The Warframe New Player Experience

The Warframe New Player Experience


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@strizzle1029 - 06.10.2024 18:43

What if any is the end game? Something I'm missing from destiny as well is the social aspect, I've had some amazing times trying to figure out a day one raid with six random people

@wierdwheel4404 - 06.10.2024 23:33

Don’t join his clan it’s a ploy to take your harrow chassis

@thezaret639 - 07.10.2024 21:41

you forgot to mention potatoes during the modding section

@arch_angel382 - 09.10.2024 23:25

I finally got back into the game after a 3/4 year break its a lot of fun but i gotta say the grind is real

@meshmerah14 - 10.10.2024 14:53

If there's one thing that I'd like mentioned is the existence of the tennogen program. It costs real life money to buy but thats because it directly pays out to the creator of said skins. If you're a 3d modeler yourself and is interested in warframe, you might want to make skins for the game and possibly earn some cash on the side.

@justnolini2680 - 10.10.2024 16:11

in the past 3 months i put 400 hours into the game did same thing as u basicly

@Shishido_Kaya - 10.10.2024 17:03

I wish I could experience the we all lift together cinematic for the first time same with obtaining Excalibur umbra. When I hit mr30 I’m gonna go through all of it again

@justnolini2680 - 10.10.2024 17:10

roar bis to put on almost anyone

@falco4128 - 12.10.2024 05:24

I have more hours than you in the game and I started three weeks ago😢

@dylanevartt3219 - 13.10.2024 03:27

About the boosters, leave your character sitting at Strata Relay for like 20 min before you play and youll likely be blessed by all the 3hr booster types from other players. If youre just after an affinity booster itll likely take less than 5 min

@duwop544 - 14.10.2024 08:12

Very well organized and communicated.

@Wizardbeard91 - 15.10.2024 04:24


@immrmeeseekslookatmeee1853 - 15.10.2024 23:50

You will.never have this much forma- bro i had that much forma just from scarlet spear

@RhodesKing-q4r - 16.10.2024 15:05

Wilson Scott Perez Sharon Smith Linda

@michelchaman6495 - 18.10.2024 04:24

returning player here ur guide is super useful i'm mr24 and playing for a decade but i've also been playing off and on and most of my playtime was a long time ago when warframe was newer this really helps a lot. I will stop turning my grandmother tokens in for standing O.O

@MilkDrinkerVD - 18.10.2024 06:45


@kissshot4302 - 19.10.2024 10:55

im new and i fell for join our discord and clan . even if you play solo . even if you dont want to socialize with anyone . just be respectful and help in anyway . i joined discord . filled in an application for clan . i got immidiatly rejected . wow that felt good . thank you . reason . let us get to know you better . in about 2 weeks fill in another app and we'll see. beg to get in the cool kids club . wtf is this mid school . if your cool enough youl get in .

@AubryRugBurn - 22.10.2024 05:13

The prime access bundle is definitely enticing giving all the boosters, but idk if this just me as an old Warframe player talking - when you first start the game you won't really need the boosters from the prime bundle. You technically need that shit later when you have tons of frames and weapons to build and really all that's left is grinding through them.

Early on, you'll probably spend so much time learning what Warframe you like, which play styles, and what weapon types - that you honestly will have burned half of an entire booster if not more just getting adjusted.

It's better to just play the game completely for free early on - you get boosters naturally at a pretty good rate.

@Cerxen - 22.10.2024 15:23

Something I thing that needs to be addressed: this title is extremely misleading. "Warframe New Player Experience" basically ends in the first 20 minutes, then you get in depth even farther in until it's basically a full blown guide. It should have been "Comprehensive Guide for new Warframe Players starting in 2024."
Secondary Point, "Credit boosters are basically worthless". No, they are actually extremely helpful. When you start getting to the point you are working on larger builds and are making out mods, you will need credits. Prime mods and large gold mods max out at 2-3 million credits plus Endo per mod to max rank. Want to buy stuff from baro kiteer? At least 300,000 credits an item. Want to trade with other players? Credit tax, with a 1 million credit tax for every prime mod you trade. Combined with all the credits you spend buying everything else in the game you will probably run low or out and need credits, and those boosters are great when they come around.

