Carl Jung and the Psychology of Dreams - Messages from the Unconscious

Carl Jung and the Psychology of Dreams - Messages from the Unconscious

Academy of Ideas

1 год назад

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1836 Boat person
1836 Boat person - 19.09.2023 19:21

Fabulous pictures you have chosen - fit the context so well and added to the understanding.
Thank you! ❤️

Nina Perez Dance Today -Thrive Today
Nina Perez Dance Today -Thrive Today - 18.09.2023 19:16

Thank you for this explanation. I now better understand the power that lies beneath our dreams and can help us along our journey. I enjoyed the quotes you chose. Well done!

Ty - 18.09.2023 16:24

Just another night, another dream another vision

Laura Lyon
Laura Lyon - 17.09.2023 02:42

Dreamt of a tidal wave of bunnies

World Around
World Around - 11.09.2023 13:53

Wonderful video. 🎉🎉🎉🎉

I wish I had this level of command over the English language.

David Katuin
David Katuin - 10.09.2023 18:05

I appreciate the time and effort put into this presentation. It certainly gives me a unique perspective to compare oppositional views.

Xxx Oo
Xxx Oo - 09.09.2023 16:30

Carl Jung about dreams’ meanings functionalities

J SUTCLIFFE - 05.09.2023 07:06

Carl Jung and the Psychology of Dreams - Messages from the Unconscious 0458am 5.9.23 this empowerment b.s is quite that.... empowerment as channelled by whatever lurks behind that goal. as for dreaming - what say Jung or Freud, for that matter, re: he who never dreams? being brain dead, then, is the goal of consumer conscious society/reality and i have achieved something in my life, if nought else. all very wonderful, but triggering others to stem the flow of your unconscious or sub conscious or conscious waking life due to your seeming progression with reference to being at ease with oneself is quite tedious ie: the psychologist is totally irrelevant -whose sole aim in life is to make malleable the man who who becomes a sorry tea bag of himself, open to all manner of psychic attack and dubious ploys.... one day i might meet old Morpheus as opposed to my being forced to smell the rank and fetid detritus of the neighbourhood collective idyll.

Perry James
Perry James - 04.09.2023 20:14

I love dreaming and am lucky enough to have some very vivid and amazing ones. I actually look forward to sleeping because every night I will see my family who I've lost, and do extraordinary things.

Roscoe Coaltrane
Roscoe Coaltrane - 03.09.2023 11:55

Hey man, I’m high as ball sack, and god is right here man, I’m talking to

kabuti2 - 02.09.2023 07:53

Actually, he wasn’t good at unraveling dreams. His appraoch was off. He convinced himself that alchemical symbols were the key to the dream imagery. Dream images are much more fluid. His 'interpretations' of his own dreams were mostly wrong. People who know, i guarantee, wont tell what the dreams are showing, no one would believe it. Mainly, they show the 'gods' eternal delight in mocking us mortals

kamar Taylor
kamar Taylor - 31.08.2023 11:16

I would have to say i dont agree fully with the last quote. What about lucid dreaming? I am open to challenges, please someone prove me wrong.

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt - 30.08.2023 18:52

Ive had dreams where i had a problem or i was building something i never built before. And the dream i worked out the steps to take to build it fast and accurately. Now this hits my algorithm because i had a dream of a girl i stopped fucking 2 months ago. 5 years in my life thought about her alot now she shows up in my dreams fml

testi monium
testi monium - 29.08.2023 22:38

Wow !!! What a great presentation on the topic of the meaning of our dreams. God bless Carl Jung and all of those other human beings that are working hard to help Mankind.

Dustin Clark
Dustin Clark - 28.08.2023 06:42

So, what does it mean if I rarely have dreams, or at least that are remembered? Am I zend out or what?

Giantcrabz - 24.08.2023 03:18

Carl Jung was a hack. His "interpretation" of alchemy, among others, was laughably bad and ahistorical. Jung just fills the role of Freud for dumb conservatives who think they're intellectuals for rehashing his long-superceded work. Ooooh so profound! No, there is no collective unconscious and dreams are mostly just random noise in the brain, not magical omens

Diesel Weasel
Diesel Weasel - 23.08.2023 16:15

Some dreams I can’t remember but I’m stunned by how I can recall a feeling. Like a hangover whispering emotions that I cannot imagine. The only certainty is how I long to return. Could it be that my subconscious is comforting me? Offering some refuge?

Prince Amu
Prince Amu - 23.08.2023 07:35

Wow I wrote a song called big dreams and it describes exactly what this video is saying. Kind of crazy.

CYR - 22.08.2023 23:56

Before the father of my kids passed away, I had two frightening and bizarre dreams. In one, I saw a black woman and her daughter (I have a daughter) fall off a building, and in the second dream, it was my son and I that fell. He passed away shortly after that. (5/13/22). Life is difficult, but I still have hope.

JRTime - 22.08.2023 18:49

I would be lying if i said i didnt enjoy interpreting dreams. But some, ones that involve animals, are harder to interpret. But most of mine with animals involve wolves. And 99% of these dreams involve predatory animals only.

Alastair Martin
Alastair Martin - 21.08.2023 08:18


MontcomHorror - 18.08.2023 10:00

Some people dream in B & W, others in color . . . I dream in Technicolor. 😮😮😮😮 Yep.

Catwalk Producción
Catwalk Producción - 17.08.2023 04:16

Gracias por su contento, los amo! ♥️🇲🇽♥️

Paul Zeng
Paul Zeng - 17.08.2023 02:02

Your words hurt me. Why is the human psyche always infiltrated by these control freaks, matrix after matrix, now this evil transhumanism trapping the human soul in electricity. Quantity of evil and negligence overrides the effects of virtues and compassion.

