100 Days of Node.js vs Bun - Who is the winner?

100 Days of Node.js vs Bun - Who is the winner?

Mehul - Codedamn

8 месяцев назад

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@dhruvsingh1899 - 20.12.2023 19:00

Was useful

@cameonn - 20.12.2023 19:02

Good content. I believe BUN will get better in over time tho.

@developerpranav - 20.12.2023 19:39

Been using Bun in production for running scripts written in typescript for deploying Remotion apps to Lambda. ts-node would never work and Bun does work. I understand not everyone can switch to it, but using it for isolated purposes like mine makes sense IMO :D

@ankan-dev - 20.12.2023 20:32

What about tsup? what are your views on it for just running things locally?

@gageracer - 20.12.2023 21:59

great review and examination after actually using it in a business. We tried to add Tailwind to our aging Angular project and even that took more than 2 days and we gave up. Unfortunately with agile you can't stick to these changes and be productive at the same time.

@SRG-Learn-Code - 21.12.2023 00:20

nay, the hype was worse than nfts

@lihinfei8334 - 21.12.2023 04:30

I honestly think you're the "hype explorer" , thank you for the time for your advice. Just good work

@souravdas423 - 21.12.2023 07:50

ts-node also works na?

@MajorBreakfast - 21.12.2023 12:38

Thanks for trying it out and sharing your experience! To me it feels like bun gets better every day. I hope that you'll give it another chance again in a few months when it had even more time to mature.

@tanzimibthesam5861 - 21.12.2023 13:05

Lets say I want to learn backend Javascript what do i start with Bun or NodeJs. Does Bun have all things Node has Like Stream Buffer etc.

@rawallon - 21.12.2023 15:59

I HAD to subscribe after this video, thanks for giving a perspective on a real company thought proccess instead of making a hiporbole statement and putting a scared face on the thumbnail

@abbass_almusawi - 21.12.2023 17:41

Don't be too hard on the Bun, every startup project is bad at first, but with time it will get better

@justpatrick_ - 21.12.2023 19:24

Did you do something like this for deno

@nomadshiba - 21.12.2023 23:51

i tried bun for a while too, it has some issues.
but i like how simple and straight forward and clean the api is.
also fell in love with the macros, literally removes the need for preprocessing for most stuff related to code generation.
i really think about using it more often after they fix the bugs

@dealloc - 22.12.2023 03:01

I think they need to dial back on the borderline false advertising. It's not necessarily false advertising but it's very close to the line imo. Claims of "drop-in replacement" for Node when they know they aren't is not a great look imo. I have respect for what Jared and the team does and in the time they do it, but they just have to stop.

If Bun truly want to be seen as compatible, they should do what Deno does and run campaigns for people to replace Node with Bun as a challenge to help improve the compat. Of course they'd need to incentivize people to do it.

@ayushgogna9732 - 22.12.2023 05:07

what bun version are you using right now

@jarredsumner5983 - 22.12.2023 06:16

I’m sorry you ran into these reliability issues. Our focus today is on making Bun more reliable (and Windows). It’s going to get a lot better over the next few months.

@arupde6320 - 22.12.2023 06:19

man someone needs to give you and your team some award for overEngineering

@fscoders - 22.12.2023 09:31

I am using bun in a couple of project in production. have no issues with it, in terms of development, ci/cd, or runtime. I have use it with Elysia, Svelte and Astro. But all of them are new project from scratch. Tried to migrate few past project to bun, but the time it will take to make it work is really not worth it. At least for me, all my future project will start with bun.

@seanknowles9985 - 22.12.2023 14:39

NX workspaces mate, Bun and Deno support in NX workspace moneorepos.

