Exploration Guide - Find more Earth-Likes

Exploration Guide - Find more Earth-Likes

Down to Earth Astronomy

2 года назад

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Moto Nation USA
Moto Nation USA - 30.08.2023 05:36

When out in the black mapping planets if I land on a previously undiscovered planet does the generation system have a chane for ruins or alien artifacts?

Tim Murphy
Tim Murphy - 27.06.2023 18:51

That doesn’t work. I flew about 1900 ly out of the bubble on my way to Colonia, I scanned a system with around 40 laudable bodies. All but one had distress signals on it which reaped occupied escape pods, picked up 18 from one planet. Also had 2 xzeno locations. Now I scan everything.

Mitch_o - 17.06.2023 19:31

So how do you sell all of the data because there is nothing around you?

Lenny Leonardo
Lenny Leonardo - 15.06.2023 21:26

Ty bro

Ned Truck
Ned Truck - 21.01.2023 15:51

Last trick is usefull thanks !

Bramborough - 21.12.2022 23:55

In so many of these "guides" I keep hearing the term "honk"...without ever having heard anyone explain what that means, how it's done, what does it do for you, what gear is needed, etc.

Gotta be honest, despite all the plethora of guides, tutorials, etc, there's still a information gap out there for truly new players. This honk thing is just one example. I usually leave a guide video with more questions than the thing answered.

Crusina Luachra
Crusina Luachra - 26.09.2022 10:20

I despise going to places others have been.

Kyron Lacuna
Kyron Lacuna - 21.09.2022 14:35

What ship do you use?

DDviper 88
DDviper 88 - 11.05.2022 00:52

Dude, you just made my playing experience 5x better with letting us know about “target next system in route” omg lol

Andrew Mav
Andrew Mav - 12.04.2022 19:54

havent played elite for 2-3 years. i mostly played exploration. nothing changed. NOTHING.
Jump, dong, scan. nothing new.

DutchDuke - 22.02.2022 15:33

yeah...I'm to much of a perfectionist, so I would scan & probe all planets & moons regardless of what they are...in any system I enter.
Unless the system is already fully scanned/mapped...then I'd only pick the high value targets.

JustBecuz - 15.02.2022 22:20

i like to fly past the sun until i hit speeds of 2c then come to a stop and use the fss. helps to get those bodies hiding behind the sun

Dysstopolis - 13.02.2022 17:13

Why your skybox looks so much better, and how to get it?

Mr Soul
Mr Soul - 11.02.2022 19:38

Lots of good tips here, done some light exploring towards witchhead(guess more of a road trip but still lol) think kit out conda this weekend and use some of these tips for a cool trip, find me some life on…we’ll I dunno yet lol

Starly - 06.02.2022 00:37

Explorer here
I spent hundreds of hours exploring and while I didn't learn anything new except how useful can Orrery view actually be. I used it ocasionally to look how a system looks like but I never thought of zooming in on a planet there to get an idea how big the star appears, how close is it to another moon etc.

So big thanks!

Ratstar - 25.01.2022 07:21

what portion of the galaxy that has lots of stars in the background?

CMDR Verm - 22.01.2022 16:26

Many thanks for this. I was not aware of the terraforming bonus or where to look, nor was I aware of the ''trick'' with the ringed planets which was really becoming a pain. Cheers!

STNeish - 21.01.2022 07:24

As a point of interest, when you're getting some distance from the star, it's best to fly UP relative to the plane of the orbits, so that there's less chance something will still be obscured by the star.

GokouZWAR - 21.01.2022 07:06

High metal content worlds even non-terraformables will still net you 150,000 or so per planet. Def worth scanning. The terraformable ones are a def go, but the HMC worlds are worth searching as well. The only ones that are pointless are the RICE planets (Rock, rocky ice, ice planets). Skip all those. ED Scout is also a good thing to have along so you can see the true value of the planets before you go to them. I wish you had made mention of that.
