Squash: J.P. Morgan Tournament of Champions 2020 - Men's Final - Momen v Mo.ElShorbagy

Squash: J.P. Morgan Tournament of Champions 2020 - Men's Final - Momen v Mo.ElShorbagy


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@meemal2441 - 18.01.2020 16:02

The beast of alexandra is back to take the no. 1 world ranking

@FamAlm-gs6mf - 18.01.2020 16:12

Old goat?!!!
There are way better nicknames then these ridiculous names with smell of hate!
Congratulations M. Shorbagy, you really deserve to regain your No, 1 position. Salute you for your appreciation and love to your parent's, God bless you 🙌🏻

@shahg25 - 18.01.2020 16:13

I like shorbhagy’s kit. You dont often see him winning without drama or controversy during a match. Clean match

@penadolkiller7979 - 18.01.2020 16:15

good to see a basher and nick finder get the win!

@tonytan5945 - 18.01.2020 16:15

Pretty cold hand shake, what happened?

@bullsquash5299 - 18.01.2020 16:16

After watching the match I have 2 questions: how can PSA verify a cramping situation and why was the ref told not to check on the injured player?

@amerawan6962 - 18.01.2020 16:20

Elshobagy well deserved....

@Aidnty11 - 18.01.2020 16:38

I watched the full watch and it’s very disappointing that squash is all about he decisions... I can feel for tarek here even though they don’t show the really poor decisions from the ref. All credit to shorbagy tho!

@MrClasicas - 18.01.2020 16:46

Que lástima que ninguno de los jugadores sea más efusivo con el público, y es bastante común ver que los oponentes tampoco demuestren respeto entre sí, los jugadores deberían considerarlo, asumir una actitud más promotora del deporte....y bien por la bestia de Alejandría...

@Masterdoctorgenius14 - 18.01.2020 16:52

This is why Squash is not olympic. Terrible referees.

@Engmazzouz - 18.01.2020 17:05

Congratulations to El-Shorbagy! So happy for the beast to be back.

@_ianonymous_1726 - 18.01.2020 17:58

It’s crazy how Elshorbagy is 29 now. He’s been a tour for a min

@fern6114 - 18.01.2020 18:34

Just 9 min
Next time please the entire match
Thanks cheers
But seeing Rodney...

@steelpatriot3683 - 18.01.2020 19:08

It was a shame that an otherwise very enjoyable tournament ended with a final that really only had a mix poor refereeing and some less than savoury gamesmanship as it's take aways. I'll just watch Asal v Gaultier again to cheer me up 😃

@damandarin5415 - 18.01.2020 19:09

This final has been a bit underwhelming? Tbh the seedings early stages were terrible

@AANasseh - 18.01.2020 19:21

"Rodney will have to get a fresh shirt for later!" 😂

@JC0chap - 18.01.2020 19:33

Context on why Tarek was fuming and the handshake/slap for those who haven't seen the full match:
At a crucial point in the fourth (I think Shorbagy was 8-5 up) Shorbagy suddenly lay down and claimed a very questionable 3 minute injury break saying 'i felt something in my knee'. There didn't seem to be any collision or notable incident that might have explained this. PJ and Joey explained the rules state players are not allowed to claim an injury break for cramp and let's just say this was a suspicious injury break at best...
Tarek was understandably fuming and lost his head after that. In his post match interview he pointedly said that he doesn't want to comment on anything that happened during the match but he'll be back.

@shortmarkets7529 - 18.01.2020 20:57

Why not even show the reason momen is mad? Makes him look like the bad guy for losing.

@khaledelzaghl8162 - 18.01.2020 21:47

الف مليون مبروك يا شوربجي ومبروك الصدارة وهارد لك مؤمن .. شرفتوا مصر

@benjaminpeterchapman - 18.01.2020 23:02

Why does it seem that SquashTV never show any of El Shorbagy's questionable moments?
The injury timeout was a pivotal part of the match, so why leave it out?
In the women's final highlights El Sherbini's injury timeout was included.
Props to him for putting the work in and winning, but it often seems he resorts to using underhanded gamesmanship (or 'street smarts' as Joey and PJ like to call it), whenever a match gets tight.

@maddogdaz1 - 18.01.2020 23:49

Rosner will almost certainly win this final

@KnightMD - 19.01.2020 00:24

The real shame is how lazily this highlight reel was put together compared to everything else in this tournament. Some really bad decisions leaving out several points and incidents here.

@ItsHeebyGeeby - 19.01.2020 03:44

Elshorbagy is becoming a great statesman for the sport. I didn't used to like him but I guess that's because he's so good. He comes across as very humble and likeable these days. His squash style reminds me very much of Nick Matthew in terms of his fighting spirit. Well done for regaining world No.1

@davidtan2413 - 19.01.2020 05:57

Elshorbagy is a little bitch, don’t fucking fake an injury if you’re about to cramp

@sandervanleenen3447 - 19.01.2020 16:04

Look at elshorbagy pictures holding the trophy. Everytime it's the same fake smile. Acting nice is for people who aren't really. A few others who made it to the top of the tree are a lot nicer personalities like Gawad, Willstrop, Momen. The few that really reach the highest like world open, british open sacrificed a lot . I guess being able to be genually nice is one of those sacrifices. They just do anything to win. I prefer to watch the nice guys. Marwan is also a great example. Finally : look at Tareks face when elshorbagy is being interviewed during the ceremony. He absolutely wants to smack mohamed in the face!

@ahmedhameed7252 - 19.01.2020 19:27

Which governing body do the squash referees come under?
Who manages the referees?
Who's responsible for training referees?

@bmoss1226 - 20.01.2020 03:20

What's with the grey bearded guy during the ceremony with his overly aggressive handshake with elshorbagy??! 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

@essexa777 - 20.01.2020 16:16

As much as these players are fantastic to watch and the Egyptians clearly lead the way in ability i really feel the English lads lead the way in attempting continuous play and make the matches more enjoyable to watch as a result. They need to stop looking for cheap easy points as half of the lets/strokes as much as they are questionable are making the game less attractive to watch, not such a great spectacle. This final was riddled with gameplay antics and a real turn off. Keep the game alive, get it into the Olympics and stop these ever increasing calls for lets/strokes, half of them can be played through IMHO, watch the Brits, they are leading the way in this. Well done shaggy but a little over done with the antics! See you in Chicago!

@losuk8 - 20.01.2020 19:33

Momen was fishing on the third game

@henrymoran8339 - 21.01.2020 04:48


@jungholee3793 - 25.01.2020 05:18

ref's one sided decision + especially according to PJ, lee beechill not letting ref check elshorbagy's injury break about.... what was that management all about???

@stevehughes1510 - 20.02.2020 05:57

The ref royally stuffed up with that injury break that Shorbagy had.............hopefully the referees in future will not allow this to 'ever' happen again.......it is bad and is against the rules of the game.

@grandpatzer - 23.02.2021 07:08

That winning shot at 6-7 in the second game is one of the most beautiful shots I’ve ever seen.