Sabina Lopez
Sabina Lopez - 16.08.2023 10:21

Why does he talk like his mouth is frozen

Amanda Recovery Jones
Amanda Recovery Jones - 16.08.2023 07:44

I gave my life to God and ended up quitting weed, alcohol and dreams have been incredibly vivid since. Now, I look forward to sleep so I can see this incredible world. Many times they dont mske sense. Orher times i can hear clearly. I believe God can speak to us in dreams. Dreams can make a dull or depressed life so much more interesting.....

Robleyarl - 16.08.2023 05:40

Dreams: Where your subconscious tries to send you profound life-altering messages in the most convoluted way possible. It's like your brain's version of a cryptic drunk text at 3 a.m

Franz herflek
Franz herflek - 15.08.2023 02:21

Dreams are just random bullshit nonsense, they mean absolutely nothing !. Why does eveyone want a reason for everything...

Fat Kart
Fat Kart - 15.08.2023 00:00

Sure, Freud. Having my hands stuck inside the skin of a stranger and dislocating her shoulder blades around like a sliding puzzle until I "solve it" in order to break free while she's crying in pain is clearly a repressed fantasy... (õ__Õ )

Rumpled Stiltskin
Rumpled Stiltskin - 14.08.2023 21:31

Based on your choice of pictures for this video you dream about erotica. What do you make of that?

Sirios Star
Sirios Star - 14.08.2023 09:49

The solution to understanding dreams is to wake up.

Robert Keith Eutopia ( Catholic, Sioux, Choctaw. )
Robert Keith Eutopia ( Catholic, Sioux, Choctaw. ) - 14.08.2023 08:51

Happy that it works.! And sadness that it engulfs the light.

Samuel Valperga
Samuel Valperga - 14.08.2023 06:31

Perhaps our dreams are not all ours ?

Tom Mangialino
Tom Mangialino - 14.08.2023 06:04

Very insightful and helps clear up something I began writing about a personal internal search.

Christine Abercrombie
Christine Abercrombie - 14.08.2023 02:55

i think its a different thing now, i think youd have to be more honest and discuss technologies involvement in them. and the abuse that entails.

Elmo Zweiback
Elmo Zweiback - 14.08.2023 01:32

Do you have scholarships for broke veterans?

AnjalE - 13.08.2023 14:41

Don't u know that dreams are your reality???????

When we sleep, the body is recharging.

The spirit awakens

Dont u know this world is not reality!

The spirit realm is reality

Your life is only a manifestation of what has already happened in the SPIRIT

Pay attention

alibabashero - 13.08.2023 13:10

I fell asleep listening. Thank you

SPanta6two8 - 10.08.2023 11:36

👏🏽 💚

tsoogi - 07.08.2023 09:40

For some reason when I watch any of these videos I feel like Im being programmed by some subliminal ideology and I dont like that.

Earl Mathew Locsin
Earl Mathew Locsin - 07.08.2023 07:07

I dream about going down the stairs ( fire exit type ) but i was not walking but hovering.. upon reaching the 3rd floor i saw a shadow of a woman. I keep going down till i reach a corridor where it was endless.. then moments later the same woman appear pointing at me while her mouth is screaming open.. any thoughts about this?

Moetez Karoui
Moetez Karoui - 07.08.2023 04:20

Does anyone know what the name of that first painting is please?

Bruce Li
Bruce Li - 06.08.2023 18:15

Dreams will be what separates us from the machines.
Artificial Intelligences can not, ever dream for they have no soul.

Justin Cox
Justin Cox - 06.08.2023 08:45

I remember my History teacher)football coach, showed us a video on dreams for an hour in class one day

WhoCaresAnymore? - 05.08.2023 23:47

The popes apart of the elite

JeepZ - 05.08.2023 13:02

Mr. sandman... bring me a dream! 😮

Tim N.
Tim N. - 05.08.2023 08:37

I recently started a dream journal, it lives on my bedside table with a dedicated pen.
My goal upon waking is to document / capture my thoughts.
There is a brief ~30 second window before my brain truly wakes up.
Within this window 2+2 can equal anything, I can be 10-feet tall, logic and rationality is entirely fluid.
Once the journal is full, I plan on reading it completely.
It will be spectacular reading. :):)

Lech Robakiewicz
Lech Robakiewicz - 04.08.2023 17:42

His name was Carl Gustav Jung, not Carl Jung. This man deserves respect !!

Atomic Statements
Atomic Statements - 04.08.2023 02:35

There is no "psychology" whatsoever contained within anyone's Dreams'. That's puerile pseudo-intellectual delusion.

Not even Carl Jung's inherently fallacious opinion's change the fact that Dreams are nothing more than Mental Flatulence. No human beings opinions about Dreams means anything other than some fool's inherently fallacious opinion's about dreams - even when it is Carl Jung opining.

This is such ridiculous departure from Logic, Reason, and Science it's pathetic!

Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and Psychotherapy are all opinion based, inherently fallacious, pseudoscience, invented by arrogantly-ignorant, wealthy, elitist academic, crackpot's of Logic, Reason, & Science.

FFS - The pathetic assumptions here are that EVERYONE DREAMS, or that 'everyone' has recall of their Dreams and that is utterly moronic. Most don't have any recall of Dreams whatsoever, and some don't dream at all. How did Carl Jung become the exclusive expert on "interpreting Dreams"? What Science is that and how does it work - given Carl Jung gives nothing but inherently fallacious pseudo-intellectual OPINION'S on Dreams?

Do you folks not understand how objective Logic works? Because it sure AF DOESN'T operate on opinion! Not even Carl Jung's opinions!

Where's your credibility?
