How To Conquer The World In 16 Years - Bannerlord

How To Conquer The World In 16 Years - Bannerlord

Strat Gaming Guides

2 года назад

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@phillawrence5148 - 23.11.2023 01:25

Kingdoms wont die on story mode, is it easier kn Sandbox? So annoying 😡

@lucasdurante_ - 18.11.2023 16:26

I have no idea how I managed to play over 150h of this game without discovering your channel.
Awesome guides, you're a life saver!

@egeberkgurol8597 - 28.10.2023 23:31

TÜRKİYE MENTİONED <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

@Ninjah013 - 25.09.2023 18:16

I'm a direct descendant of him

@muhammadasadabbas5479 - 15.09.2023 22:55

😢i got castle without a fight but now i am in a situation where my neck is in between scissors blade both kingdom are fighting to claim that castle and all my money got wasted i can't leave the land which brings me the title of king

@joea7590 - 09.09.2023 22:41

How did you conquer vlandia? They wont stop spamming armies no matter how many times I beat them and if an allied army tries to attack them they always get destroyed. As soon as they declare war pretty much all of attention has to put to them and nowhere else

@AnUnknownPlayer. - 09.09.2023 09:26

16 years?! I aint got time for that, wheres my sub 10 tutorial boah.

@ConcedoNulli - 23.08.2023 23:56

Starting at 50 and turning death off is already a bit of an exploit, though, to be honest.

@michaelweston409 - 23.08.2023 05:29

Dudes like the king of mount & blade campaign🤯😭 he knows his stats

@MrSTOCKBLOGGER - 22.08.2023 02:27

you can tell he put a lot of work into this video....👍

@CaporalAPC - 21.08.2023 05:47

When a kingdown don’t have any town, castle, are they eliminated

@leonsimpson4992 - 21.08.2023 01:36

Anyone got a spreadsheet of all the builds for perks and attributes?

@SwagLeMuffin - 15.08.2023 23:26

You literally run through the starting part in 10 seconds wtf. You never showed us how to actually fight the bandits either. I’m here in the desert and I can’t fight 10 horsemen it’s stupid asf

@cherrypie1044 - 06.08.2023 14:43

What is the difference between attribution points and focus?

@Arson_Welles - 01.08.2023 03:56

Always top quality.

@HousewolfDaddy - 17.07.2023 06:03

Did they get rid of weapon bonus stats on throwing weapons? I should mention I play on console so idk if it’s different, but I have been creating and destroying weapons for probably about 100 hours and still have not finished all my throwing knife pieces or my dagger pieces for that matter - but I focused on throwing knives first. Everything else is done, and went significantly faster because you could make most classes of items up to level 6. Also, in the past when I was making hewing javelins and harpoons to sell in the early game-
(this was long after they changed some of the early money making hacks - and they were most profitable per supply item until I got the narrow and regular menavlion heads with the throwing pine shaft in pole arm)
- and I was getting buffs and rebuffs for a long time.

Fast forward, and I hadn’t made any in a while to use or sell because I now had better items that cost less and sell for more. So since I had been crafting for so long, I didn’t realize that I would get my two siblings without using a companion slot, so I hadn’t gotten that quest finished yet. I finished it, and I’m crafting them weapons and stocking up for my next companions, and I realized that no matter how many throwing weapons I craft, none of them have buffs or debuffs. My main crafter is 301 smithing and 2 more over 250, so they shouldn’t be getting debuffs, but I’ve done well over 1,000 throwing knives, (6/10 of my saved previous crafted menu each time), at least 100 javelins just this time around, and I’m going to do throwing axes tonight but I noticed during crafting orders they had no bonuses. Everything else is still giving buffs, but they seem to be less frequent than it was before. I’m wondering if they ran a patch I’m not aware of. Also, I’d love it if they would add tier 5 items for all weapon pieces in all classes instead of limiting some to 3 or 4. (Throwing knives can’t get above 3 for blades for example).

If you read this long, I have a question too - Can you create tier 6 weapons for all types for the most part? I’ve done it with swords/2h swords, pole arms, 2h maces, javelins, 2h axes. Although I have very good 1h axes, throwing axes~, and pretty good 1h maces, I have yet to get above tier 5 with those and still haven’t unlocked all dagger or throwing knives. I don’t make many pikes from the pike menu but I imagine those will be tier 5 max as well.

(The best moneymakers I’ve found are menavlion with t5 long fanion, throwing shaft - short pine shaft I think, and a cheap iron spear brace for the bottom nets 30k. Narrow menavlion with the same nets about half that, 15.8k or so, but only costs 2 iron and a hardwood instead of a 1 wood, 1 steel, 1 iron). I can get some other weapons worth slightly more, around 35-40k with 1h swords, other 2h pole arms, but they all cost fine steel or Thanaskene steel, and take a lot more pieces of steel to make. I’ll go through all my weapons once I unlock the rest and see what the best moneymakers I can find in the current patch are). There also seems to be a major bug still going on, where every time you load/start up your game, all the buffs on previously crafted weapons disappear. This is good for low level chars trying to sell weapons because it eliminates debuffs too, but it makes crafting suck compared to what it should be - there’s virtually no point in trying to make unique weapons right now and I haven’t heard any indication this is known about much less being worked on.

