Is Strattera Good for ADHD? Psychiatrist Reviews!

Is Strattera Good for ADHD? Psychiatrist Reviews!


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@kenhaze5230 - 25.07.2024 20:14

Would be interested to hear your experience as a clinician with viloxazine—an agent even less effective, based on research, than atomoxetine—given its similar history and putative MoA. Edit: I commented too soon: You mention it. But still would love to hear some commentary! Since the effect sizes are so unimaginably pathetic. Of course, that doesn't mean it's not best for some!

@somestudentguy - 25.07.2024 22:06

Strattera was my starting medication for ADHD. It worked well for a while but I feel like it wasn't giving the range of symptom relief I needed. I still felt like I had a hard time starting on mundane-to-complex tasks, and general issues with motivation. Then I switched to Focalin, and that seemed to do about the same, except it made me feel like a zombie, and completely shut down my personality. Once I switched to Vyvanse I had a much better time focusing on tasks and being able to more realistically set personal and professional goals; something I had little-to-no success before on Strattera. Additionally, I just felt normal and functional which I think is really the goal with any of these meds.

@Simobrah90 - 27.07.2024 09:17

with strattera I was able to do things that I didn't want to do... now it's off the market in my country and I take medikinet. here the medikinet makes me focus only on the things I want to do

@MikeSolis369 - 06.08.2024 19:29

Can strattera and vyvanse be taken together?

@jodi-annedavidson5348 - 15.08.2024 19:31

How do you feel about Wellbutrin 300 mg with Strattera? Is that safe since wellbutrin is a DNRI and Straterra which is a SNRI? Is there increased risk for seizure?

@louisbaby4714 - 24.08.2024 18:23

can i take strattera at night, it makes me so sleepy whenever i take it in the morning for some reason. does something explain this?

@ereviscale3966 - 29.08.2024 18:55

Still waiting for my dose to be effective, barely seems to help after 7 weeks, maybe I need some more time. Thankfully I've used lots of coping strategies and lifestyle changes as well so it isn't too bad. It can be really hard to tell a difference with these long lasting medicines.

@FreshSliceTherapy - 30.08.2024 13:19

I just diagnosed with ADHD and Bipolar 1 disorder psychiatrist started Atomoxitine and zonalta hope it will work 😢

@edelquinn6848 - 02.09.2024 00:59

It makes me very sensitive to loud noises

@meropale - 05.09.2024 21:06

I took Wellbutrin briefly and it was so effective for a few days. Then nothing. Just side effects like ears ringing and racing heart.

@nathanomfg - 11.09.2024 16:56

I'm considering talking to my psychiatrist about straterra. I have OCPD and ADHD and unfortunately ADHD meds make my OCPD symptoms go into overdrive, but I'm a mess without them. I've tried vyvanse which made everything really bad too. Currently on 40 mg of adderral and I dont always take it because it makes me too hyper focused and unable to complete anything. Have you ever prescribed straterra for someone in this situation?

@stadoblech - 13.09.2024 21:16

I actually started feeling effects of atomoxetin (25mg) on my very first day. It was kinda wild. I started doing stuff and usually i hit wall and could not continue working on that particular task. On very first day with atomoxetin this wall was gone. It was truly interesting experience

@monikan.7980 - 17.09.2024 10:26

Thank you for the clear and concise summary. I felt the effects of the 25 mg dose very quickly, but mostly in the form of side effects like nausea, stomach pain, dry mouth, and irritability. This is my fifth time trying to stick to the daily dose, and it's been tough. Last week, though, I noticed a bit of peace; I actually started doing things around the house that I usually procrastinate on for ages. It feels like there's potential, but if the side effects don't go away, I can't imagine continuing with this in my daily life , Before tried elvance, absolutely not for me

@sweetiepie4328 - 19.09.2024 03:33

My doc prescribed this due to me being on methadone . I wanted to start on stimulants but he said i had to get off methadone first. Is this common to tell patients? I feel like from the begining he didn't want to help me with stimulants. I hear they work and i need help!

@sweetiepie4328 - 19.09.2024 03:38

Clonidine? Makes me feel super tired

@gobbiwasabi - 20.09.2024 00:05

I took Strattera one time and literally could not stop crying for three straight days. It was horrible and took weeks to recover from. 0/10 never again.

@scottstorchfan - 21.09.2024 21:18

Of course you prescribe it the least. Its discontinued.

@agustinsalazar8438 - 27.09.2024 20:57

Hey dr i had a question can i take Adderall with strattera would that boost Adderall???

@adnankamen6470 - 04.10.2024 01:22

I was on 80mg, the lower dose did nothing. at 80mg i felt strange and fidgety on the first day but that went away on the 2nd.. it made me feel sadness when i usually feel no emotions.. i would sometimes cry a few days in a row (not the whole day obviously), i value feeling emotions but i never felt the good emotions on it.. and didnt really notice any noticeable improvement on my condition.. but after 2 months on this dose i did realise i could do certain tasks with 60% less struggle like reading for 30 minutes or learning something else for another 30 but other tasks were improved by 20% less struggle and not more.. only did i really notice this effect when i stopped suddenly, because task initiation has been really difficult again (because the drugs accumulative effect is so slow and subtle you notice nothing day to day and when you stop suddenly 2-3 days later you are back to default mode and you somehow forget how retarded you were and how much you struggled with basic tasks). also i have problems with sleep so i take Quetiapine for that and once i stopped with Atomoxetine, i couldn't fall asleep until 5-6 am and 2 weeks later my sleep is still poor. so Atomoxetine made my sleep better and also used to remember my dreams which was nice. If it was my only option i would have to use it but i hope i can find something that helps me deal with my problems better.

@oneldelorbe1413 - 04.10.2024 07:58

What motivated you to specialize in this?

@jesperplaetner5074 - 10.10.2024 20:13

I could only concentrate about sleeping.... I slept 12 hours a day, I think, and felt right now I'm waiting 1 year to get a time at a psychotherapist for a time to try stimulation meds....

@kylepetten - 03.08.2024 12:46

best video on here about Strattera. thank you.
