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Follow for more inspirations ️#humor #funnyvideo #funfact

Maryna Aksenov

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@NikkaGatpandanAguilar - 09.03.2025 02:33

Bc means negative

@Icekingblocktales - 09.03.2025 02:40

Its actually 30000

@ThatOneC - 09.03.2025 03:14

Somehow, I thought it said “Humanitarian development was invented in 3000 BCE”

@Ani_Mater - 09.03.2025 04:05

We trickin the 7 year olds with this one.

@Temmieundertale - 09.03.2025 04:08

Its 2024 where did u get people in 2999 and how are they using the hamer if hamer made in 3000?

@IDKDOESSTUFF - 09.03.2025 04:25

yep this is a certified BANGER right here💀

@Jobywahn12 - 09.03.2025 04:47

I thought it said 300 CE
I cant read bro lol

@miksbenamir5950 - 09.03.2025 04:58

Im the 5940th comment

@eldecly - 09.03.2025 05:15

My dumbass read "Hammers invented Humanity in 3000 BC"

@stay_frostier - 09.03.2025 05:29

For those who don't know, The Toyota Supra (Japanese: トヨタ・スープラ, Hepburn: Toyota Sūpura) is a sports car and grand tourer manufactured and developed by the Toyota Motor Corporation beginning in 1978. The name "supra" is a definition from the Latin prefix, meaning "above", "to surpass" or "go beyond".

The initial four generations of the Supra were produced from 1978 to 2002. The fifth generation has been produced since March 2019 and later went on sale in May 2019.[4] The styling of the original Supra was derived from the Toyota Celica, but it was longer.[5] Starting in mid-1986, the A70 Supra became a separate model from the Celica. In turn, Toyota also stopped using the prefix Celica and named the car Supra.[6] Owing to the similarity and past of the Celica's name, it is frequently mistaken for the Supra, and vice versa. The first, second and third generations of the Supra were assembled at the Tahara plant in Tahara, Aichi, while the fourth generation was assembled at the Motomachi plant in Toyota City. The 5th generation of the Supra is assembled alongside the G29 BMW Z4 in Graz, Austria by Magna Steyr.

The Supra traces much of its roots back to the 2000GT owing to an inline-6 layout. The first three generations were offered with a direct descendant to the Crown's and 2000GT's M engine. Interior aspects were also similar, as was the chassis code "A". Along with this name, Toyota also included its own logo for the Supra. It was derived from the original Celica logo, being blue instead of orange. This logo was used until January 1986, when the A70 Supra was introduced. The new logo was similar in size, with orange writing on a red background, but without the dragon design. That logo, in turn, was on Supras until 1991 when Toyota switched to its current oval company logo. The dragon logo was a Celica logo regardless of what colour it was. It appeared on the first two generations of the Supra because they were officially Toyota Celicas. The dragon logo was used for the Celica line until it was also discontinued.

In 1998, Toyota ceased sales of the fourth-generation Supra in the United States.[6] Production of the fourth-generation Supra for worldwide markets ended in 2002. In January 2019, the fifth-generation Supra, which was co-developed with the G29 BMW Z4, was introduced.

@Fizzqbl - 09.03.2025 05:41


@rafaelramirez7992 - 09.03.2025 06:09

not sure how to explain this but BC means before Christ which indicated how many years were left before Jesus Christ was born, so in the best way to summarize this is like i invented lets say a table in 100BC and in 101BC tables werent a thing, so that means in 99BC tables were being used. so in BC years, years are being counted down, AD means that the years are being counted up, AD is the new type of years we are in, like 2025 AD. also please pin incase people dont get the joke

@Yuji1122 - 09.03.2025 06:16

Home Depot ahh Video

@Here129 - 09.03.2025 06:17


@Yuji1122 - 09.03.2025 06:18

2999 BC was AFTER 3000 BC

@GavinCrockett-o1v - 09.03.2025 06:21

Elite joke

@Chess-Nut1000 - 09.03.2025 06:22

Wait tell me how this is funny I know 2999BC is after 3000BC but how is that funny bro?