@Sideline1013 - 22.10.2024 20:00

As a veteran, i will say this: never underestimate the higher mr players. We absolutely love when new players discover the game and lose their minds over the quality of this f2p cinematic masterpiece for the first time, and many of us will absolutely enjoy watching videos like this. Also, ignore the haters who flame you for using gifts that other players send you. Literally every time i get a friend into the game i love to gift them stuff to assist them on their wf journey, whether its a booster to help them advance, or a floof for them to decorate with. It doesnt take much to enhance someone's experience, and anyone hating on you for this is simply jealous that your journey is more supported than theirs was. Aint no shame in that. And lastly, mr 20 in one month is friggin crazy. Keep at it dude, you're crushing it.

@importslunglowful - 23.10.2024 07:54

you're a frggin tool

@bigsylph7231 - 23.10.2024 11:58

My biggest advice for anyone wanting to make plat or do any trading is to download and use Alecaframe, it lets you see all your item and their values as well as list them from there, also lets you see the value of items with the ingame overlay

@MarkLangdahl - 23.10.2024 17:19

I have been playing for around 8 years and to me the most eye opening experience was around 3 years ago when I decided to try actually running a truly free to play account. I play on both that account and my original main. But it's the F2P account that I have ranked highest and I find the most enjoyable. And to me that is what makes Warframe truly special: You don't need to pay to enjoy the game. I even do have some quite sick skins on that account. So even on an account where I have never spent a penny I can not only level up just as well as I can on the account where I spend. I can even get good cosmetics either for the plat I get from other players or from certain event rewards.

@janchlupacek - 23.10.2024 19:01

Small tip I have not seen metioned...maybe keep two duplicates of some warframe/weapon mods that you intend to level up to the max and level them only to level two or three. You can use those on your new frames/weapons or when "cycling:"warframes to rank them up. You will not be able to put your maxed out serration on a new warframe, but some lower level serration or split chamber or whatever you can. So for some mods I keep two lower leveled up versions of it, so I can use them on my newly acquired warframes.

@rmreagle - 23.10.2024 19:31

this video really needs some timestamps....

@tonimontana1464 - 27.10.2024 12:13

ive around 1800 login days into warframe, the thing which never changed: Wiki is your best friend lol. also i made a couple 10.000s plat over the years. all with the warframe market site. u set your price and thats it, u can keep playing the game instead of spending time in trade chat and handling with that stuff. sold everything there from fish parts for some few plat or great riven for couple 1000. its very good for buyer too since u can check the average price in the past and also gives u an overview over the current best offers. warframe is the only real free to play game for me who deserved that title. u can get everything for free , no premium battlepass only stuff or anything like that. the other games i play they like to call themself ftp but thats just marketing. (Destiny, genshin impact, the first descendent)

@Dynasty1818 - 28.10.2024 12:16

People whine about the Destiny grind but Warframe is on another level.

@Cookie-mj8xh - 28.10.2024 22:00

1k hours in and i didn‘t know the helius thing thanks alot

@J3FFR3Y2XL - 02.11.2024 21:04

My brother showed me this game and I fell in love with it and have logged about 1,000 hours in an ABSURDLY short amount of time

@fasthands1631 - 04.11.2024 13:11

As a veteran player i do have 1 thing to add here, and its not a dig at you its just so others can see. i do think you're underrating how much having a ton of relics early game helps. yes the game does throw relics at you, but it only throws some relics at you and even just playing the game normally up until like second dream its probable that you wont just happen into relics for a full set of prime parts for anything you can actually craft at that point. you have to go pretty far out of your way, especially as a new player, to grind axi relics and basically every single prime warframe has at least 1 part that comes from axi relics. point is that if you're a new player who has been watching mac's streams, do not expect to be able to just pop prime sets out without having to grind a chunk of relics first. i only even bring this up because it is very easily possible to grind for over an hour and not get the relic you want, and your time is almost certainly spent better elsewhere early on

