Carmilla | Gothic Horror Novella Review

Carmilla | Gothic Horror Novella Review

Read by Fred

1 год назад

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@BookChatWithPat8668 - 02.03.2024 22:52

Wonderful review, Fred. I’d like to read this novel now. Thanks for such a thoughtful review.😊

@eriebeverly - 02.03.2024 23:02

Le Fanu is my favorite classic ghost story writer. A lot of the ghost stories feature characters who can't forgive themselves for some past mistake and haunt themselves to death. There are also a lot of stories where characters are just drunk off their asses and keep seeing things. Mixed bag but always well-written.

@BryanM.R.-prionic1 - 02.03.2024 23:07

Interesting commentary. I haven't read a lot of Gothic horror yet, but a couple years ago, I bought cheap collections of several of those authors' works for my e-reader. I need to finally get around to checking them out. And for some reason, I kept hearing NIN's "Closer" play toward the end of your review. 😳😁

@musicroom7185 - 02.03.2024 23:19

Great review! Made me want to read it, and happily, it is free online at Project Gutenberg, so I will likely read it soon. I just started Frankenstein yesterday, so will finish it before I try Carmilla, but both appear to be fairly short reads. Thanks as always!

@stuartgriffin1001 - 03.03.2024 00:34

Great review. I do have a copy of the book. Your review makes me want to read it soon

@katsnoveladventures1863 - 03.03.2024 01:26

Terrific review, Fred! 🎉 I loved how you shared information about the author and elements of gothic horror. Carmilla sounds like a book I would enjoy reading. 😊

@thewestisthebest - 03.03.2024 02:10

I enjoyed it as well when I read it years ago. Another nice episode!

@ToddsBookTube91 - 03.03.2024 04:46

Nice review Fred! Are you going to paricipate in March of the Mammoths?

@BookishChas - 03.03.2024 08:46

Great review Fred! This is one of my favorites. Slightly better than Dracula, which is also a favorite of mine.

@RaynorReadsStuff - 03.03.2024 11:16

You have certainly sold this. I really want to read this now 😊 Nice review.

@AaronReadABook - 03.03.2024 17:14

Great review. I read this last year and then read Dracula straight after, I prefer Stoker's writing but thought this was actually a better reading experience because it is so much better paced and structured.

@TheBookclectic - 04.03.2024 03:10

I read this last April and unfortunately, I didn't like it. I didn't get along with the writing. He did this thing where he would repeat distinctive words in the same sentence, or use the same words in back to back sentences. That has always been a pet peeve of mine. It feels like lazy writing. I'm glad you liked it though! ❤

@bigaldoesbooktube1097 - 04.03.2024 08:10

Such a great detailed review thanks Fred 👍

@krisreviews - 08.03.2024 02:01

A vampire???? No way! I never would have guessed that 😉

@JamesSedgwick-jp6hh - 04.04.2024 23:37

I actually have the same edition that you have.

@KyleMaxwell - 21.04.2024 07:13

Read this recently in my effort to catch up on Gothic fiction. Still wondering about that mother character….

@TheLinguistsLibrary - 26.04.2024 18:02

Gothic novels are such great reads. You might like Rebecca and Wuthering Heights (if you don't mind the romance aspects). No one talks about the scandalous things we see in the

@Cobaltdragon - 05.05.2024 04:46

Great review. I enjoyed the story, fun read 👍. Only missing piece for me was no explanation who the mother was, or I missed it. Reading it next week again for horror mayhem so may find the answer this time 😎

@samiflory - 18.09.2024 03:02

Just finished Carmilla and I loveddd it!! Le Fanu weirdly made me sympathise with Carmilla - she didn’t ask to be haunted 😭 Loved the review!

@johnwhelan9663 - 11.10.2024 01:01

You say "spoiler free review", but you already mentioned "fangs". Le Fanu was alot more coy with his clues. Because yes, "vampire" is a spoiler, or was originally meant to be. Nowadays, nobody reads it without already knowing that Carmilla is a vampire, but that was not how Le Fanu originally presented it, in either of the two publications during his lifetime.

@johnwhelan9663 - 11.10.2024 02:41

Not scandalous for 1872. Modern readers don't generally understand Victorians. They assume the Victorians were like the 1950s only moreso. But it was not until about 1950 that anyone noticed anything scandalous.

@chickenx777 - 13.10.2024 15:49

it's definitely a castle, haha. the word they. use os "schloss", which is just german for castle. i feel like, in english, it's meant to describe a specific type of castle, havimg read it in a couple of different english books now (all of which taking place in german speaking countries, though)
which to my next point: the "distant easter european country" being central european austria. though it's in my own state, styria, which is eastern austria
