Simple Solutions to Sacroiliac SI Joint Pain

Simple Solutions to Sacroiliac SI Joint Pain

Positive Motion Chiropractic

4 года назад

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natalia jayy
natalia jayy - 09.09.2021 07:42

THANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO. I was literally screaming YES! Everytime you said anything. I've been going to massage, chiropractor, acupuncture, and physical therapy and nothing is helping me. I was so confused like what more can I do??? Thank you thank you thank you!!! I am so grateful for you taking the time for this and explaining so well!

Claire Morrissey
Claire Morrissey - 31.10.2023 22:40

For an anterior displacement of the SI joint, PSIS on the affected side is higher than the other PSIS (the PSIS is the bump at the base of the iliac crest. Mark the heights of both PSISs and use a carpenter’s level to see which is higher. Adjust for uneven leg length with a wedge if necessary, to make sure the pelvis is level when determining relative height of the PSISs). If the pain is on the side of the higher PSIS, the patient should do a deep forward lunge with the foot on that side forward, and hold the lunge for 2 minutes (1 minute if the patient is hypermobile). Most of the time this will put the joint back in place and the patient will feel instant relief. Two weeks wearing the Serola belt after that is a good idea. For a posterior displacement (PSIS on the affected side lower than the other), lunge with the opposite foot forward. It is true that in general it’s not a good idea for people with SI joint instability to do lunges, but that’s only because they might lunge the wrong way. Lunging in the right direction actually CURES SI joint displacement.

Eric Roth
Eric Roth - 30.10.2023 16:48

This video focuses on SI-joint pain from strains. What about SI-joint pain from arthritis? Do you have anything to help that? An x-ray showed significant loss of the cartilage in my SI joints; I am 69 years old. Pain is worse when sleeping; it wakes me up about every 45 minutes. I walk a lot for exercise (I used to run distance before knee pain eliminated that), but that's getting more difficult as the walking causes SI-joint pain.

PuddleOfCuddls - 30.10.2023 01:55

Volume too low, didn’t watch

Laura - 29.10.2023 03:32

Thank you for the video. Is it recommended to do the Mackenzie stretch? Thank you

Chantel Neill
Chantel Neill - 28.10.2023 20:54

Thank you! I am reallt suffering. 2 yrs now. Feels like so low back but the most excruciating part of slightly left of the pubic symhisis .. like groin but it’s very deep.. centralized to the body and only when I step forward.. once I cross the weight bearing plane and foot starts to come back.. it passes.. but my leg just gives out the pain so bad.. only way I can move is clinch my cheeks to stablize the leg and joint.. it’s insane.. any pelvic exercises like bridges?? What more can I do .. also I have a uterus that is 260 cubic cm.. due to fibroids so removing it Thursday.. please tell me the pelvis and si joint will get better after removing this huge thing.. I’m an LMT and work a day treating my clients .. please respond.. I hope this hysterectomy will help calm it down some

Prithiviraj De Silva
Prithiviraj De Silva - 28.10.2023 05:55

How many hours for a day does one need to wear the belt? Can the patient wear it and sleep?

Big sis and little sis Carter
Big sis and little sis Carter - 27.10.2023 12:38

Or giving birth that’s how I got it

kirk rahm
kirk rahm - 27.10.2023 09:46

I've been dealing with this pain for years, and it's to the point of keeping me awake most nights. This video has taught me so much and answered so many questions! Now I'm armed with the knowledge I need to try and fix this.

SteveDonnaTV CANADA - 27.10.2023 03:15

So many comments I hope you see mine. Ct scan showed I have S I JOINT problems. Doc recommends injections. It is causing sciatic pain right down to toes. Is this right? And thoughts on getting injections and continue chiropractic treatment? Thanks. Great video

Miller Crypto
Miller Crypto - 23.10.2023 18:42

Having back problems for decades I have become literally an expert on back issues, important things I have learnt are:
1 Most Chiropractors/Osteopaths are businessmen first and healthcare professionals second. If they can’t fix your back(or big improvement) in 2 or 3 sessions they are there just to prolong treatment and empty your wallet. If they click a joint and say that was your problem then run a mile. Anyone can gap a joint and cause a clicking noise, kids do it with their fingers!!
2. In SI joint issues you need to stretch out the psoas muscle after the structural problem has been dealt with.
3. Best way to detect a structural issue with the pelvis/SI joint is leg lengths, just lay flat on back, legs together and someone gently pull feet away from you (towards them) and check the ankle joints positions, they should be level if not then most likely the pelvis on one side has been pushed backwards (as mentions in this video a mis step, when coming down stairs or a step down which you don’t see) This happened to me and my ankle joints were malalligned. The side I landed on the ankle joint was higher so pelvis pushed back. Went to Chiropracter a couple of times who just rocked my pelvis on a wedge. Didn’t work so ended up getting someone to yank my leg from the foot to reverse the injury mechanism. It worked ,leg lengths level and out of pain. Please don’t get someone to do this without some advice could cause more issues if not done properly.
4. Belts and supports are generally a waste of time and just companies making money out of people’s misfortune.
5. Keep on the move do not rest too much, keep the body moving and muscles stretched out and strengthen core muscles.
6. With disc problems morning is a dangerous time to do further damage due to the swelling of the disc overnight due to no pressure on the surrounding joint and tissues allowing further swelling. Never stand on one leg, if you must make sure it is slightly flexed or you will just cause further bulging of the disc on one side.

lenbot - 23.10.2023 17:06

Thank you for putting this together, well thought out and presented. This guy knows what he is talking about. ✊

Leonie Christie
Leonie Christie - 21.10.2023 02:18

I have hip impingement and have a lot of SI joint pain because of this. This video is very easy to follow and understand. Thank you.

shortZ Zone
shortZ Zone - 20.10.2023 16:57

So did you marry her?

Monica Mestas
Monica Mestas - 18.10.2023 13:42

Thank you for the great explanation of the mechanics of this joint. The last 7 - 10 days I have had severe pain... literally cannot lie down in any position. Quite unbelievable pain. Have been "sleeping" in an office chair through the night. I did just do a kind of runner's lunge and got two or three pops. Feels a better at the moment, 3:30 a.m. The pain is right side, SI, across to high buttocks and down to hip, radiating into thigh to knee. At my breaking point. Can you recommend anyone in the Lake Elsinore - Temecula Valley, Riverside County, CA? Thank you again.

Emma Lobster
Emma Lobster - 17.10.2023 19:54

Thank you for the video. You had a terrific impact in my life. I had two fusions and for the past year I have been struggling with excruciating pain matching exactly (to the letter) the symptoms you detailed. I am following your suggestions and will seek an SI specialist in the Boston area.

Crystal Perez
Crystal Perez - 16.10.2023 11:00

HI I hope I am able to get a response. I know the video is old, but I am hoping I get a solution out of all the advice you offer. If the injury is about 35 years old. Would all of this advice be able to help me.
I had a fall from the second floor and landed on my feet and my behind. I walk with a limp and in pain ever since. Have had back steroid injections for years but has never helped my hip pain or pain in other parts. Main reason why your video cought my attention is because of the hip pain.
I hope my question can help others.
Thanks you.

Deborah Murray
Deborah Murray - 15.10.2023 04:17

Ingredients in supplement

Deborah Murray
Deborah Murray - 15.10.2023 04:05

Great information as I have periformis issue etc., my daughter is a pilates teacher and we are making progress

Lvini214 - 14.10.2023 10:42

Everything you talked about in the video sounds like my symptoms. I've had 2 si injections as well as a puriformis injection but still no luck. Do you think I should still try what you've recommended in this video?