@a.garcha199 - 17.11.2024 16:44

Congratulations on your progress for sure but your progress wasnt even partly due to the amount of hours you put in, your progress was expedited by a factor of 10x or more. You never had to farm relics, boosters, slots, could rush every build, were given the answer to every question instantly etc. Idc that you got that just dont downplay how insanely crucial that was to your journey. You cant have perspective until you've done it, seeing you play completely f2p for a week and seeing your progress compared would help you realise.

@suspectofmurder - 17.11.2024 19:50

please how can i join clan im a returning player and im sure i will be overwelmed with all the new stuff that is out there and i want to play but i wanna do it with someone who can sometimes guide me or corect me if im not doing something.

@HiddenDavid - 18.11.2024 10:24

So glad I came across this Channel. Def gotta check out the clan, been playing for 10 years on and off. Destiny almost the same but I lose interest when I don’t know what’s going on

@BradieMyers - 21.11.2024 04:22

How did Dallas Pine

@edgarreyes8813 - 03.12.2024 09:11

I’m struggling to join the Discord, is there a reason why this is…?

@hectorsantiago457 - 13.12.2024 16:13

I'll share my own favorite piece of advice: whichever way you WANT to play the game, you SHOULD play the game. There are a lot of players out there that will tell you this weapon is bad, this frame is bad, build these things, dont build those things. They usually arent wrong either! However, it doesnt mean they could never be viable or fun to use, just like the different Warframes. At the end of the day, your account is yours alone, and if youre having fun, then youre playing the game right.

As an example, I play with only a melee equipped with the Naramon focus school and whatever frame I want. You dont need to know what I mean, just understand that there are hundreds of guns to choose from, and 4 other focus schools that are completely different than Naramon. But I love the melee combat system in Warframe, I always have, and while I have options for guns that I enjoy using, I usually play with just a melee because its sooo much fun!

@TurboThunderbolt - 18.12.2024 02:14

God I wish I had that much forma

@TwistedL9Productions - 20.12.2024 17:42

If you have half a brain, its not that difficult

@my0866 - 27.12.2024 12:48

Looks like you have spent a fortune buying Frame Slots, is your weapon collection just as vast.
Explain how the game has given you so many weapon and frame slots, where did you farm them?

@KingKaid2nd - 01.01.2025 11:14

The grind for Tellurium :O, And never buy rescources from the market.

@JDvb23 - 08.01.2025 02:33

In game trade chat isn’t all bad, but I would recommend using wf market to get the price of what you want, and don’t accept anything above it. Using wf market as a metric to offer plat for what I want to buy has often lead to people undercutting my own offer (wf market average price) and giving me a discount

If you’re smart about it trade chat is very nice

@BarbarisII - 11.01.2025 08:31

SIM-you-LACK-rum and SIM-you-LAKE-rum are both acceptable pronunciations

@Shinarock - 13.02.2025 11:08

Ivara is greatest for hunting :D

@Mateo_Vert_Plays - 15.02.2025 04:01

as a fellow tenno and service member i appreciate you for donating

@darknerd117 - 23.02.2025 16:06

I have a friend that ended up not coming back to the game after around 600 hours, but tbh he purposefully chose to do almost everything solo unless I played with him and reaching out and playing with other honestly cuts the grind down by half and also makes this grindy game a lot more fun. I still need to get better at that part myself 😂

@MacticsG1 - 10.09.2024 17:42

With this I can now resume my regular daily warframe uploads, including the completions of the new war quest, whispers in the walls, and jade shadows :)