@Haxior5506 - 16.07.2023 15:07

Well, I guess I am better cause it took me only 2 years...

@thewhitehand7106 - 04.07.2023 14:32

am waiting for the napoleon mod to come gona be fun with muskets and flash uniforms

@reallybadgamer - 03.07.2023 22:58

This is an awesome video. I don't get it, did they nerf those pugio daggers? They are like 10k now.

@reallybadgamer - 03.07.2023 17:53

It's absolutely intimidating watching your incredibly amazing bow skills!

@shrimpsalad2498 - 03.07.2023 14:28

I honestly in every play through just make some money and go out and buy a rhamphelia and a noble bow and go full on horse archer lol. I also grab an exicutioner axe for sieges.

@dnblegend280 - 23.06.2023 18:20

hey, im trying to conquer right now, im king of vlandia and worked my ass off to take over the map. im at the point where i will be at war with 3 factions at once and ive taking all of the left of the map until around Poros, my issue is the second i take over a town/castle if i leave the city u supervised for 2 seconds to take something else i need to keep going back to defend it as my vassals are in armies just walking around and i need to fight just to keep that fief or if im taking another fief that one gets taken under my nose.

@bichchulko5984 - 18.06.2023 01:43

Go take a shower sweaty af

@trippintrippin3840 - 16.06.2023 04:46

bruuuhh i got to restart again lol this game a lot to learn but it’s addicting

@vamignon - 11.06.2023 19:32

This video is quite old by now, so some things might be outdated and more game knowledge be existing already but I'll give some of my observations for a faster run.
The most important thing is having big fight wins (both in scale and "cleanness" in terms of losses. And to do this you need the optimal army . So no matter what culture you pick you go at Battanian's area, start working on relations with the fian villages and recruit exclusively fians. Until 100-150 units having exclusively fians is the best, afterwards you start adding some elite cavalry from recruiting prisoners or troops after fight. Donate to fiefs or simply throw away every other unit. Make yourself the main INT guy in your party you need high medicine as fast as possible and thats the fastest way to do it. Later on you can reach 275 medicine as well which is game changer and I saw that you failed to do it with companions. To make myself clear here, with this kind of gameplay your losses must be lower than 1 dead unit per 100 kills or so. Any balance fight should have 0 losses (couple injuries are fine, Im talking about deaths). I'd accept a death toll of 5-10 in fights 3 to 1 where I'd get 150+ renown. This minimal losses strat can extend to sieges as well. Break their catapults before going in but dont create any melee siege weapons. Make all your range units stand below the walls in loose formation and they will dismantle most of the enemy troops with 0 losses again. If they end up without ammo too soon, pull back and attack again. If for some reason you are forced to siege while they still have catapults, make your archers stand below their siege weapon so they are all out of range. Never let your army use the default positions they suck. If you execute well all these, its a failproof strat. Even when you are locked in a siege and you see many enemy parties surrounding you it isnt an issue as the AI cant make proper estimate of your real strength and they will attack when they arent strong enough. Well if a huge army with 800+ units come to fight your 150, just run then, not worth trying these odds.
For reference I was clan tier 4 with multiple fiefs in a year, as tier 4 I had some 280~ renown fights and my best one was a 430 renown city siege, but I was already tier 6 by then.

In other aspects of the game now,
Smithing: I'll eventually get my character high enough to get attribute points, but its not worth making him the main smith. Any low level companion with a bit of focus on endurance will do, I used a "the Hawk" who also got to 250 bow, 300 riding 250 athletics by the end of my run, with 9 Endurance. Don't try to force smithing early and specifically avoid crafting, its too slow. Start investing time on it after having at least 5-6 units that can smith (you spouse and companions). Start by smelting the spoils of war from the fight you are doing anyway, by looking at their tier. For each weapon category smelt weapons of a higher tier than what you are trying to unlock, for example smelt tier 3 when you are unlocking the tier 1-2, and save the tier 4+ to smelt them later on. For most weapon categories there are some breakthrough unlocks, that after getting them you can accelerate the procedure by crafting and smelting the specific weapon. Thats the time when its worth to start crafting, and you can literally unlock everything within a couple days of rest then. I find Javs the easier one to focus first, followed by polearms (both for smith exp and easy money). 2H swords takes longer because there are more to unlock.

Macro early strategy: Recruit fians, beat looters and do random quests and try to get a riding horse for every unit of yours for the footmen on horses bonus. If you are battanian it makes hunting parties much much faster around forests. With scouting 75 perk you have 0 speed penalty in them. When you reach clan tier 1 go and join the side who is currently fighting against the side you are interested in having as allies/yours later on. Improve relations with them while you grow stronger. Tiers 1->2 and 2->3 are extremely fast if you learn to fight properly. When you are working towards 4 it's about the time to start planning for your first fiefs. They should have the same culture as you first of all. There are many ways to go at it, the simpler one is to become a vasal, take them one after they other and because you previously had 0 fiefs and they are your culture you are guarantee to get them basically. After getting so many fiefs that they stop suggesting you for anymore, you can either chill a bit and stabilize your position or if you are ready just leave the kingdom already.

