The Bigfoot is thinking, "Yipes, Human's Do Exist!!!"
ОтветитьIt's a guy in a monkey suit.
ОтветитьVery obviously man in Ape Suit. 🦍
ОтветитьRather staged & fake looking.
ОтветитьQuit showing the obvious hoaxes they don’t deserve to be featured
ОтветитьBro looked over like let me eat in peace lol 😂
ОтветитьWhy do we always see 1 bigfoot not a family or 2? Why only always see 1?
ОтветитьThis whole vid is a waste of time. Move along..nothing to see here.
ОтветитьYou can see when he was taking pictures of his feet where the person’s actual feet ended and the costume began. It’s like flippers.
ОтветитьAll these videos are real bigfoot videos and the amazing 2nd video has a baby bigfoot holding while it's mother holds on to supper giving her hunting skills and baby strong will for survival and strength to hold onto momma's fur what a wonderful video that shows the ability to survive and baby's strength to make momma job much easier!!
ОтветитьI would like to go on record as having seen an odd thing in the forest next to a lake. Something was watching "us campers", and in the middle of the night, my wife said, "hey, I went to the bathroom, and somebody was watching me." She was an intelligence officer, and she carried a pistol, and sometimes a fully automatic pistol, but she had her little pistol." Later in that morning, we heard a scream, and some campers jumped into their van and drove away. The rangers came out, and it was every bit of four in the morning, so my wife and myself, went to the bathroom facilities, which were very well maintained, and we met up with other campers that we had encountered previously. The husband pulled me aside and told me that something had reached into the top of the tent and was pulling the young daughter out of the tent, and the mother hit it with a metal frying pan and the creature let go of the daughter. Then the family sat in the van, and the creature came back and the man drove away with his family leaving all of his abundant camping gear behind.
The rangers came out and gathered up a crew and had a talk session amongst themselves as a group, and then they placed all of the camping gear, which included a large tent, food making equipment, bedding, food, water, TVs, fans, wood, and other assorted materials. The ranger crew cleaned up the area in a military type manner, and raked and swept away all evidence of the creature that had attacked the family that night. I asked one of the rangers, who had taken a liking to myself and my wife, and he said it happens once a year there. I asked, "was it a bear?"
He was like, "No, it was a bigfoot thing."
Looks like he's wearing flipflops lol
ОтветитьYeah, the problem with the whole Bigfoot theory, and there are many but the main problem is no dead. Bigfoot has ever been found and that’s impossible if they actually exist.
ОтветитьCan they use some better IA to generate more realistic fake bigfoot videos?
ОтветитьAlready proven fake
ОтветитьSasquatch with feet they look like shoes from homeless😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьThat's not a sasquatch
ОтветитьA lot of simpletons think this is fake smh
ОтветитьAll the videos are blurry and from afar, pure idiotic
ОтветитьWhen I think that some imbeciles believe that is a big woman or guy wearing a wig? Seriously? They probably are the same idiots that believe the moon landing was a fake.
ОтветитьThese are dumbest videos of bigfoot I've ever seen mate,your channel is the worst garbage
ОтветитьJack links getting pretty creative with their ads
ОтветитьMy people have been living the the Pacific Nother west for hundreds of years and my peiople have a onld saying for people that believe this nonse it goes like this: Ezali na sucker oyo abotamaka na minute nionso. whice translast to: There is a suker born every minute.
ОтветитьFunny ppl funny bigfoot
ОтветитьHaters says it is just a dude wearing a costume.
ОтветитьWorst footage ever…
Ответитьi bet hes out there somewhere smiling at our behavior
ОтветитьThere is no such thing!
ОтветитьSeriously? So easy & available?
ОтветитьHold it Bob we can see your wrist watch
ОтветитьThe feet 👣 absolutely 💯 give it away as FAKE looks like plastic doesn’t move correctly also the size and the walk are off completely 🙏
ОтветитьThat's my mother-in-law
ОтветитьThose feet look like bilbo gogins
ОтветитьHas very floppy feet as if it was rubber
ОтветитьIt looks like a man.?
ОтветитьIn Wales UK, i know there is a guy in South Wales with the biggest feet in the UK, size 23.
ОтветитьWho cares or believes anything put out by the NYP ? Not me.
Ответитьentertainingly ridiculous...
ОтветитьBig foot. Is. Killing People 😮😮
ОтветитьWHOEVER THIS GUY IS NARARATING SAYING THIS CAPTURED THE WORLDS IMAGINATION... needs a slap in the face. You're a grown man saying 30 seconds of total nonsense is ground breaking... Go back to community college
ОтветитьTotal rubber face.Eyes never opened up an stayed the same.
ОтветитьBigfoot voted for Trump, he is 100% MAGA