Top 25 Game Breaking Glitches

Top 25 Game Breaking Glitches

Tats TopVideos

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Please Visit Tops Crew Channels: Below! #glitch #gamebreaking
00:00 - Intro
00:43 - Super Mario Bros 3
01:05 - Paper Mario
01:36 - Age Of Empires
02:01 - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Mad Dogg Mission
02:31 - Legendary The Box
03:08 - Lion King (PC)
03:32 - Alone In The Dark
03:54 - Crysis
04:27 - Farcry 2
04:58 - Ride To Hell: Retribution
05:32 - Donkey Kong Country 2
06:04 - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
06:47 - Battletoads
07:17 - Action 52
08:13 - Team Fortress 2 (Console)
09:02 - Fallout New Vegas
10:14 - Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PS3)
11:20 - Left 4 Dead
12:24 - Pokemon X & Y
13:02 - Batman Arkham Origins
13:32 - Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess
14:12 - Call Of Cthulhu
14:49 - StarFox 64
15:20 - Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (A Bomb Bug)
16:08 - World Of Warcraft
17:30 - Staff Credits


#Top_25_Game_Breaking_Glitches #Pokemon_X_&_Y_Lumoise_City_Glitch #Lion_King_PC_Glitch #Zelda_Twilight_Princess_Canon_Room_Glitch #Team_Fortress_2_SkyWalk_Glitch #Super_Mario_Bros_3_Airship_Glitch #Call_of_Cthulhu_Devil_Reef_Glitch #Skyrim_PS3_Vampirism_Bug #Oblivion_ABomb_Bug #Paper_Mario_Bowser_Castle_Glitch #Starfox_64_Venom_Glitch #GTA_Vice_Malibu_Glitch #GTA_San_Andreas_Madd_Dogg_Glitch #Left_4_Dead_Survival_Glitch #Batman_Arkham_Origins_Void_Glitch
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@TatsTopVideos - 12.01.2018 23:30

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@danielladanielwth30nlylumi2 - 11.01.2024 12:01

I'm glad I never encountered the 27% Glitch in "Far Cry 2". That game was hard enough as it was.

@amathist1998 - 07.01.2024 15:29

Ooh and another thing about Soul Calibur 3, If you delete anything older than the saves (older than and created before the Soul Calibur 3 save file) before you first play Soul Calibur 3 and Chronicles of the Sword, it will corrupt and maybe break the console. The Soul Calibur 3 corruption never happened to me yet, but I highly recommend getting memory cards and making Soul Calibur 3 as the first save file created on there before adding any other videogame files on it.

@lorikeet6782 - 18.12.2023 10:01

Man this video is so poorly written… but what a throwback lol! I must have watched this a dozen times when I was 14

@ThatOneDogeYT - 25.11.2023 10:19

Another glitch is in Granny. If you were get close to the wall to throw an item at the wall, it clips through the wall, making it impossible for the game to progress with that item. I had learned that the hard way many times.

@kevink2986 - 09.10.2023 18:32

Was the lion king PC glitch fixed for the SNES and genesis versions?

@coelacanth1343 - 12.08.2023 19:53

Here's a recent one in a rhythm game, which makes it impossible to unlock a song depending on when it occurs.
In Phigros, the cutscene after the Chapter 8 boss song may not play, leaving you locked out of not only that song, but also the Extra difficulty for the other boss song.

@nym2717 - 05.07.2023 00:48

couldve sworn this video was longer. weird. oh well, time for a classic lol

@dhenderson1810 - 02.05.2023 02:36

No. 1 might have become more relevant with COVID-19.

@Zukimaru - 18.04.2023 00:25

I remember that glitch in super Mario 3 it brings back memories 👏

@patricklee1633 - 16.03.2023 22:08

I'm surprised that Mighty Number 9s glitches weren't mentioned.

@rambles2727 - 28.02.2023 01:58

Damn this video is nostalgic

@WillieManga - 24.02.2023 05:04

The most common cause for the Mad Dogg glitch is the cheat Peds Attack Each Other because Mad Dogg is one of those affected by the cheat. For some reason it removes what he was supposed to do during the mission and turning it off doesn't restore it. There could be other factors for the glitch occurring but if you use Peds Attack Each Other even once before getting to that point? Game Over. You either have to remove your save file and start over, or try to edit his coding to do what he was supposed to do.

@Rexington - 19.01.2023 18:54

Music used?

@RyanBigger - 16.12.2022 01:37

I don't think that anybody has commented on this video in at least 4 years.

@leighhoule1970 - 05.12.2022 16:10

Fallout 4 crashes when there isn’t enough space without mods

@pepijn23 - 03.12.2022 17:32

There's two bugs that you didn't mention, but are very interesting and one makes the game unbeatable.

