One Shot Mage Lightning Build | Start OP Early with Bolt of Gransax +9 & NO RUNE FARMING

One Shot Mage Lightning Build | Start OP Early with Bolt of Gransax +9 & NO RUNE FARMING


11 месяцев назад

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@moky929 - 28.07.2024 16:28

How were you able to do howl of Shabiri with 23 faith?

@فيسلعبدالعزيز - 29.07.2024 19:18

I waited till 80%. Then I restarted the PC worked

@jahtherealergaming - 30.07.2024 16:56

the alt f4 works when trying to get leyendell early

@stevengrabbert - 31.07.2024 19:03

Wrong warp still works.

@SollomonTheWise - 02.08.2024 22:52

I subbed cause I heard it was a couple thing, i just love cooperation as a concept

@BrunoRosarini-un8dp - 04.08.2024 03:20

Best Elden Ring Walkthrough! Extremely Thorought and Def Says a lot, I watched tons and they are all lacking in Locations, names, areas, map locations. Honestly Pls Keep making Walkthroughs, Totally the Best!

@jaradpence3991 - 05.08.2024 01:35

Did this thing get nerfed? I'm not doing the damage she's doing. Killing things in two shots instead of one.

@trentlastname8432 - 05.08.2024 05:00

ps5 player keep trying, itll work, like the comments say if you end up at the round table you did it too late, if you end up at the divine bridge you did it too early. theres not an easy way to tell genuinely just keep trying and youll get it

@Oshijamz - 05.08.2024 12:56

the wrong warp doesnt work on pc, at least not for me, Ive done it a bunch and it just doesnt work.

@cyrusol - 06.08.2024 01:54

Is there a way to get to the rest of Leyndell without the wrongwarp (and withou having to progress the game normally)?
It's a bit too exploit-y for me.

@sonofposeidon317 - 07.08.2024 07:13

As of 8/6/2024 the early leyndell still works 🤝

@dajourreed8283 - 10.08.2024 16:20

Great great video I appreciate this ❤

@igrowgrapes3416 - 12.08.2024 08:53

I'm at windham, and I am pretty sure I have followed your guide to a T. I don't one-shot the imps. They still have a small amount of health left. I double checked the stats and ours are the same. Also on the pipes before runes 6 and 7 the Imps took less damage and did not get knocked off the pipes as easily. Any thoughts on why?

@mabec - 15.08.2024 12:02

Thats alot of work to kill the first boss

@ryandavidson8014 - 22.08.2024 04:16

Skip works today August 21, 2024

@ryandavidson8014 - 22.08.2024 04:18

Also if on ps5 push and hold the "home" button then start then X

@selecks6462 - 23.08.2024 01:57

I started the build and I didn't realised how disapointing Bolt of Gransax was until i upgraded it, the fucking red lighting weapon doesn't scale with faith.... wtf

@mrxanman_6569 - 26.08.2024 02:21

Ive followed every step of this video and im not doing near the same damage you are. Imps take 2-3 bolts, the knight in the tomb took 5 shots, the erdtree avatar is being tickled.

@RetroZ. - 28.08.2024 06:01

Anyone know if this still works? I’ve been trying but I can’t get it. Idk if it’s patched or I’m doing it to early

@darkseidofapokolips9796 - 10.09.2024 05:31

Sheesh your voice is annoying af

@XxxxxxxX-r5t - 12.09.2024 22:30

Sorry mein Englisch ist nicht so gut. Ich habe das Problem das ich Golden Vow nicht aktivieren kann, ist ausgegraut. Die werte Habe ich alle erreicht. aber es geht trotzdem nicht. An was kann das liegen? Was habe ich übersehen und vergessen?

@bender222 - 15.09.2024 19:13

folloowing the guide and just got gransax. In the well with the imps took so long for me. the iomps would take 3 bolts to kill and that is three chances to fall off the pipes each.

@Darkelf7201 - 13.10.2024 12:59

Absolutely amazing video - wow, well done :) and Thank You

@JamesStansfield-n7f - 20.10.2024 20:17

15%build 85% rune location ah vid

@Xray-tj27777 - 28.10.2024 20:47

How to I cancel the application while in the loading screen

@ProneInfidel - 25.11.2024 03:42

I think the wrong warp is patched

@AlexioAdler - 02.12.2024 05:05

I got this spear but i cant use the lightspear why

@VlogSantista - 19.12.2024 21:45

amazing video, so detailed, i can imagine the hardwork put into it. Thank you

@Perfect187 - 29.12.2024 04:27

did the warp to leyndell get patched

@DametreSilas-gd9jg - 30.12.2024 07:01

How do u do it for xbox

@darrencwheeler - 04.01.2025 11:23

Almost impossible on xbox, the bar goes from 20% to 100% in milliseconds, making 80% click near impossible. U either go back to the original site of grace or to the round table. Making the next part of the tutorial pointless/build useless
Any work around?

@SeanHowe-n1c - 06.01.2025 02:48

Jan 2025 and the warp still works. Thank you so much for the video!

@melaniewaith8298 - 08.01.2025 19:05

Subscribed straight away amazing content 👌🏾

@LeggeSamurai - 10.01.2025 15:56

Excellent well presented guide, I can’t help but think that a rune farm method would have saved much of the running around collecting runes, still great video nonetheless 👍🏻

@Obsidian32587 - 10.01.2025 21:09

Minor detail, but good to have for ....reasons: The Flame Cleanse me Incantation is in Eastern Liurnia not too far from the guide's path. If you dont mind making a detour while youre iin the area, you should go pick it up. hint hint

Also, great build video! Thanks!

@ginwolf5373 - 23.01.2025 10:42

Does this still works? The wrong warp?

@MrPavu4ok - 24.01.2025 01:55

Not early at all.
This is a several hours run for a seasoned player

@Panzerfisch112 - 25.01.2025 22:01

Does the skip to get into leyendell still work?

@Jelcampbell - 04.02.2025 15:06

As of 4/2/25 on Xbox the warp still works

@BodmasBappa-x4b - 05.02.2025 22:25

quite innovative way play through

@Aayuhere999 - 07.02.2025 10:17

How do i do wrong warp on ps4

@DJMigrane - 16.02.2025 01:24

I've never gotten the wing way warp to work for me on console.

@joelrunyan1608 - 17.02.2025 19:21

Can confirm all this still works February 25. Also. Got so OP i 2 shot the first boss and 3 shot the 2nd.

@crafteddiamond8468 - 21.02.2025 00:06

Ps5 player here just wanted to confirm as of Feb 20, 25 the Leyndell wrong warp still works, its a bit tricky but you just have to get the timing right, only took me about 10 tries.

@alabanghills - 08.03.2025 23:41

Best content ever easy thorough clear and fast