@JenkinsWeng - 09.03.2025 06:39

I’m confused at 14 years old

@Huggysback - 09.03.2025 07:01

It took me 4 times to remember in bc years are counting down

@Gojo-l2b6s - 09.03.2025 07:04

It took me in my little fucking walnut sized brain so damn long to figure this out 😭😭😭

@The_Masked_Weirdo - 09.03.2025 08:14

Ehehehehehhehehhehehheheh pushes nonexistent glasses up on my face

@Male512-n1p - 09.03.2025 08:22

for those who dont get it: it counts down in bc

@Certified_Tyler - 09.03.2025 08:35

2999 BC came after 3000BC

@JewelReece-v1w - 09.03.2025 08:38

Damn how did it take me too long to realize it

@PineGameznEditz - 09.03.2025 08:38

For those who dont get it:
Bce years go backwards as forwards so 2999bc is the future, guess the entire thing

@damian7777hgy - 09.03.2025 09:05

for those who dont know, Bc means "before common era" and so the less Bc there is the more close to the current year we get, and Ce means "common era" and thats after 0 Bc

@MacskaKiralyOfficial - 09.03.2025 09:07

-3000 is bigger than -3001 so hammers already existed im -3000 according to this video

@NoahR5 - 09.03.2025 09:10

So uhhhhh.... Yeah I'm just an idiot ig. 💀😭💀😭

@KoryEditzVidz - 09.03.2025 09:27

New gen’s don’t understand this

@sigmasigmaboy-u6s - 09.03.2025 13:36

Wow camera was invented before hammer 🔨😮😮😲😲😯😯

@pronoobofficial - 09.03.2025 13:44

Bro I didn't realise that 2999 bc is after 3000 bc

@Matteditzzz-69420 - 09.03.2025 15:08

How to confuse ppl who don't understand how BC time works💀🙏🗿🔥🔥

@MilanTakacs-xc6wh - 09.03.2025 17:13

So that means were going back in time

@Krunchyestoftherolls - 09.03.2025 17:51

My dumbass forgot that BC years are counted backwards 💀

@Gear5Luffy-123 - 09.03.2025 18:14

Wait what?

@Cannonball745 - 09.03.2025 18:42

But when were nails invented…?!

@Harmachandagoat_official - 09.03.2025 19:29

How to confuse 5 year old kids:

@bendaspy - 09.03.2025 19:33

bro had one job and did it right

@Apexistaken - 09.03.2025 20:04

Those kids who skipped history classes ☠️

@Little.terminator - 09.03.2025 21:00

How to cunfuse idiots

@martaojeda75 - 09.03.2025 21:18

So true

@Penguino12345 - 09.03.2025 21:47

glad this was a joke and not just the creator being brain dead 😭

@HdgdgdvVsvsvsvsv - 09.03.2025 22:23

For those who dont understand:3000BC is earlier than 2999BC

@MarzuqMdok - 10.03.2025 01:12

Y’all it’s 2025 it haven’t been 3000 bc

@YummyTea69 - 10.03.2025 01:50

Is the game good

@unripebanaman - 10.03.2025 01:54

People who think this isn't that funny

@Sh3lly_DWafk - 10.03.2025 03:31

as a history addicted, i got that WAY too fast

@Newmenewahhhh - 10.03.2025 04:02

My brain didn’t brain here

@MrmythE34 - 10.03.2025 04:49

For those who don't know :i dont either (joke)

Real explanation: Back in BC it went backwards so hammers were made a year ago in 2999 BC (Basically if you didn't understand the years went down/backwards)

@Pronyboy - 10.03.2025 08:10

Oh, I get the joke now
For all the people who don’t feel like trying to think about this

BC instead of going up a number every year it goes down so it’s meant to trick your brain into thinking “ but they invented hemorrhage in 3000. How do they have it in 2999 ?”