Some mid game cheese: After creating your kingdom recruit the 2 best families you have already worked your relationships with. With just 2 you can keep getting the new fiefs you like. When you get the third family they will start splitting between them, but if you really want something, you can take back a fief and then give it to yourself as the family who just lost it cant take it again right away. Past that point you can go full throttle and recruit one family after the other... Keep the family heads prisoners while leaving the other members for relationships and focus on taking all the fiefs that a family has before trying to recruit them. Its cheaper and they wont deny you. When the timing is appropriate, make peace with everyone, kick every family from your kingdom, and break it. If you need some time you can stabilize your position again, or create a new kingdom right away because the policies are important. So you take all the fiefs in your name again and you reset wars and kingdom aggression.

This is long enough already I guess. There are many more details for each of the aforementioned category of course but these cover the basics I think. After that point is about doing more of the same at the best of your ability.

@sirzorg5728 - 06.06.2023 04:45

Frederick the great was one of the few historical figures that is claimed by the gay community that actually was, pretty obviously, gay.
This is based off of looking into the question a few years ago. Most of these sorts of claims are flagrant character assassinations of historical figures, but Frederick is the exception to that rule.

@julianofmemes9289 - 27.05.2023 15:05

i cant afford bannerlord so I make my own map painting conquor in a drawing app. Seeing what you did and combining it with bannerlord made me smile, thank you

@cosmictsunami - 27.05.2023 10:03


@Irudium1 - 25.05.2023 19:15

How do you maintain armys tho, i need army management guide of sorts etc.

@bloodsport326 - 21.05.2023 17:05

This guide works 💪 if your new, keep watching, i can vouch for it 💯❤

@djsedits295 - 16.05.2023 21:16

The editing is top notch here, I’m inspired

@arcwolf77 - 09.05.2023 08:13

Honestly such good content man, all of it. Do you have a list of the mods you use in campaign or sandbox?

@michaelmische1433 - 08.05.2023 22:34

You are telling me I can just walk over to an enemy and pay a one time payment and thats it? I always paid tributes and it ruined me, TALEWORLD WHAT THE HELL ARE YOUR MECHANIIIIIIIICS

@hauck96 - 03.05.2023 21:00

Great video but hearing "Stewart" instead of steward made my teeth hurt lmao

@Okboomer9286 - 02.05.2023 23:17

How do i turn birth and death off on xbox

@lachev8256 - 24.04.2023 23:59

"Dirt Bag Derthert Took Verecsand Castle!" 😂😂😂

@MXNGRXVE - 19.04.2023 22:32

Severely underrated

@MilitaryBuff - 18.04.2023 18:47

Making another attempt to get Calradia conquered by a faction of my choice. Tried being a vassal under all factions now going for a different approach which so far is going well. I am an Imperial mercenary who helps the Imperial factions retain their Imperial territory against the non-imperial factions. I started with Northern Empire but have not worked for them since. Mostly work with Western Empire but signed up with the Southern Empire to defend Amprela against a Sturgian Army which was a success. Plan is to help the Imperial factions out until someone wins the civil war then join them to conquer what is still not in Imperial hands. By the looks of it unsurprisingly that is going to be the Southern Empire. They have taken the majority of the Khanate and have two extra clans thanks to rebellions. They surround the Khuzait now only a matter of time before they take it all. Currently focusing on keeping Vlandia contained in the West but want to take back Epicrotia after the vassal there defected to Sturgia. At least Dey Rothad joined the Western Empire. We forced them back into Vlandia earlier and now fighting to keep it that way. If everything goes to shit was planning on rallying a new kingdom myself with other Imperial clans but that definitely won't happen.

@justarandomdude.9285 - 16.04.2023 05:13

I thought this is an actual napoleon plan

@K1tsune__ - 15.04.2023 02:46

Every now and then, I come back to this guide, while I don't follow it step by step, I often use it as a solid base for a lot of my runs. Thanks for your hard work Strat! :)

@kegen121 - 06.04.2023 08:27

I love this and its made my bannerlord experience much better. I just got the game 2 weeks ago and ive logged 120 hours so far. I havent not been able to beat the game. I found i dont like easy as much as i like realistic bannerlord. I dont like that as a mercenary or vassal you cant "kill" a faction off and they continue to raid the villages around is that not an issue for you? And would you do an updated video on this again ? :o id watch it 😊

@alexisstellinga8455 - 04.04.2023 02:00

That's impressive dude 👀

@alexisstellinga8455 - 04.04.2023 01:57

Bro i only got one town and getting it to be one of the most prosperous towns with good caravans took forever.

@benthemortgagepro - 02.04.2023 21:10

How did you successfully defend all those regions?! There’s no way you were able to travel all over and defend on all fronts! Great video