The first one- Charlie's Angels (Gamecube)
If you start a new game and beat the first level without having a memory card into the gamecube or one with not enough memory, the game will be unable to save the game and continue to the second level. So instead it will restart level 1. Many players apparently had this issue and caused it to be even more panned by players and critics.

Two- GTA 3 Purple nines glitch

In shoreside vile you get the missions by D-ice (the leader of the red jacks gangs) to target his gangs rivals, the purple nines. During the last mission you have to beat the gang with baseball bats. When you complete the mission an override is executed that disables the spawning of the purple nines. What's game breaking about this is that the command will remain intact and affect the whole game.
This means that you can't complete the mission, Uzi money.
Meaning the game cannot be completed.
Supossedly, deleting the save data on console or re installing the game on PC doesn't help, meaning the glitch will always remain intact.

@TheLordSatan - 29.11.2022 19:39

That's such a dumbtard reason to stop Skyrim. You can easily get cured, how is it you didn't search a single Time online? you were just being lazy. FO

@PokeShadow77 - 02.11.2022 04:13

yeah this definitely freaked me out back then

@BradCorrupts - 01.08.2022 20:59

interesting video, but you seriously need to unfuck the aspect ratio with the earlier games featured here.

@themadvirus613 - 30.06.2022 23:09

Oh yes, the floating point exception glitch

@braixy642 - 28.05.2022 22:20

The Madd Dogg glitch in GTA SA is a result of the pedestrian riot cheat and also has the ability to make your save file permanently incompletable

@Fazbear14 - 22.05.2022 11:48


@june-lol1175 - 24.04.2022 22:31

I bought Pokemon X at launch, and before I entered the city I found a shiny pansage, my first ever shiny. I never encountered the glitch but I can't imagine the devastation that would have followed to lose that shiny.

@UlshaRS - 24.04.2022 01:29

So you played WoW and said the boss is ZulAhGarub? Not Hakkar The Flayer in the instance Zul'Garub? That was a noob error.

@llamaboioflusatia - 17.04.2022 05:10

This woman’s videos haven’t changed in 8 years, absolutely based

@Superluigi881 - 12.04.2022 15:28

Paper Mario on NSO has it's own unique game breaking/save erasing bug that no other version has. Because NSO wasn't shit enough already. And all you have to do is get a game over with Watt as your partner.

Edit: I think it's fixed now but the fact this happened at all is pretty inexcusable.

@SkyTheLeafeon - 13.01.2022 13:54

Age of Empires could feasibly be unbricked by somehow accessing and wiping the cartridge's SRAM.
The only question is how exactly would anyone do that?

@rossmurrayfam1568 - 27.12.2021 00:20

World of warcraft corrupted blood= corona

@rossmurrayfam1568 - 27.12.2021 00:09

Noo way action 2 damnnn

@zahkrosis666 - 26.11.2021 18:50

#1 And then, Covid...

@Barakon - 14.11.2021 16:11

I clicked because of the engie and his little sentry.

@InessaMaxinova - 21.08.2021 09:36

Woag what's this accent
*Checks channel*
Ah, Bri'ish specimen.

@dreamielynn1264 - 09.08.2021 09:03

I didn't realize the original Skyrim looked really bad compared to Skyrim SE. Yikes

@pixelthesketch5257 - 05.06.2021 06:07

Nostalgia at its best for me. Thanks for being apart my childhood and providing all this amazing content over the years.

@adambartlett7955 - 20.04.2021 14:30

oh past GTA V fans, oh how wrong you were

@swordmonkey5932 - 09.04.2021 21:49

I hate game breaking when you save too late screwing up a timing, lack of health, or you’ve used up too many printer ribbons and have to survive 3 hours of play just to make it to the next save point.

@swordmonkey5932 - 09.04.2021 21:46

FF10: The last boss link “sin” disappeared after I had completed all the secondary quests so I could not complete the game second play through. Sold the game. (I never sell my games)

@DiabolikalRA - 03.04.2021 23:50

And let's not forget the massive save bloat that you got on the ps3 version of new Vegas. Useless bloody game. Then there was that cowboy hat glitch that you could not enter the one city sometimes unless wearing that one specific hat.

@Grey_Warden_Invasion - 11.03.2021 22:52

The glitch of Pokemon X and Y has made me so paranoid that even now, years after the glitch has been patched, I still don't save outside on the street but go into a building to do it.

@antonhagbox02 - 25.02.2021 03:00

#1: Bethesda.

@beepboopblu8447 - 13.02.2021 06:19

That last one had nothing on 2020