@Luxcium - 23.12.2023 07:54

You have an accent… you sound like a CEO 😅😅😅😅 I bet we can all agree that there are a lot (of them in the top 500 company) but I wanted to make a compliment and I was thinking about Microsoft CEO

Keep up your good work its appreciated 🎉🎉🎉🎉

@VaibhavPathak-fj6xy - 24.12.2023 08:06

Not sure how much you know about bunjs but let's just clear one thing here that bun doesn't rely on nodejs crypto it's just trying to have the same functions and features implemented exactly (syntax wise) so old nodejs packages can work without building them again. That's how Bun will become the drop in nodejs replacement.

@_thehunter_ - 24.12.2023 12:18

how is the memory footprint compared to node js

@RishiKumar - 26.12.2023 09:48

Just hype

@DM-pg4iv - 26.12.2023 17:49

Ugh why do JS devs keep reinventing the wheel. Anyone remember Deno? What happened to that?

@DanielNistrean - 10.01.2024 00:16

In which framework your Back-end is ?

@RolandAyala - 15.01.2024 03:32

Nice job keeping it real. Bun needs a lot of bake time before if can can fully live up to the hype/promise. Nothing against the great work the bun team is doing (thank you!) -- any such solution would require the same. As a runtime, I ran into the issues you're describing from onset and quickly established not ready. However, Bun has overall been working out well for me as a drop-in pnpm replacement (not using mono-repo), as a test runner, and it's great for running ad-hoc ts scrips from cmd line (tsx works well too, but it has annoying start-up latency for me that's absent in bun). There's been a few times I considered reverting back to pnpm/tsx/jest stack, but I'm holding out and sticking w/ bun because the dev teams seems hungry, and I like the direction.

@maulikjadav9673 - 19.01.2024 09:41

Thank you for making this. I am a SaaS founder and I was checking out if it is a good idea to use Bun as the REST-Backend with MySQL to handle the management console of our product.

Now I know node express is the safest option even if it is slower.

@jeffkirchoff14 - 18.02.2024 13:17

It's really hard to run Bun on Windows
I tried WSL but it keeps crashing

@parvinderjitsingh5117 - 06.03.2024 20:30

Why to create new framework. Improve the existing one

@jancartman321 - 16.03.2024 11:40

Thank you for your honest review and recommendation. I hope and am convinced that Bun will get there, but it's not ready yet. I also think that for node pnpm, turborepo and tsx are solid and fast tooling solutions.

@RockTheCage55 - 30.03.2024 05:47

I tried it multiple times & got frustrated each time & gave up (weeks ago last time) & it’s really buggy. I wouldn’t really call it release quality. I’m back to pnpm. Try to debug with it with vscode. What a pain!!!!

@xavhow - 15.04.2024 07:53

I agree with most what you said.
But I really enjoy Bun, and I also keep Node LTS around, just in case.

@TreeLuvBurdpu - 02.05.2024 22:33

This is a very helpful review. A lot of people, including me, delve into a new area and are confronted with several questions: Am I looking at the latest docs and Am I using the latest versions of the tools. You'll jump into a new tech area and see that several recommended items are in 'deprecated' or not-the-latest-version based on the tutorial or even GPT you are looking at / conversing with. So we are always looking for the latest just for code health, but then we also hear promotions of "The Newest and Improvest" novel tools. It can be difficult for an experienced technologist, let alone for newbists.

@TreeLuvBurdpu - 02.05.2024 22:34

"It doesn't matter how fast it is if it doesn't work"

@desadigitalnusantara2967 - 07.05.2024 16:48

over all, for enterprise product like as goverment apps or retail corporate, are BUN js consumpt, are suitable for now ? or needs several time for waiting BUN be perfect technology ( framework ) ? thanks bro

@zcizzorhandz5567 - 22.05.2024 01:09

Deno is the winner

@garcipat - 18.08.2024 14:14

Node evolved ober years, how do you expect bun to be perfect after 100 days. If people do not start using it, it will also never get to where node is.

@benjaminhon86 - 10.09.2024 17:52

Reminds me once again how screwed up the js ecosystem is
