswahili ni ngumu sana!
ОтветитьLakini camera man siujifunze kuchwe decently 😅
ОтветитьKhai I know this guy😢😢kaana funny juzi tu bibi yake na mtoto wamebomokewa na nyuma😢😢😢take heart aki
Ответить sorry to this family! May they find peace❤
ОтветитьBoring ITS too Long explanation
ОтветитьNgai kana funny mko huku it was traumatizing
ОтветитьDon't blame your uncle he in shock
ОтветитьKumbe uyo mama alifanyishwa fasting😭😭
ОтветитьNafikiri ni sacrifice
ОтветитьPeople are sick....some predatory religions have made this clearer.
ОтветитьSiwezi acha mtu akiwa uhai hapo naeza kuwauwa wote😭💔